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Posts posted by UnlikelyHomeschoolingMama

  1. 1 hour ago, Ema said:

    Rainbow Resource is, sadly, cutting back on the number of conferences at which they exhibit. I was very disappointed when I found this out and called to ask why. They said they were finding that people would look at curriculum at their booth, walk away, and purchase it somewhere else. Not worth their time and effort and money spent lugging things to the conferences if people aren’t going to buy from them. So you might want to check the conference you normally attend to see if they will be in the exhibit hall at all. I know they will NOT be attending the MACHE (Minnesota) conference this year. If you are upset by this as I am, please call them and say so—they may come back if enough people will gently ‘complain.’

    I am in VA and have confirmed they will be at ours.  I'm sorry to hear that they aren't going to conventions as much! I love their booth!!  I just can't remember if I got a discount at convention! 

  2. Thanks so much! I found an almost brand new TWSS for $100 including shipping, so I snatched it and will go through it the next few months before we start in August.   I am overwhelmed, but will take it one step at a time!!

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  3. 32 minutes ago, shawthorne44 said:

    BA2a starts at the beginning.   You could get the books and have him do it alongside the other books just like you did for you older kid.  Then you might find less and less need for the other books.  If he is doing 128 and 128 in his head, I don't see why he isn't ready for BA2a.  

    This is sorta what I was thinking after looking at some samples and scope/sequence on BA's website.  

    I'm gonna check out the other threads and ideas.  This board is amazing and you all are so wonderful.  Thank you for your wisdom and help!!

  4. Hi there! I currently use Beast Academy to supplement my "good at math but not too mathy" fifth grader.  She NEEDS the repetition and spiral she gets from Saxon, but is a year ahead so we are taking it slowly and doing Beast Academy 2 times per week.  (only ahead because she did ABEKA in K-3 and that moves so fast!!).  

    So I'm familiar with BA and love it.  I never understood how it could be a stand alone curriculum though...until my little man started kinder.  This kid is 2 months into kinder.  We are doing ABEKA first grade math and he is bored.  He is doing things like "26 plus 8 is 34 because 8+8 is 16.....minus 2 is 14....so 34" or "34 plus 9 is 43 because 34 plus 10 is 44 minus 1 is 43".  ALL. THE.  TIME.  The other day he told me we have to wait 2 hours and 15 minutes for something starting at 3.  I looked at the clock and it was 12:45.  He is always asking us for "hard" math problems, so my husband gives him things like "128 plus 128" to do in his head and he gets them right!  About 6 months ago he had 16 legos that were "corner" pieces and he said quickly "Oh I can make four houses with these, because there are four 4s in 16".  Needless to say, he seems to have a gift for numbers.  

    So would BA be a good stand alone for this kid who will NOT need spiral and repetition with facts, because he practices them in his head for fun anyway?  I know it doesn't start until 2nd grade level....are there plans for a 1st grade BA?  If not, do I just keep doing what I'm doing until he is ready for BA 2A?  

    Thanks for any and all help!  My other two kids are steady at math, but not gifted.  I want to stimulate his little mind and help him, but he is so young and I don't want to screw him up!!

  5. I'm looking for some independent geography practice for my rising 5th grader.  Just to fill in some gaps (that most kids have quite honestly). 

    I looked at Evan Moor Daily geography practice but it looks teacher intensive.  Is that the case?  Or is there anything else??  Even an app?



  6. My son learned his tables after spending 2 hours watching Times Tales.  They are in there and aren't coming out.  But his brain works that way.  

    My daughter watched with him (already knowing her tables) and couldn't figure out how the stories worked.  She thought it was the dumbest and most frustrating thing she had ever watched.  

    So my guess is you just have to try a bunch of things and see what sticks.  ? Because they sure are all different...even within the same family!  

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Tanaqui said:

    I agree with Ellie in what she said, though I'll follow up with a caveat: we found that for our dyslexic kiddo, Spalding was just too front-loaded. Too much remembering rules from the start. She also has ADHD, and I don't know which condition made it too much for her.

    It's no harm trying Spalding - as Ellie said, it's pretty inexpensive! - but if it doesn't work or if it frustrates your child you may want to move to something that's more explicitly geared for kids with learning disabilities. Because my kid can *read* pretty well (in context, anyway) but not write, we mostly just remediated spelling using Apples and Pears. I don't have advice for teaching kids how to read, but you might try their reading curriculum as well.

    My little man is finishing up second grade using ABEKA.  He is starting on the 3rd grade readers from Sonlight and can "do it" but it is a crap ton of work and he needs help building fluency.  It may just mean we do vision therapy (highly highly HIGHLY recommended by the neuropsychologist AND the eye doc) and just keep reading.  But i'm wondering if I can remediate a little another way to help with fluency. Maybe read easier books?  I'm not sure...need to pray pray pray.  We are overwhelmed!  I've always known there was an issue and having answers is great, but now we must help him!  

  8. My son was just diagnosed with an extreme deficit in visual processing, as well as ADHD.  We've been using ABEKA, but I'm considering a switch to LOE for some reading remediation, spelling, etc.  I've heard it may be great for him.  Has anybody ever made this switch?  Isn't LOE phonics based? So what makes it better for visual processing disorder kids than ABEKA?  

