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Posts posted by mom2kando

  1. On 3/31/2021 at 9:54 PM, PeterPan said:

    It doesn't sound like you *need* CC because you could do all the academics you want through the co-op. Will CC meet his perceived need to belong, or will it be about the same socially as if he went to co-op? Is it possible he'd make friends through this co-op and be just as happy?

    True- I am not concerned about meeting his academic needs, I've got that covered... my decision is definitely socially motivated. 4-5 kids he knows will be doing CC next year. At co-op he will have one friend and several older boys who he used to play touch football with, however, lately he refuses to play with them because he feels the dynamics have changed. I don't expect new kids to join in his classes because with COVID and the uncertainty of the times the board is trying to keep the classes small. If he winds up doing CC I think his co-op friend will join him in Challenge.

  2. oh boy- we were going along just fine. Really...

    We left CC after last year. We're so much happier this year- but lonelier.

    I'm now seeking advice and tips for making the decision whether or not so send my son (7th) to CC Challenge A.😬

    At the beginning of the year it would have been a definite no, but now his sister is going to high school next year and will be gone all day every day and they are BFFs.

    Most of his homeschool friends are doing Challenge next year and the tutor is a good friend of mine, this group also gathers for "study hall" on Fridays where they do work together and help each other.

    Our other option: He is signed up next year for an online history class (schole academy) and Mr. D math (with the actual Mr. D!  yay!🙂 ) We also have a co-op where he would take science, literature/writing, art, and possibly Latin (all classes we are interested in) but he is struggling so so much with feeling like he has a place that he "belongs".

    He would have a good friend at co-op who is not doing challenge and other kids there that he is friendly with so it's not a terrible option and I love the teachers.

    We live in an area where there are not many homeschoolers so other options are very limited. I tend toward Charlotte Mason/Classical homeschooling.

    So my question is:

    Do we sign up for Challenge even though I don't agree with some of their business practices, the pace that they run through information, and knowing that I will have to tweak and supplement just so that he can have the seminar day and a Friday study hall day with his friends? 


    Do we stick with our original plan and hope that being at co-op all day quenches his need for peer interaction? (He's only there for one class this year)

    Is there some sort of form I can fill out that helps moms make homeschooling decisions???🤣

    PS- He says he doesn't know what he wants to do- I can't leave it up to him.

  3. 53 minutes ago, Lori D. said:

    have a once-a-week dinner table talk about a key event/person of the 20th century. You could even tie in with current events, as to really be able to understand what's happening in the world today comes from seeing the events from the past 100 years that led up to the current events. Just a thought!

    Lori- Love love love this idea! Thank you. And thanks a million for the encouragement. You know how it is- when we get stuck in out own heads? This helps so much. ❤️ 

    • Like 2
  4. Hello- Hoping to get some thoughts.

    I have an 8th grader (and 6th grader) and I was planning on doing Early Modern US/World history this year with them together (it's SCM). I like the program but am second guessing because my 8th grader MAY attend a classical high school next year. Their history sequence is

    9th- Early Civilizations

    10th-Early Church/Early Medieval

    11th-Renaissance/Age of Discovery

    12th-American/Industrial and Communist Revolutions. 

    My concern with our current plan is her not having a chance to get past Emancipation before 12th grade, but...we're also not in a position to do a deep American History study this year.

    I've been thinking of dropping the American History and having her just read American Literature and some documents while focusing on World History through the present....or should I just stick with original plan and complete Early Modern US/World which ends at 1850. She has a heavy load of online/co-op classes this year and history is the one thing we are doing together so I was hoping to make it meaningful and enjoyable 🙂  TIA

  5. Hi. I know thus was posted a while ago. It popped up for me on a schole academy search. My daughter is currently in this class and we both have been very happy. Ms. White has been a great support and my dd likes her. First semester is a lot of review, but they also learn mla style which is useful. It has been so nice and helpful to have another set of eyes too. She does give feedback, but not so much as to be discouraging. We've had a great experience (and I've already signed her up for next year). HTH

  6. Can you share what you moved to for pre algebra? MM has worked, but this year more than once a week my dd has grown frustrated with presentation/wording of problems.  I'm also seeing some gaps in her knowledge  (most recently shapes lol).  She is definitely ready for pre algebra but we need something new (and with online instruction live or recorded...to save our relationship) the plan has been to move into Foerster for algebra. I've looked at mr. D but am also thinking maybe a year of Saxon with Nicole the math lady to drill the basics? She is a very logical and rigid thinker when it comes to math. She much much prefers writing and reading😊

  7. Hello,


    I am looking for a pre algebra program for next year that offers online instruction. We're open to different styles (live, recorded, adaptive, etc.). My head is spinning with so many options though, so I was hoping that someone who has been down this path may be able to help?. My girl is doing Math Mammoth 6 this year (have used MM since 3rd).

