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Posts posted by MistyJ

  1. I'm rarely on here. I am a "Catholic with Orthodox Suspicions." Our whole lives are Catholic, we are walking distance from our church, all our friends are Catholic, etc. I don't think I'm called to convert now, but I am keeping my ears open.


    With all the media attention about the universal healthcare plan and the Catholic Church, I was wondering what Orthodox teaching is on birth control.


    Peace & JOY!

  2. I've been laying low for a while.


    Dd, 6th, would like to have a more structured (mommy-free) curriculum next year. She saw a couple of her best friend's Abeka classes, and loved them.


    As Catholics, Abeka is not quite the right fit for us. I'm looking at the free K12 (I bristle at the state requirements and controls, but it's free) and at Regina Coeli. I like Regina Coeli very much, but it's pricey. The progymnasmata is very attractive, compared to the straight online learning of K12.


    If you are using it, what do you think? Is there enough "classroom" time vs. independent work? My daughter is more artistic than academic, but likes to perform well.

  3. DO IT!!!


    We spent 2 years to get out of $80,000 in debt. Sold back cars, started driving paid for, humble cars. Settled credit card debt. Started using cash. We were slammed with some tax bills this year, but other than those and our mortgage, we are debt free.


    If we could get out of our house and into something smaller for the sake of eliminating debt, we would in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, our mortgage is upside down.


    I won't pretend that this phase of "living like no one else" doesn't chafe a little, but it's quite preferable to massive debt.

  4. : ( Sorry to hear. We just lost our JRT to suspected Valley Fever. We had spent about $400, we knew we were losing her, and the next step was hundreds of dollars more in diagnostic tests.


    Every family has to decide where to draw the line. We rescued her, gave her 4 good years, spent a *reasonable* amount, for us, well, too much for us actually, trying to save her. I think a family's decisions are very personal regarding how much to spend on an animal's care.


    I did read up on JRT's while she was sick, and they are prone to congestive heart failure.

  5. We're in the Covenant Homeschool Resource Center in Phoenix, and it is unfortunately, for us, Creationist/Young Earth. The teacher is reasonable, however, and has given my son permission to anwer questions according to our (accepted mainstream science) beliefs.


    You aren't too far from Eagleridge, in Mesa. They teach secular science there, and you can take as little as 1 day of classes there.


    If you have a 10-year-old (ish) girl, pm me. My daughter's best friend just moved away. :crying: We're in s. Scottsdale.

  6. I know that I'm getting in on this thread late, but.....My ds9 has had all of the same type of symptoms as the original posters child. Psychologist when he was 4/5, Ped dx severe ADHD when 6 (started w/stim med....no thank you, can we say ultramania), switched to non-stim at 7, things started to call down BUT his night terrors, psychosis, suicidal talk...nada. (Ped. acts like I'm Munchausen), 8: comes after me with a knife telling me he's going to kill me, then attempts to turn the knife on himself (Ped. still has no response), start therapy (therapist claims he doesn't NEED a psychiatrist, he needs to be "thrown" into ps), therapist dx is CD....after coming close to a breakdown, I found a random thread online, outcome of the find: started ds on natural lithium aspartate (15 mg per day). 3 weeks later, night terrors: gone, psychosis: gone, suicidal thoughts: gone, mania: gone.....Ped STILL says it's ADHD and would be interested in seeing what would happen if I took ds off the lithium (response: your home address please...so I know where to drop him off during a manic episode). Anxiety & mild depression are still present but I'm still trying to make things better for him. The frustration w/the medical field is on occassion overwelming.....reaching out to families who've had our experiences salve the heart. Good luck on your journey



    Is your Ped. a pediatric psychiatrist? Get to one. He/she obviously has no idea what bipolar is. Between my two kids, we've covered all the symptoms (except night terrors) that you mentioned.


    My son went to 4 years of preschool and 5 years of ps. We had to take him out after 4th grade because of the bipolar, because the school (with the exception of a very good school psychologist) thought he was just ill-behaved and I was over-indulgent, so ps will not solve anything.


    I'm sorry you've received so little support. I know it's frustrating trying to find a good ped. psych, but even if you have to travel quite a distance, it's worth it.

  7. I have not read all the posts but thought I should share.


    Over a couple of years ago, a little post on a local hs email bulletin came across. A family had just moved in not too far away from me. They hs. Would anyone like to connect?


    We are devout Catholics. They are from a Christian background but do not go to church. I invited them over. I believe hospitality is a Christian virtue.


    The playdate lasted 7 hours! The mom and I chatted the whole time. I was exhausted when they left, but really enjoyed the mom.


    Today she is my closest friend, and her dd is my dd's best friend. It was a point in my life when I was drawing closer to God and dropping negative friendships. God writes straight with crooked lines. My life is so much richer for reaching out.

  8. Yes, and in addition to these there is a deep moral theology tradition that acknowledges that that at times there can be exceptions to moral teachings, and which views the moral laws as ideals but also recognizes that we as humans can only do the best we can. This is similar to the idea in the Orthodox Church of "economia," that sometimes an individual can only do their best and not strictly meet the letter of the law. Now, you are right that this is not in the official documents of the Church, but it does have a rich and strong history, such as in the writings of St. Alphonsus Ligouri, just like other elements of moral theology such as the principle of double effect. You are right that this has been abused lately, but "ask a priest" is still very good advice.


    Amen. Any good RC who has not come across this, has had the abundant GRACE to keep the letter of the law.

  9. There is a Catholic Group, valleywide, Sacred Heart Home Educators. They have a co-op in Mesa, and various activities throughout the year.


    I'm in Scottsdale. Most activities are East Valley, so we lay pretty low.


    There is a Covenant Homeschool "School" in central Phoenix. I just enrolled my son in a science class there.

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