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Posts posted by Ahodgson923

  1. I feel like everything is kind of up in the air, as I have no idea whether our co-op will actually be able to meet this year.  We will see what happens, I guess.  



    • Math Mammoth 5
    • Teaching Textbooks 5 and begin 6 as independent work in the evenings.  


    • Masterbooks Life Science (with our Co-Op)


    • Joy Hakim's A History of US series
    • Review of Presidents and States/Capitals
    • Listen to Story of the World 3 and 4
    • Listen in on some of his sister's stuff from Masterbooks' American History
    • Literature to coincide with American History unit.  Still finalizing this.

    Language Arts:

    • Jr Analytical Grammar & JAG Mechanics
    • Megawords 1, I believe.
    • IEW SWI Level B with his 7th grade sister.  I will modify as necessary for him.
    • Literature - History based, as mentioned above.

    Foreign Language:

    • Spanish (With co-op)


    • Lacrosse
  2. I think I am almost settled on 2020-2021 plans.  Maybe.  😆  Lots of this is based on our co-op actually being able to run this fall, so I guess some of it may change if they don't.  We shall see.  


    • Principles of Mathematics Book 1 and hopefully a good chunk of Book 2. 
    • Teaching Textbooks 7 and maybe start their Pre-Algebra as individual work ("homework"?  Haha!) in the evenings.  Hopefully, between the two, we can get my math-resistant kiddo a solid grasp and get through Algebra 1 by the end of 8th grade.  


    • BJU Life Science (with our Co-Op)


    • Masterbooks American History (With our Co-Op)
    • Joy Hakim's A History of US series
    • Review of Presidents and States/Capitals with 5th grade brother
    • Listen to Story of the World 3 and 4 with 5th grade brother
    • Literature to coincide with American History unit.  Still finalizing this.

    Language Arts:

    • Analytical Grammar - Season 2
    • Megawords (Haven't figured out which book we will begin in yet)
    • IEW SWI Level B.  We did one of the History based books with our co-op last year, so I think we will focus on the actual SWI course this year.  
    • Literature - History based, as mentioned above.

    Foreign Language:

    • Spanish (With co-op)


    • Continue competitive gymnastics...  Maybe?  At 12, who knows what she wants to do with herself from one minute to the next.  




  3. On 2/7/2018 at 6:47 PM, Erielle said:
    I'm a full-time student again, so we're going to be using Acellus for the core four (LA, math, science, social studies/history) + two electives (engineering & Spanish). It is a way for my DS to work *mostly* independently while still having to be an accountable student. Plus, it keeps track of records & grades without me having to do that. This is what our family needs right now. Acellus lessons are so short and to the point without unnecessary busywork, so I add in supplements to extend our school day (to 4 hours max daily) and ensure my kiddo is still getting exposed to a "feast of foods." It looks like a lot when written down, but it's actually rather simple and fun. We pretty much just read a lot of books, pursue interest-led learning, and keep it engaging. Language arts & math are our focus, followed by science because that is my son's favorite subject.
    Language Arts/English: Brave Writer (A Quiver of Arrows & Jot it Down!). Mad Libs for fun extras.
    I have a struggling/reluctant writer, so I'm hoping BW will be the answer to our prayers. It seems wonderful.
    Not sure if I want to add in an italic handwriting book or stick with Draw Write Now for penmanship practice.
    Spelling: Apples and Pears.
    Literature/Reading: Read alouds from living books. Readers from a list of mom-assigned books. 
    Math: Math Mammoth? If not, then Singapore. Life of Fred as a fun supplement. Maybe finish up Beast Academy 2.
    Science: Mystery Science + read alouds. BrainPOP Junior.
    We also have a STEM subscription box from Amazon we make the most of.
    History: Read alouds + Magic School Bus, Bill Nye, and documentaries that compliment what we're learning at Acellus.
    Geography & Culture: Little Passports + read alouds from Give Your Child the World. Review map skills as needed.
    Fine Arts: Piano lessons. Doodle diaries. Artsy fun things from Art Lab & the Artful Year. We're still in the years of learning through play, exploration, discovery, and wonder so I don't have a formal art/music history program yet. Still letting his imagination run wild and lead the way.
    Logic/Critical Thinking: fun workbooks I've purchased off Amazon + continuing to master Chess
    For Fun: Orphs of the Woodlands (a reading adventure). BrainPOP Junior and other fun, educational apps we get through a co-op we're apart of.


