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Posts posted by MistyJ

  1. My brother is a neurosurgeon who retired in his early 40's and went on to earn a Master's in Divinity from Harvard.


    My beloved late father loved to brag about him...those are things dads brag about, right?


    My sister is a mess, but when my dad visited he took lots of pictures of her fancy house to take back home to friends and relatives. He never took a picture of my scraggly old tract home.


    I can say I never felt he didn't love me. He had certain values that were reinforced by "My Son the Doctor" and my daughters "Splendid Home."


    He might brag about you more than you realize.

  2. My 14 year old son just started an apprenticeship with a bicycle shop in our town. It has motivated him tremendously, since I won't let him go if his work isn't done.


    Go to your city's website, and look for some way he can volunteer. Maybe as a skate instructor in the recreation departement?


    Our local hospital also lets teenagers work as transporters. Give him "credit" for the hours, such as a half-day of academics the days he volunteers (within reason, of course.)

  3. I've had depression since I was 10, treated for 8 years.


    If she's sharing, she really, really, wants help, and might be contemplating suicide. (A friend at church used to share her depression with me every Sunday after Mass, and I thought it was strange, until she committed suicide.)


    Yes, absolutely, physical exercise would be a great time to spend time with each other. But I am in the camp the depression is a chemical imbalance.


    I might tell her, "I understand you are in pain. I think it's serious, it overwhelms me, too, and I feel I can't help you. I've decided not talk to you about your feelings and problems until you are under the care of a psychiatrist." I had a psychologist tell me this, when I was opposed to medication. It hurt terribly, and I felt abandoned, but I ended up getting help, and it has been smooth sailing (relatively) for 8 years.


    Don't give up on her. You might be all she has.

  4. 1st Anniversary: dh brought home an Erma Bombeck paperback, (I detest that sort of writing) not even wrapped, and a frozen pizza. I threw out the book and left the house, walking around the neighborhood crying.


    1st Christmas with in-laws in their home: they lavished my husband with gifts. Gave two sil's matching rings. Gave me a sort of wicker-woven-angel-wall hanging, that another sil's mother had made. :confused: Sort of 1970's homemade wall art.

  5. I wasn't able to have more than 2, and my heart breaks almost daily. (My youngest is 10).


    My heart was breaking today at church, and when I went out to my car, a couple my age, (40's) whom I know cannot have children, was just arriving. My pain won't stop, but I made a decision today that I can offer it up for infertile couples, since that is a pain I cannot imagine.


    I do have 3 dogs.

  6. Help.


    For two days ds, 14, bipolar, has been cycling...silly laughter, outrageousness, distractibilily, depressed talk.


    I try to remember this is why we homeschool, but I am feeling so frustrated.


    What do you do to help a child in this situation get something done?


    During an outlining lesson, he was so obnoxious I locked him out back to rake leaves while I finished with dd. (Sunshine and exercise RX).


    Just now I set a timer for 5 minutes, asking him to finish a math page in the time.


    I've sent him to the tramoline to jump 100 times.



  7. I just made this. Hope someone finds it useful.


    MOH 3 Netflix List

    (I) = available instantly.

    Please read the reviews to judge if each movie is appropriate for your children.

    Sometimes I have only the name of the film, without subtitle. Choose the selection with the best review.



    Week 1

    Castles of War

    The War of the Roses

    Medici (I)

    Week 3

    Christopher Columbus (I)

    The Forts and Castles of Ghana

    Week 4

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Week 5


    The Agony and the Ecstacy (I)

    Week 6

    Empires: Martin Luther (I)

    Week 7/8

    Conquistadores (I)

    Martin Luther

    The Six Wives of Henry VIII

    Henry VIII

    Anne of 1000 Days

    Week 9

    St. Thomas More

    A Man for All Seasons

    Week 10

    The Conflict

    Week 11

    Ivan the Terrible

    Week 12

    Elizabeth I

    Week 13

    The Company: Inigo and his Jesuits

    Week 14

    Mary Queen of Scots

    Week 15

    Great Adventurers: Sir Francis Drake: Voyage Around the World

    Week 16

    Great Adventurers: Sir Walter Raleigh

    Week 17

    Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire

    Week 18


    Week 19

    Pocohontas: The Legend

    Pocohontas: Her True Story

    Week 20


    Week 21


    Week 22

    The Jewish Americans

    The Jewish People: A Story of Survival (I)

    The Merchant of Venice


    Week 23

    Brother Against Brother

    Week 24

    Blaise Pascal

    Week 25

    Sir Isaac Newton

    Newton’s Dark Secrets

    Me and Isaac Newton


    Week 26

    The Amish: A People of Preservation

    Week 27

    The Crucible

    In Search of History: The Salem Witch Trials

    Week 28

    Wrath of the Tsar

    King George III

  8. I am in frequent contact (daily) with my mother, but wis I weren't. She is toxic...BUT there is no one else around to take care of her. She needs me, so I do what I have to do and try not to let it interfere too much into my life. She is not good around my kids and I try to keep a good distance for them so they don't have to be exposed to her any more than necessary.



