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Posts posted by Jen+4dc

  1. and it's going fine. We only do 1 page a day. We won't get through it as fast, but he's getting it and it's fairly painless. After we got through the 1st few lessons which were just copying out the letters of the alphabet (ugh) I feel like it's a pretty thorough program. I also use it for my ds9 in 4th grade and he loves it (but he's a "give me structure and predictability and rules to follow" kind of guy).

  2. I got them 2 weeks ago and we started them last week. I think they actually overlap a little. I love the WWE's idea of teaching the kids the "language" of written language before making them come up with original ideas and write them at the same time. Level 1 of WWE is all copywork and narration. The sentences to copy and the narration passages get longer throughout the year as the kids get better at it. Level 2 moves into dictation instead of copywork, as I understand it.


    I got the WWE Level 1 workbook for my 1st grader since I don't have the time/energy to come up with my own copywork/narration passages. (I bought an extra set of student pages so I can use the book again with my dd4 in a couple years). I also like that the passages chosen in the book are teaching the concepts they are supposed to. I've been choosing my own passages for my 6th and 4th graders and I'm not so confident in my own choices:D. But, I'm trying to whip the olders through the 1st-4th grades of WWE at a much faster pace. They are obviously more fluent in the written language than my 1st grade emerging reader. He's doing it as written.


    The first grader is also doing FLL (starting at the beginning and as written). I'm wondering if I really needed both programs?? Do they really need grammar in 1st grade? Especially if they are getting a thorough grounding in the written language from the writing program? I don't know. I've just ordered Easy Grammar for my olders who've never really done more than nouns/verbs/adj/adverbs.


    Sorry, this is getting really long;). I used SL LA for the first 13 weeks of Core 3 (Fall 2007). I absolutely hated it. Why? Several things: one of which is that it was my first time hsing and I had no idea what I was doing. Also, Ruth Beechik's methods just don't work for my kids, the need structure and predictability and SL just wasn't giving us that.


    If you're kids have a fairly good handle on grammar you may not need FLL. I really like WWE.


    Hopefully someone with more experience will respond!

  3. We'll be studying the Eastern Hemisphere next year (SL Core 5) and I'm trying to add in things that are NOT missionary related. This sounds like it would be great for Africa. My dc who might read it are dd12 and ds10. Both of them read on high school levels, but my question is content???? What do you think?




  4. If I choose Easy Grammar can I just start them in their individual grade levels? Will this be way over their heads since they don't really know any grammar? Would the older 5/6 teacher workbook work as a nonconsumable (if I want to do grammar together with both dc for awhile)? Or, should I try and get 2 of them (at $8/each it's harder to go wrong)?


    Can anyone tell me a little more about R&S? What, besides composition, does the grammar program have? If WWE logic doesn't come out soon I will need a writing program anyway,..........:confused:


    Thanks for all the great suggestions!

  5. Hi all, I'm new here but have learned sooooo much reading your posts. Thanks! I'm hoping someone can tell me where to start with my dc. I just bought FLL1/2 and WWE for my 1st grader (we'll be schooling all summer since the Navy sent us on a cross-country move mid-year and we've gotten a little behind;)). We'll start those next week. He's motor skills are still developing (typical 6 year old boy) but he'll catch up.


    My question is for my dd12 and ds10 who will be in 5th and 7th grades next year. I'm looking for grammar and writing instruction for next year. The public schools they went to basically taught no grammar other than nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. (Grammar is not my strength, either, and I detest writing). So, I'm basically starting at the beginning with them. I'm sure I could whiz them through FLL1/2 at a faster pace but where do I go from there?


    Any suggestions on how to catch them up without feeling like I need to cram 4 or 5 years of grammar into one? Is there a program out there that might help them catch up without making them feel like they're behind forever and can never catch up? My dd12 should be hitting the logic stage soon with writing and grammar is really going to hold her back.


    BTW I plan on using WWE with the older 2 as well, just going at a much faster pace (I hope, we'll see after they take the evaluations for Year 1 and Year 2).




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