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Michelle in IL

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Posts posted by Michelle in IL

  1. Got some more practice this morning. :) I think I'm smooshing too much when I'm changing him. With disposable I'm used to wiping the bum with the diaper to get the majority off. It seems like that is making it harder--making it stick to the diaper more?


    Had to laugh at the post about what someone's 80 yo grandma would think. Since this cloth diapering thing came up, I have thought many times about poor Ma Ingalls. What in the world did THEY do? Yes, we have it easy.


    Definitely going to try the liners again. And I am all about not fussing about what won't come off and letting the washing machine take care of it. Who am I to underestimate my washing machine. :)


    Everyone is so helpful. Thank you for all the perspectives!

  2. I do have some of the liners but they seemed to just be one more thing with poo on them. I'll have to give them another go.


    I remember hearing about the sprayer but didn't want to invest in it in case I didn't really like cloth. Ha! LOL.


    I recently did the dip and swish and still got some on the outside of the toilet and the floor.


    I prob just need more practice (blech!). Lucky me! I'm not a germaphobe or a neat freak by any means. This has really been an issue for me though.

  3. Pretty sure this is my first post here. So sorry about the gross topic but I HAVE to know...


    What do you do with the poo?


    I bought some cloth diapers last fall for my little guy. He was about 16 mos at the time. We did ok with them. The wet ones were no problem. I don't mind the extra laundry really but ugh the poop. I must be doing something wrong!


    This may be TMI but that first poopy diaper was crazy! I had poo on the toilet, on the floor, on the sink, even between my fingers (puke!). Ugh. It was awful. I struggled through a month or so. The rash I was trying to get rid of went away so we went back to disposables.


    Just had to dig them back up as we had another rash issue. Ugh! Same experience with the poopies. All I am doing is trying to knock the bulk of it in the toilet usually with a piece of TP. I am not by any means trying to get all of it off. What am I doing wrong?


    When I hear people say how they LOVE cloth diapers I just don't get it. I mean they are cute and all. Love the cost savings but oh the poo. Help, someone?

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