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Posts posted by dsacco

  1. That does help..... I am still leaning towards Kolbe as I continue reading. I love some of the Seton materials and love some of the Kolbe... so it's a mixed review. I do like that Seton will grade the papers which is a big plus for me....


    Cost though is another issue - I know it sounds strange but we HAVE some of the books for Kolbe and the church provided the Religion books required in the kids CCD class. SOOO enrollment and books are about $300 less with Kolbe. Most of the Literature books I can get from the library and since I have the book order form I was able to find the books cheaper than their listed price.


    Of course, I don't like their science or the price - LOL.... but I could deal with it for 9th grade and higher but we aren't there yet.....

  2. My friends and I are calling it male PMS :) Seriously ALL of our sons (ages 10-12) seem to be having the same issues.....mine does the mood swings as well which is just awful!


    There are vitamins to help "focus" but I can't remember (I want to say Sam-E) but then you have to remember to take them - LOL

  3. Here is another thing (I just saw this).... Seton doesn't do Latin until 10th grade... and it's the books I just bought for DS who is in 7th! Also some of the books Kolbe uses in 7th aren't used until 9th+ in Seton.


    I'm just feeling a little more flexibility and such with Kolbe at the moment.


    And to think - this whole thing started because I received our Saxon Math yesterday and kicked myself for not doing it earlier - it is perfect for my kids!!

  4. My friend's daughter graduated from Seton last year and is SERIOUSLY struggling with writing papers in college and that makes me nervous. However it could just be her personality.


    But my original thought was to supplement with good literature. Seton just doesn't seem to have as much reading as I would like - but then as my husband says he's read MAYBE 10 books since I have known in (20 years) and I have to remember my son is like that. I would like to add in Latin from my 7th grader. So it's toss up for me.


    I have to research this next week because next Friday is the Catholic Conference here and both will be there.

  5. I am looking at doing something more structured for my sanity and my dh's.


    Kolbe is classical in nature and I wanted to know if anyone has used them before and had good results.


    Right now it's between Kolbe or Seton (which is used by a lot of other Catholic families around here but I don't feel it is "enough")


    DH is saying I can supplement and still use Seton which is very true. DS is very much like DH and NOT into school whereas dd love the stories and books that can accompany history.



  6. OMG - it JUST occurred to me that I am doing 2 programs with my kids!! 4 total since both kids are doing different things...


    DD (age 9) does Ray's Math with me orally (needs to work on math facts and it gets her thinking).... and is starting Saxon 5/4


    DS (age 12) is starting Saxon Algebra I and then 1 day per week does Business Math from Simply Charlotte Mason - (you run a pretend store and work through inventory etc)


    Honestly - it never occurred to me we were doing more than 1 math program! And that doesn't even include "The Math Games 1/2 hour!"

  7. Someone mentioned studying a modern language INFORMALLY and I was wondering what some of the best things to do for this if you have done it.


    I'm thinking my kids SHOULD learn some Italian (I married into a very Italian family)..... but of course Spanish would be my first choice because of so many people around here speaking it.


    Has anyone ever changed their TV to be in Spanish? That way some of the cartoons would be in Spanish instead of English...I mean so many kids "learned" language from watching TV (sad but true fact) that to make it informal their favorite cartoons would be in Spanish! :tongue_smilie:

  8. I love these things and you really can't beat the price on them. It's always dangerous if I walk down the book isle at Sam's - there is ALWAYS something!!


    I plan on incorporating more of them this summer - I got them last year and we used them on occassion but not often. I have 2 of each because my kids would fight and for $5.88 each no big deal.


    I think I have the Spanish one which I might start my dd 9 off on this summer! Thanks for reminding me!!

  9. I was planning on doing Rod & Staff for both kids and put my son (who is struggling gramatically) in the 5th grade program which WTM suggests. But I see some "workbook" style ones out there - which might work a little better for him but I'm not sure if they are "strong" enough.... does that make sense?


    I want BOTH kids to have a solid grammar (DH doesn't and it drives me nuts!!!) in speech and writing.



  10. Year 1 I did..... I followed the Alpha Omega LifePacs stuff word for word....It stopped me from being so overwhelmed with it all being new. Only subject we didn't do was Bible because at that time - we weren't going to church so we just read Bible stories.


