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Posts posted by sarahf.

  1. My daughter is an average reader but she can definitely use more phonics instruction. Her spelling on the other hand is atrocious. We have used the OPGTR, plaid phonics and spelling workout. I am leaning towards either LOE or AAS. If I use LOE do I need to supplement grammer we have completed FFL 1 and 2. If I go the AAS route I am going to use MCT with it. FLL is just not working for her like it did with my son. So which do you suggest LOE or AAS w/ MCT.

  2. http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2012/08/03/157967215/experts-fear-whooping-cough-vaccines-shield-is-waning


    "Some 77 percent of children and adolescents who got whooping cough in Washington State last year were up to date on their required shots, she notes."

    The majority of pertusiss infections are within the vaccinated population. There has never been a long term scientific study comparing the vaccinated and unvaccinated population, until this is done we will not be vaccinating our children.

  3. Would it be overkill to do LOE in conjunction with MCT Island. My son is going into 4th grade and is an amazing and avid reader...he CANNOT spell. We have done FLL1-3 and he has a pretty good handle on grammar, we are just bored with FLL. I was thinking we could do an intensive study of LOE in about 10 weeks while reading Grammar Island. when we finish up LOE I could throw in the rest of the MCT material. I would also be doing WWE3. So any advice or tweaking? Thanks!

  4. Last year we did AAS 1 and while it was a good fit it was too teacher intensive for me. I will be having a baby in the fall and would like to streamline our homeschool day. I was looking at spelling workout but am unsure which book to purchase? Should I buy the 3rd grade book level C or start form the beginning and get book A? Is it the type of program you can pick up in the middle? TIA!

  5. .....members here are expecting? It seems like there have been a lot of baby threads lately and I've been wondering just how many of us are expecting and I thought it would be interesting to ask. :001_smile:


    I am, and baby is due around December 14th.


    We are expecting as well, it seems we share the same EDD. I'm hoping the full moon and lunar eclipse on Dec.10th will get things started early:)

  6. I can really relate. I have been attempting to get back on a lower carb lifestyle for months...I have PCOS. I was just in a food rut....I seriously can not eat one more egg! I found this wonderful low carb recipe blog and have had great success this week. My favorite meal this week was an asian lettuce wrap with pork, napa and red peppers...YUMMY! Here is a link:)

    Kalyns' Kitchen

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