    This is my situation.

  9. We are friends with another hs family in our church, and these issues come up constantly. We are very conservative, but not compared to these folks. Crazy stuff. I had some leopard print flats I wanted to hand on to her girls. "We don't allow the girls to wear animal prints."


    It takes a lot of tongue biting. For us, the friendship of another hs family in the neighborhood is worth putting up with it. It's hard when their religious proclamations are just off (we are the same religion), bc then I have to clarify the truth with ds 13, and you just know our ds is going to go back to their ds with the information....


    When do you think he will be with you permanently?


    How far away is he from the school in your district?


    With traffic, it would likely be over a 30 minute drive each way. His foster father has said he's not up for that. I could push, I guess, but I'm trying to avoid being overbearing. They have another foster child to get to school every day.


    We had scheduled August 7 as the move in date, after only about a month of visits, but we all felt that was rushing it. We also had a colossal setback with his room when we fold mold and had to tear out drywall and carpeting. That may have been God's directive to slow down. Carpeting comes next week.

  11. I would allow him to start in his old school and then transition him to the new school when the time comes. He already attended the other school, so it isn't really new to him. It may bring balance to his day as you have said. When you are ready to bring him home permanently, switch schools then. By then you will have a chance to settle into your school year, and it will be easier for you to focus on him at that time. It will be a lot for you to handle, starting your homeschool year and putting him in school, all at once.




    This is a new foster family for him, so the other school is new too.


    We have been having visits for almost a month...2 overnights. What's the ideal transition period for an older adopted child? His foster parents are excellent, so he doesn't need to "escape" a bad situation.

  12. How long do you need before he can move in? If you'd be ready any time before 8/16' date=' that would prevent him having to start school where he'll soon be leaving. He can always start ps a little later in your district. I know it's best to start at the beginning, but it seems better than if he had to go to a new school twice. I think the ps could work out well for a year as your family and he transition. It will also give you the opportunity to get evaluations done at the school district's expense, so you have the information should you choose to bring him home with the rest of your family. Personally, I would think it would be better to bring him home sooner rather than later since your dc will be on summer break and you can all spend some time having fun together.[/quote']



    :iagree: I went for a walk ALONE this morning and was able to have big thoughts. If his foster father is adamant he starts school with his district's start date (8/16) then we'll bring him home 8/16. I was thinking I'd give my dc the week off, strong arm husband to take off as many days as he can, and we just play games, eat and cuddle for the week, and start school here late, at the end of August.


    But then we don't have time to recertify for foster care before he moves in, so we lose the upper hand trying to get a monthly subsidy. (Can I tell you we took the EXACT same training as the foster parents? They were in the same room! We just checked a different box bc we weren't ready to foster 4 years ago.)


    This forum is amazing. I hope I give as much as I get. :001_wub:

  13. Can they start him in your school? If needed, could you pick him up for school and bring him home even for a few weeks? I know this is tough but I understand the type of child you are adopting and school might be a very good situation for him as well as give your other kids a respite from him during the day so you can fill up their need for attention as you will be needing to spend a lot of time with him when he is home.



    Our school is too far for the foster parents (and me) to realistically drive each day and keep order in our respective homes. I broached it with the f. dad today, asking if they could homeschool him a bit more and then I'll start him in school here. He didn't like that idea, even though he and his wife have be hs'ing him during the summer. They are really caring, involved people, so I'm not pushing him on this. I think he needs his down time, too.


    I LOVE the idea of in home care while I school the others. Unfortunately, the system has found a way not to give us his subsidy until the adoption is final, so there isn't money for that now. But I should rethink that later.


    I 100% agree that this sweet boy should be home with us full-time. In his case, we have been given the green light by CPS to homeschool, using ps for services. My other dc aren't independent enough (or our programs are to teacher intensive) and this sweet boy needs/demands too much attention.

  14. We are in the process of adopting a 7yo adhd, ed, speech delayed boy. He is not moved in yet.


    He is such a needy, non-stop-chatter little fireball, I don't see myself able to homeschool my other children with him in the house. He has had one year on 1/2 day kindergarten in a special ed room.


    It's getting gummed up because our ps starts 8/9; we had an 8/7 move-in date, but we are slowing down the transition bc we feel we need more support, more coaching, more time for our other dc to adjust. His foster family's ps starts 8/16. They have hs'd during the summer, but feel they need the respite of ps, and want him to start on time.


    I shudder at the thought of him starting school twice. So I guess I either move him in next week, or I homeschool him when he moves in later. I accept that I am not thinking clearly.:tongue_smilie: This is a stressful time.


    I should add that there is bipolar in the family, and this little bundle in ps might fulfill the very realistic need for balance.

  15. I never have these thoughts.


    I think public school was way more work.


    Stressed kids, tired kids, permission slips forgotten so they make you miss recess, 9000 requests for money.


    No thanks.


    :iagree: That was my experience. And don't forgot the agony of homework; homework you often disagree with. And peer pressure among moms. And pressure to volunteer. And birthday parties. And running home for the forgotten project/lunch. Don't miss that.

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