    Year 2 gained confidence and only did LifePacs for Math. We did Ambleside Online for the rest and did really well with it.

  11. I started both kids with English from the Roots up after we got SOOOO bored with Prima Latina. I will continue to work with it with dd and some with ds because they "got" more words from working with it, their vocabulary increased. My son is moving on to Henle Latin I now though for the other benefits of latin (grammar, structure, reading certain things)....and then their memory work will be the standard Catholic Prayers in Latin.


    So though I was slow to start with it - the benefits on their test results this past year was HUGE when they saw words they didn't immediately know the definitions to.


    SOrry I'm rambling - off to guitar & voice with DS.

  12. If you charge anything for the product - yep it falls under the guidelines. Check with your state - you might not have a lot of requirements at all. Just last year in VA they changed it so I can now make cookies, jellies, and baked goods in my house without having my kitchen inspected. Granted it's only $40/year to have it inspected....but I let it lapse for the year and didn't have a problem with it. We just have labeling requirements which make us say that it wasn't made in a state inspected kitchen.


    But in answer to your question ;) I do make stuff and sell it - but it supplements our farm and we TRY to make stuff from stuff we grow (hot pepper jelly - we grow the jalepenos etc)

  13. We tried R&S for math last year and my daughter (who was in 3rd at the time) thought it was too easy and honestly was bored with it. We went back to LifePacs (Alpha Omega) and she continued there. With my son it was the same thing (7th grade math) and we went back to LifePacs. This year - I am now switching to Saxon 5/4 and Algebra I which is where they both tested.

  14. I didn't read the book and I am new to this way of schooling.... but I have got to say that my daughter's vocabulary increased to the point of missing 1 problem on her standardized test this past year from getting about 50% wrong last year! We didn't do additional grammar only latin roots and greek roots (English from the Roots Up) but it made a HUGE difference in her understanding of words. My son had the same type of results but not as dramatic as my dd because he tests a year behind the level of work he's doing.

  15. I was continuing to read last night and more and more I plan on implementing a LOT of this type of program and ideas in it.


    However, I was reading last night that instead of Saxon 8/7 they recommend Algebra 1/2 instead - but Saxon says A 1/2 is if you don't grasp the concepts in 8/7. They suggest 8/7 and then if you don't get it move on to A 1/2 - THEN to Algebra I. If you "get" 8/7 you will be fine in Algebra I right aftwards.


    Does this make sense to anyone? I'm still on cup #1 of coffee :)


    Granted my son is ready for Algebra but I am curious because I do have a daughter who is not as "quick" in math....

  16. I try to stay on schedule.... but DH's schedule is different every day.


    Mondays 7am-3

    Tuesdays 7am-3 then back in at 11pm-7am Wednesday Morning

    Thursday-Friday Off

    Saturday 3-11 or 4-12 depending on the week and I never know which week it is

    Sunday 1-9 or 2-10


    Then I have to deliver eggs and do stuff on certain weekdays. So I try to make it so at least some school can travel with us (readings etc) and then the Farmer's Market is Saturday mornings and the farm is open to the public in the afternoons.


    Now of course to make life a LOT easier ;) next year will change to something new. He bids every year on a new schedule.


    We do get up between 7-8 every day and TRY and start school by 9 and get done by 12-2 depending on the child.

  17. I agree with the person who said "It's our way of life".... we school year round and take our breaks as we need them. We did multiple 1-2 weeks off this year because of various situations etc - but we finished our testing in March... took a break (I had surgery and really couldn't do anything for over 2 weeks afterwards)..... then we picked back up (though some was video school because I wasn't completely ready to restart and because of a wild Easter week) but that's it. "Doing school" has just become what we do - a basic part of our day that needs to get done. We have days were I just throw it all out the window..... but they still finish everything I planned for the week MOST weeks ;)

  18. I was trying to figure out how to get my son into Logic (he definitely needs something as sometimes he TOTALLY misses the point). Would a good program be to start with something like Falacy Detective and TT through the summer (can it be done like that?) and move into a more traditional Logic program? He does grasp grammar pretty well - just needs to take his time more - but he gets it.



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