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Posts posted by KerriF

  1. Does anyone have experience with the Potter's School Chinese I?  My son is interested in learning Chinese and I've heard good things about Potter's School.  I've looked at local resources but am not finding anything close to home.


    I'd really appreciate any feed back or suggestions.


    Thanks so much,


  2. Hi Candace,

    I ready Ami's post on her blog and read this part of your post

    "And a lot of the units are still there, just rearranged. And many are being redone"


    and I'm not sure I understand the part of them just being rearranged. Does that mean I should still search under the name of the book?


    Thanks so much,


  3. Well we are one of the ones who had the V and then regretted it. We had it done after our first two. We had moved away from all family and the second pregnancy was difficult. ( Although now I look back on it, I think I could have handled that second pregnancy better.)


    About 2 years later I started feeling like we had made a big mistake. There were several reasons I felt that way. I started talking to dh and he was shocked, but willing to listen. Eventually we came to the mutual decision to have it reversed.


    So about 3 years after it was originally done it was reversed. The surgery was a great success and the doctors were very positive. As soon as we could we started trying. Long story short it took us about 12-18 months to conceive (I can't remember!) because I started having some issues and I ended up going on Cl@mid. It worked at we had our first daughter.


    Fast forward one year and we found out we were pregnant again. We were totally shocked. You hear stories about women having trouble conceiving and then they have one and things start working again :D That is what happened with us. We just thought that since we had a difficult time conceiving our first daughter that we were pretty safe :lol:


    In August we had our second girl, fourth child. Having them close like that scared me and I didn't know how I was going to juggle it all, but she has been such a blessing.


    What surprised alot of people is that my dh then went in and had the V done again. We knew this time we were done. It was a different feeling this time around and we are much more at peace about it.


    I say go for it! :)

  4. I'm with you :)


    I've got a 10yr, 7yr, 2yr, 7mo. The 2yr can drive us crazy. I can tell you some of the things we've done that made it a little better.


    1. Room time - DD2 has worked up to about 30-40 min of room time. Room time for her is in my room in a pack and play. I have her favorite CD playing and then I put some books and 1 or 2 toys. I do this early in the morning so that she doesn't fall asleep and then not take a good afternoon nap.


    2. Blanket time - we do this on and off. I just put her in the family room with us and I have a big bucket of toys that we rotate each day and she can play with them.


    3. TV time :001_smile:


    4. I also try to start the school day with her. I read a book and do a little activity with her and then move on to the others.


    5. One of the things that I've found useful is something called Tot School. If you google it you will find a bunch of ideas. It is a bunch of homeschooling moms that have come up with ideas for toddlers to do. Some of them can be done more on their own and others are more involved. I picked some out and gathered my supplies. Then when I need to, I can pull them out for her. They are similar to preschool bags, but for the younger set.


    Hope this helps. It helped me with dd2. I am looking at the 7mo old though and kind of dreading it :lol:

  5. I haven't talked with my WW leader. To be honest I don't find her all that approachable. Normally I just go weigh in on a Friday and don't go to a meeting. It is just really hard to find time to go. I'm hoping maybe it has something to do with my cycle and that I'm retaining water right now? I've had two cycles already so I'm due. Ugg it just stinks to be trying and seeing the scale go up. :)

  6. Anyone doing this while nursing? I'm nursing my 7month old right now and have hit a road block. I've reduced my extra nursing points from 14 to 7 (dd is now taking solids) and had a good weight loss for one week, but now I seem to be gaining but I am still on plan. I can't figure it out. I getting frustrated with myself.


    Having said that I've lost 10 pounds but it has taken about 13 weeks.



  7. My boys have been doing Latin for about a year now. My Dad who took several years of Latin in high school is teaching it.


    He was asking me the other night what I wanted them to get out of it. He said he remembers much of what he learned, but that not all of it is or has been useful to him. He thought it was important to understand where words have come from and what their origins mean. He thought it was helpful to know latin roots so that when you encounter a word you don't know you can have a clue of what it means.


    He was talking to me about what books he had read in high school in latin and I mentioned that I'd like to boys to be able to do that. His next question was "why?".