    This is eerily similar to our plan for the year.  

    I have had a tough second year of homeschooling (sophomore slump?).  We did really well the first year, but things kind of fell apart and got crazy around November and we never really got back on track.  

    Therefore, we are going to try acellus as a "keeping us accountable" prop for this year.  My husband doesn't like the idea of this being our primary curriculum or of them spending hours in front of a screen every day.  So they will work about an hour or so a day on acellus and the rest will be more typical homeschooling.  This will also give me time to work individually with each kiddo while the other works on acellus.  

    For my rising 3rd grader:

    Acellus: math, LA, Science and Social Studies.

    Additional LA (all with his 5th grade sister): Bravewriter arrow subscription, sequential Spelling, Fix it grammar (maybe.  Not sure if he is ready for this yet)

    Additional math: Beast Academy.  We are about halfway done with 2B.  We may skip right into 3A, as I don't know when 2c will be released.

    Additional Science: thinking about mystery science

    Additional History: thinking about running through SOTW beginning with ancients again since we already own all four levels.  Maybe incorporate more activities this time through, since last time, we basically just listened to the audiobooks.  

    I may try to wean us off of the acellus if we are doing well.  But I need to know that they are getting some sort of schoolwork done if we have another hectic season like last year.  

  4. I just uprooted my whole plan and decided to try Wayfarers.  I realized this year (our first year) that I did pretty well with getting math and LA done, but not so hot with the other things.  I like the mix of Classical and Charlotte Mason and the first term was only $25 for the PDF (plus paper and all.the.books.  Thank goodness for thriftbooks!)


    We did ELTL and RLTL this year and liked it, so we are going to give the full on Wayfarers curric. a try.  

    We will be doing Modern with his older sister, so our plan looks like this:

    Math: MM2

    LA: ELTL 2

    Spelling/Reading: RLTL 2

    History: SOTW 4 Spine with Wayfarers literature.
    GeographyUS Focus
    Science: Still wavering a bit here.  Waiting for the books to come in that I ordered based on Wayfarers recommendations and will go from there
    Bible: Wayfarers PLAN 2

    Latin: SSL2
    PE: Tumbling Class, Swim Lessons, maybe Soccer and/or Lacrosse

    Music: Hoping to get going on guitar lessons


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  5. I have my kids mark (underline, circle, highlight) the numbers in the problem, then find/mark the words that tell them what to do with those numbers.  From there, we transition it into a formula and then solve.  Mine are 1st and 3rd grade.  Not sure if it will get more complicated as we go, but it works for now. 


  6. I'll play!


    3rd Grade DD

    Singapore 2A/2B (hopefully 3A)

    ELTL 2 or 3 (DD really wants to go ahead and jump to 3 but I am hesitant)

    AAS 3

    Maybe some Bravewriter-either Jot it down or some Arrow issues

    RSO Life Science

    SOTW 1

    Long Story Short and Bible readings

    Song School Latin 1



    1st grade DD

    Miquon mixed with Singapore 1A/1B

    ELTL 1

    AAR 2

    Possibly Jot it Down with older sister

    RSO life Science

    SOTW 1

    Long Story Short and Beginner's Bible

    Song School Latin 1


    We should totally be buddies! 😄. Our list looks similar:

    3rd grade DD:

    Math mammoth 2/3. Beginning 2 now and hoping to get through 2 and 3 by the beginning of next summer.

    ELTL 2/3. Beginning 2 now and hoping to get through 2 and 3 by the end of next summer.

    RLTL 1 (and maybe 2)

    SOTW 1 (probably only listening to the audiobooks and creating our own activities to go along)

    Song School Latin 1

    Home made US Geography

    Science -undecided

    Zaner Bloser Cursive

    ARTistic Pursuits K-3 Book 1

    Maybe some additional writing. Brave-writer?