    All testing (standardized/IQ) tests point to math being a strength of hers-and using MM I've never really seen her struggle, the only time she misses a problem is a calculating error/not paying attention. 

    Basically it looks like she has a gift for math but she hates it and complains that it is "boring". Any thoughts?

    I guess that she needs something that will challenge her and not move too slowly, but allow her to slow down when she reaches a topic that doesn't come easily. We did do a little beast academy in 3rd grade and she seemed to have fun with it. I know math can't always be "fun" but I hate to hold her back if there is a way to get her to love it.


  8. 14 minutes ago, nwahomeschoolmom said:

    I thought that you could participate in CC without using their curriculum, or is that only at the Foundations level?  We were planning to join next year for the social/routine of it, but I plan to keep using all the curriculum I am already using.

    Yes, this is true for Foundations. Once your student moves into Essentials (4th grade) your curriculum for writing and grammar comes from CC and then when your student reaches Challenge level (usually 7th grade-but I have my 12 year old 6th grader in it), CC dictates the entire curriculum. Older levels have some freedom to opt out of a strand or two- but not Challenge A or B students. HTH

  9. 22 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

    A couple of questions. By box checking, do you mean you need/want a preplanned schedule for most or all subjects? 

    What do you find appealing about each of the programs that you are considering? Is there a certain focus in particular that you want for 7th grade? 

    Answers to those may help get you a more focused answer than people just answering what they thought of each program. They're all fairly different in scope and tone, imo. I haven't used all, but I've used a few and they aren't very much alike. 

    LOL! Yes, you are correct-they are quite different from each other. Thank you for asking, I will try to clarify a bit.

    My goal for my 7th grader is simply to see her continue to grow. I'd like her circle to expand as she builds on old knowledge and acquires new knowledge. She loves to read and learn new things. I just want her to enjoy herself on her journey and to continue asking questions and seeking answers.

    I do like a preplanned schedule (eg. "read pages x-xx) otherwise I forget things

    I also like questions relating to readings- not necessarily as a word for word question/answer session, but they get me on the right track, sort of like a guided narration

    I like memoria press because it seems thorough, I like the classical studies it offers, and... if I'm being completely honest I like the price for the full grade curriculum (I'd sell what we won't use)

    I like Sonlight because it has bible study included, and uses a lot of literature and includes read alouds which is my kids favorite time of the day. We have also used it in the past so it is familiar

    I like Oak Meadow because it seems simple-sort of one stop shopping and not a lot of switching from book to book for each subject. The Science looks like it would be fun and I like the literature selections

    I like that Simply Charlotte Mason includes morning time. My kids LOVE morning time. I don't often get to all I would like to do with them (Poetry/picture study/nature study...the charlotte mason stuff) and I feel like the schedule will help- but I am not sure that is enough academically and feel like I would have to supplement? I may be wrong though?


    I am also totally open to other suggestions as well

  10. Hello,


    My daughter is using Classical Conversations Challenge A this year as a 6th grader. I don't think we will continue. I also know myself as a homeschool mom and we need the boxes to check- at least as a starting point (we do venture off when needed) With that being said, I am curious about opinions on the following...

    We already use Writing and Rhetoric and we LOVE it so we will continue next year

    I am thinking AOPS for Pre Algebra-she dislikes math (although she is good at it) because she can't be "creative" and I think this may be a good approach for her

    We will do CAP Latin too (Latin alive I think?)

    For the remainder I am torn between

    • Sonlight History of Science Core J
    • Memoria Press 7th Grade (subbing CAP products for writing and Latin)
    • Oak Meadow (no Bible study so I would have to find one)
    • Simply Charlotte Mason


    Thanks 🙂 


  11. hmmm, Thanks Wendyroo. I think exactly what you are describing that you do is what is making it so difficult for me (the planning). I did buy the lesson plans through homeschool planet, but I am using the "free" version which is PITB to use and sometimes doesn't like to the videos that I need. So I am ignoring them for the time being and just doing about 2 pages a day, unless they begin to run long.


    I feel though that the kids don't take math seriously though, like it's an afterthought and not real "math" the way we are using it. I do sit with each of them and look over the assignment (pages), make sure they understand the problems and review/do a problem if they need help. I have some pressing personal and family issues currently that leave me with about 10 seconds of free time except for friday nights when I need some down time and to not be planning. Gee, I sound so whiny as I type this! :huh:


    I guess I am just wishing I could begin the week knowing that we are going to work on lessons 4-8 and not pages (which don't always get done).