    Any other info or experiences would be helpful.  Thank you!!


  9. My 4th grade DD is doing Saxon 6/5 three days per week and BA 3B two days per week. I need to order 3C soon! She generally does 4 pages of practice at a time but not all the problems. I circle the ones I want her to do. She isn't really mathy (tested ahead in Saxon only because she use ABEKA through 3rd) so I like the combo.

  10. My daughter is in 4th grade and is a fantastic reader.  However, we've never done graphic novels or anything like that....and reading to learn MATH can also sometimes be difficult. So while she reads a lot of the time on her own, I will often come in and read it WITH her to stop and make sure she is understanding as she reads.  It isn't THAT much reading, so I think it'll be fine. 



  11. I used the newer one last year and it was horrible.  My daughter did so well but it was awfully long and just ridiculous!!  I may switch away from Iowa next year, because the hours and hours were not worth it.  I didn't know what I was buying and thought it was going to be the same as her 2nd grade test and it was awful.  A neighbor gave her kids the other version and I looked at theirs and was blown away at how much easier it seemed.  

    • Like 1
  12. My little man turned 5 in Dec and here is what we've started:


    Abeka L+S and phonics lessons (child led.....he really loves this)

    Bob books and other readers

    Mathematical Reasoning A

    SL P4/5 for lit and science


    I have no idea what to do next year. He is so mathy. We have ABEKA and Right Start in the house. But Kinder for each would be too boring. We will just keep moving in phonics and read lots of books together. Throw in A Reason For Handwriting.

  13. It is not traditional by any means (coming from a mama who uses Abeka in early years and then Saxon). Those are nuts and bolts arithmetic. BA has my 4th grade DD looking at math a completely different way. She is in 5th grade Saxon but is doing BA 3 alongside it. It is a great supplement and we really enjoy it but it is harder than a typical 3rd grade math curriculum.

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  14. Hi all! I'm getting ready to buy Jack and Jill for my second grade son who is reading on grade level and just now ready to start some spelling and dictation.  I think SYS will be a little better for him than AAS (which I love for my daughter).  


    Do I need to buy the Instructor Guide or just the student workbooks? 



  15. I was just working on this.  


    History/Lit/Reading - Sonlight Core D with his 5th grade sister


    Language Arts - Sorta stuck on this, but am thinking Essentials in Writing or Fix It.


    Math - Right Start D with some review support with an ABEKA workbook (he needs more spiral and more practice)


    Spelling - AAS 2/3


    Science - His sister will be doing Apologia Human Anatomy in co-op, so I may just have him do this as well.  Even if it is a big more difficult.  


    • Like 2
  16. I have always used two maths.  I really think the basics are important so we used ABEKA grades 1-3 daily and supplemented with mathematical reasoning from Critical 

    Thinking Co. a few times per week...one year we did Singapore (1st grade maybe).  This year she tested into Saxon 6/5 but is only in 4th grade.  I'm in no rush and she isn't "mathy" so we are doing Saxon 3 days per week and Beast Academy 2 days per week.  I LOVE BA and love Saxon. Yes, they are polar opposites but I don't think we have to be "either or".  I feel like the spiral basic arithmetic is just as important for my DD as the problem solving and more abstract thinking of Beast Academy.  I love this year and the way it is working out. 

  17. I go back and forth with the geometry part. This is my3rd time teaching it in Level C, and we haven’t made it straight through. I might do 10 lessons to start with, then jump ahead, and come back once or twice a week, or not at all, or wait two weeks and then do 3 lessons, or whatever suits me. It is just so long. My kids do enjoy it but I get tired of it. Lol

    Haha!!  Well it is a LITTLE about us, right?  


    My son is hating it so I may take that suggestion.  Come back occasionally. He also has a great grasp on fractions, so I'm not sure the pace they set is needed for him.  Thanks!!

  18. I think a lot people get bogged down in Right Start C with the geometric drawing part. It is fine to skip some or substitute skills that the child needs to work on. If you continue with RS, there will be more opportunities to gain those skills.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Yea, I understand setting up fractions but for a kid who has a grasp on that it is torture.  We did one lesson today and he was looking at me like he wanted to poke his eyes out!  So yes, we'll condense a bit and put in some more review and move on.  I will go back today and find some games that will be good to use.  


    We already have level D for next year, so we will be continuing!  :)  


    Thank you so much!!

  19. Rightstart users...I have a question. I have been using ABEKA for my older DD and she is now using Saxon. My younger DS has been using ABEKA and is using RS Level C this year. So I'm very familiar with the spiral approach to math instruction.
    I'm having a hard time with the mastery approach of RS. For instance, at this point it has been a while since math facts have been practiced or played with....at all. We are just drawing and dividing shapes and stuff. I don't get it. Next we move on to scales and clocks and it'll be a long while before we come back to the arithmetic stuff. How is an 8 year old supposed to stay fresh on that stuff? Do I make math lessons longer and practice with him? Can I go out of order? Can I skip some of this stuff and come back it slowly over the summer?


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