    1st grade DS:

    Math Mammoth 1

    ELTL 1

    RLTL 1

    SOTW 1

    Song School Latin 1

    Home made US Geography

    Science - undecided

    Zaner Bloser Handwriting

    aRTistic Pursuits

  7. We are finishing up our year in public school and will be homeschooling next year. I feel like my 7 year old hasn't truly grasped some concepts in second grade public school, so we are beginning this summer with level 2a in Math Mammoth. She seems to be blowing through it easily, but I prefer to make sure that we cover everything thoroughly and that She is confident before moving into the level 3 books. As we have been working through the first chapter or so, she seems to LOVE the "puzzle corner" problems that we have encountered.


    Does anyone know of a resource for similar math puzzles to offer as a supplement for a 2nd/3rd grader? It would be nice to have something to offer her while I work with her brother or on rainy days, or on days that she is just feeling particularly "mathy". :)

  8. We are doing ELTL as a stand alone next year and then RLTL for spelling/reading. My kids are coming out of public school K and 2nd (2 more weeks!!!) and are fairly decent with reading and spelling. I am not a fan of the methods in which they were taught in public school, however. I have decided to back them way up and do RLTL 1 with both kids to teach phonograms and go from there.

  9. My (rising 3rd grade) daughter mentioned this afternoon that she "loves to draw, but is not very good at it."


    I am a complete failure at all things art and therefore, am no help. Any ideas for curriculum that can teach her drawing (bonus if my rising 1st grader can tag along)? It could be a complete art curriculum if there is a great all inclusive program out there, but she seems primarily interested in drawing at the moment.

  10. Oddly enough, I also have a second grade girl in public school that seems to be "struggling" with writing. It is a large portion of the reason I am looking so hard into homeschooling next year.


    Like yours, my daughter is well ahead of her public school peers in the school's reading assessment program. However, she has been at the same "level" since the end of first grade due to the inability to pass the written comprehension portion of their mClass assessments.


    I feel that, at least in our district, the emphasis is on reading and comprehension, and not at all on allowing creativity and imagination in their writing assignments.


    This leads to boredom for 7-8 year olds, and breeds this hatred of writing. :(


    I don't feel like my child is "behind" in writing for her age/grade level, but is so far advanced in reading, that they are now holding her back in reading because their assessments for that subject are so closely entwined with writing assessments. Since these written assessments are designed for 4-5th graders, she is struggling. This is not really indicative of a problem with her writing, but more with the method of assessments that her school is using on advanced readers.


    I don't know that I am much help, but figured I would share my perspective on case your daughter's situation is as similar as it sounds. :)

  11. We are about 90% sure that we will pull our kids out of public school next year for 3rd and 1st grades. My very tentative plan for my will-be 3rd grader is:


    Math: probably singapore. I need to do the assessments with her to figure out placement, but want to wait until I am 100% sure that we will do that curriculum. Math is her "worst" subject in her current public school, which still isn't awful, with an 89%... But I want to make sure I choose a curriculum that will help her understand the concepts a bit better. I am just intimidated by how parent intensive Singapore seems.


    Grammar: ELTL (almost 100% sure if this. Just need to figure out whether to start her at 2 or 3)


    Reading: RLTL? Maybe?


    Phonics/Spelling: We just started Explode the Code online. Not sure if we will continue with that or not. We will see...


    Handwriting: probably cursive of some sort, as well as typing.


    History: SOTW 1, most likely. Probably the CD version. We will be doing a lot of reading books as well, so I am kind of a fan of not having a super formal curriculum for History.


    Science: unsure. We may do this in more of an "unschooling" manner... At least at first. I don't want to overdo it. We will likely do lots of field trips and nature center visits, and see where out interests take us.


    Foreign Language: we will do one. I just need to figure out which one, then choose a curriculum. This will not be high on our priority list, but will be more of an "extra", as time allows. I am not going to stress myself over it. Any foreign language exposure they get will be more than they do in their public school. ;-)


    Sports/extracurricular: Gymnastics 3 days per week. Not sure what else. I would like to try to let her try some music, drama or art type things if I can find some that work for us.


    I am trying to go fairly bare bones for the first year, in hopes that it will allow us time and flexibility to figure out what works for us without feeling pressure to "get it all done".

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