    Thank you so much for your support and willingness to help brainstorm a solution. I'm going to give it another week and hope that other non-homeschooling things slow down and let us focus.


  12. Without all of the boring details of our past 3 years homeschooling, I am realizing that in order to save my sanity and to keep doing this homeschooling thing "I" need a math for the kids with daily lessons like Saxon or CLE.


    Kids (5th and 3rd) are currently in Math Mammoth, they like it, I wouldn't say they are "advanced" math students but math comes easy to them both.


    We do CC so there's Saxon


    or CLE,


    or something else? I'm open to suggestions. 



  13. Uggh, It's way too much (and too frustrating) to describe here. My 9 year old 3rd grader has LOVED WWE up until now. This year it's like pulling teeth and honestly, he's not even able to write (dictate) a cohesive paragraph without me questioning and walking him through EVERY. SINGLE. SENTENCE.


    I'm looking for recommendations for a wiggly sports obsessed boy. He's not a dreamer...doesn't live in his imagination, and actually finds it frustrating to try.


    What do you think? Here are some I've used or know about...


    • IEW Student Writing Intensive A (my only hesitation is he will do CC essentials in 4th and they use IEW so it may wind up being overkill)


    • Brave Writer (this might be to "dreamy" or open ended for him?)


    • Writing and Rhetoric


    • Other suggestions?


    Thank you thank you thank you!

  14. Son is 8 and finishing up 2nd grade. Reading has been a SLOW go as has writing. He is doing okay with WWE and is up to writing everything out from what he has dictated to me and I help with spelling along the way. My daughter was writing her own little books in PreK and can easily fill 5 pages now as a 4th grader so I can't even begin to compare him to where she was at his age. Can I get your thoughts on this little essay he did about our local park? I was going to do W&R and Fix it! with him next year. Any other suggestions?



            It has nice laks (lakes) and good tails (trails). your alowd (allowed) to bring dog on one side of the pake (park), but not the auther (other)            side. It has nice waiting (wading) spots. And that is why I like Lorimer Park!

  15. Thank you for your replies. After thinking about it some more and reading your replies, honestly, I think I was just looking for permission to NOT use the Saxon and the Co op morning. Yes, stay the course and don't fix what's not broken. I think one of the golden KEYS to homeschooling! Thanks!

    • Like 1
  16. My kids (4th and 2nd) have been using Math Mammoth since they came home from public school where they used Everyday Math (before the common core got a hold of it).


    They have been successful with it, and most of the topics come easy to them. Really, I think they can thrive with any program and in fact, they have said this to me .


    So we've never used Saxon but have the opportunity to attend a coop next year that uses it.


    I'm sort of torn...


    I like that Saxon has

    • video lessons
    • will be covered one day a week at co op

    I like Math Mammoth because

    • we are familiar with it
    • kids tolerate it and are growing ('cause what 4th grader loves math right? :laugh: )
    • I like the approach and the way it stretches their thoughts at times

    Any thoughts or advice? Really I could go either way. If we don't start Saxon now I doubt we ever will. We'll probably go with one of the MM recommended higher maths. Also, they each tested into a grade higher in Saxon and that's good because those are the only classes offered at co op now lol! (so 5th grader would be in 7/6 and 3rd grader in 5/4) the only thing my son (2nd grader) missed was the double digit by double digit multiplication which I can go over with him this summer.


    (edited to make more concise)

  17. Half of their subjects. When do you find time to do read aloud? We do cc and the memory work we integrate into subjects during the week, it takes maybe 15 min a day. I only have 2 (4th and 2nd) and between math, reading, writing, history/geography/science (we alternate days) I can't find the time to read aloud. Can some of you share your schedules if you have had success with this? Tia!

  18. I have an 8 year old boy. He is reading at a 1.5 grade level I would say. It's been slow progress. Really slow. He is is pretty bright and his comprehension when I read aloud, and even when he reads from something he didn't struggle with is great, but he just keeps getting stuck. He knows most of the phonograms (I think), he just gets hung up with words...i.e. figuring out how to sound them out.


    Will spalding help (I hear so much about it here)?

    Something else?

    I'm looking for a way to help him put the sounds together in words when he sees them.


    We did AAR 1 last year

    Something like that is not in our budget now...

    "Just reading" (guided reading) is not working

    He does ETC 4 with no problem and spelling workout b which is easy for him and always gets 100 on "tests"


    He's a puzzle to me


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