    So now I pose the question to the hive. I'm not making any judgement here on if you do or do not, but just they why behind it.:)


    For me I like the idea of the kids being able to understand latin. I see the value of being able to understand the roots of words. I also so the value in the process of learning Latin. However, talking to my Dad and hearing what he had to say about what he thinks is actually valuable of what he learned go me to thinking.

  8. This is the first time I'm typing this out :001_huh: So I guess I'll get to see what it looks like laid out.


    Bible - Inductive Bible Study for kids, memory work, Who Is God (Apologia)

    History - TOG Yr 2

    Literature - TOG Yr 2

    Writing - TOG Yr 2, Brave Writer (trying this for the first time)

    Geography - TOG Yr 2 and Daily Geography Evan Moor

    Math - Math U See Zeta

    Latin - Latina Christiana I (we are behind on this, but it is combined with his 3rd grade brother and my Dad teaches it so I won't complain ;)

    Spanish - weekly class

    Spelling - SWR

    Science - Zoology 3 (Apologia)

    Logic - Mindbenders, Critical Thinking Bk 2


    Extras - Weekly TOG Co-op, Piano, Scouts, Sport?


    Ok I think I covered all my bases....

  9. TOG does have writing assignments for the Dialect level, but I don't believe they deal directly with the literature assignments.


    TOG writing is divided into 12 levels and each level gets a different assignment. Some of the assignments include newspaper, narrative essay/paragraph, descriptive paragraph etc. There are suggestion on topics for the assignments from the history reading ,but you could easily change that to pertain to their literature reading.


    I hope that helps some.


    Kerri :)

  10. I've used FIAR for Prek-K. We really loved the program. What ages are your kids?


    I think it is a good program even for a little bit older, but that is when we started our history rotation so I moved onto something else. I'm planning on using it with my younger two.


    We have fond memories of it.



    Kerri :)

  11. I've been reading old posts on the boards about pre-algebra and I'm wondering if Basic College Math Lials would be the correct text for a 7th grader starting pre algebra? :confused:


    Also if anyone has any insight of going into BCM from having completed MUS through Zeta?


    Thanks for your help. My head is spinning :lol:


    Kerri :)

  12. I use Edu-Track and I plan the whole year in one go. I can always bump lessons back and forth with Edu-track so I don't worry too much about it. I have 36 hanging folders with a folder for each child labled with the week and in their color (just the lable, colored file folders were getting too expensive). When I plan each subject I print off all of the pages I'm going to need for each child and file them in their color of that week.


    In Edu-track I plan as much as I can. I use TOG so I don't put page numbers for books and such because I can refer back to my TOG assignemnt sheet but each subject in TOG is assigned a day in Edu track and comes up when I print out the weekly assignments. I go through the year pick out the crafts, writing, and extra reading that I want the kids to do and I put that into Edu track. This year we are going to be doing the Old and New Testament lapbooks from Homeschool in the Woods so I printed everything and lined it up with TOG and entered it into Edu-track and then filed in the the appropriate weekly folder by child.


    I go ahead and assign days for grammar lessons and such because it is so easy to move it around even if we skip a day with Edu-track.


    One thing that I've done differently this year is created a subject in Edu-Track called MOM and it is scheduled each Monday. In it I've created a list of things that I need to do that week (library books on hold, craft supplies to be bought etc) for the next week.



  13. I'm not sure if I qualify, but we will be starting our 5th year with TOG. I would agree about not bumping a student up to fast because all of the selections are so good. In the same vein don't hesitate to jump between levels when needed. My DS will be jumping between UG and D for Lit reading next year, but we will stick with the UG history reading.


    I agree that the writing assignments are great. One thing that has been valuable for me for next year was to look through all of the writing assignments at the kids' levels to get the big picture. From there I could determine if I thought there were some projects we should skip or if we could just follow the plan as written.


    I'm in a co-op with 9 other families that use TOG and one thing I've seen is that each year you are going to glean from the year before and implent TOG in a better/different way. For me each year gets easier. I also get more comfortable with tweaking things when I feel its needed for a child.


    I've read from several women that have used TOG for a while and I believe also from Marcia Somerville to take advantage of when they are little to read some of the R level Lit books. I've been able to do some of that (certainly not all!) and have really enjoyed it.



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