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Posts posted by rwjx2khsmj

  1. All the gifts are purchased and I began wrapping today.

    We had our tree up and decorated until it fell over and for the life of me I can't figure out how to get it back up. So, it's been disassembled and my bedroom now looks like a pine forest.

    The lights our up outside and house is decorated inside except for the tree (see above).

    We've baked countless cookies and passed them out to all our friends, neighbors and friendly neighborhood dogs.

    Our first holiday performance was two Sundays ago, one down three to go.

    Our first holiday party is tomorrow.

    Christmas pictures have been taken.

    Christmas cards have been created, printed and picked up.


    Still to do:

    Celebrate St. Lucia.

    Finish wrapping presents.

    Write Christmas letter.

    Get cards and gifts mailed.

    Decorate sugar cookies with friends.

    Winter Solstice party.


    And the list goes on....


    The thing is that I love every single one of the things we've done and the things we've yet to do (except for one - see tree issue above). Tis the season to be jolly!

  2. I've structured our schedule to stop school on December 18 and not start again until January 4. This will be our longest break since we started homeschool in late July. I'm concerned that there are going to be some days in there that having "nothing to do" may be too little. For those of you with more experience than I have, do you try to do any school work during this time or do you just keep it all fun? Any wonderful tips or ideas for the down time around the holidays?

  3. Are you going to have a tub or just a shower?


    We have a garden tub and separate shower. I love that. I'm a shower person and hate stepping in and out of a tub. The kids are the only ones that use the big tub and they love "swimming" in it.


    One thing we don't have is a tub faucet that has a sprayer, like on your kitchen sink. I would LOVE that feature for washing hair and wiggly bodies, as well as for cleaning the tub. If I were redoing a bathroom, I'd be looking for a faucet with a sprayer.

  4. clear balls, acrylic paint - http://familyfun.go.com/christmas/christmas-ornaments/swirl-a-balls-661439/


    pom poms, felt, googly eyes, candy canes - http://familyfun.go.com/christmas/christmas-crafts-stockings/christmas-candy-crafts/merry-mice-660649/


    decorate white paper gift bags for one-of-a-kind gift wrap using all the other craft supplies - my kids would have a blast with that kind of project


    paint, pom poms, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, felt, elastic cord -http://familyfun.go.com/crafts/silly-legs-santa-810737/


    pipe cleaners, bells http://familyfun.go.com/crafts/jingle-bell-bracelets-667417/

  5. We loved the Wrinkle in Time series narrated by Madeleine L'Engle. We've also enjoyed The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Judy Blum's Pain and the Great One books, King of the Wind by Marguerite Henry, The Tale of Despereaux and The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo and a variety of others. Even if the kids don't love the entire story, usually there is something that they find engaging.

  6. So far we've made:


    chocolate chip cookies

    oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

    no bake cookies

    m&m cookies

    sugar cookies

    gingerbread guys

    dog cookies


    We've given all of them away to neighbors, friends and their pooches.


    We'll be doing another batch of sugar cookies next week to decorate with friends. Pound cake will also be baked and given to the band concert reception.


    I'm thinking I'll also be trying the Andes mint cookies and maybe bonbons. I get started and just can't seem to stop!

  7. Then, this lead to why dog stories & movies are always sad. We had watched "A Dog Named Christmas" and we started naming all the tear-jerker/sad elements. And I said, "Why do they do that!?!"


    DS answered: "There wouldn't be a story if there was no conflict. It would be 'Timmy had a dog. His name was Fluff. They went to the park and played.'"




    DS7 has banned all dog related movies and books because "there are some conflicts a guy just can't take."

  8. I would hesitate to nominate any not-to-be-missed books because it's impossible to guess what people you don't really know might enjoy. But I reckon if something is part of the canon, it's worth at least a bit of a read before dismissing it.


    This is what I'm learning... just because I had to slog through it in high school doesn't mean I won't enjoy it if given a second chance so why not take the second chance. If I read a bit and hate it, I can always walk away.


    I love Jane Austen and only read To Kill a Mocking Bird in the last 2 or 3 years.

  9. Crafts are not part of our school time. Sometimes, like when studying Egypt, the dc ask to do an extra project. I got the supplies and offered assistance on request but they did the "crafty" parts. DS made a model of a mummy. DD13 made a game and pita bread. DD10 made jewelry. That's about as crafty as we get.


    If they ask, I'll supply the materials but I rarely, if ever, initiate.

  10. I LOVE my library!


    I can reserve my books online with NO limits! Currently, I have over 150 books on my shelves, thanks to the library. The interlibrary loan delivers on Tuesday and Friday so we usually pick up our requests twice a week. It's such a blessing to be able to select my books in the peace of my midnight computer searches and pick them up without scouring the shelves while helping my dc pick their books.


    My wonderful librarians always encourage us to take more books home with us at every visit. I always feel greedy taking more when I've already been given so much but the librarians are constantly finding things they think we'll enjoy. Last week, the librarian snuck my son the newest Nate the Great because they thought he'd like it and they were right. He loved it!


    My library also has no fines and 30 day check outs for all books. My librarians even renew my books if they show up overdue in the system because they know I'll bring them back someday.


    Best of all, my libararians are not ssssshhhhhhers. I would not be welcome in a ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhing library.


    I love my library and my librarians.


    I've paid my dues, literally, in other libraries and I am so thankful for the library I have now.

  11. I tried for a themed tree one year. Santas, red and white. Now I just enjoy the memories that roll out of the boxes as we put all our ornaments on the tree. We have ornaments from dh and my childhood trees, hand made ornaments, cinnamon ornaments with bites missing, Christmas letters from my Grammy, pieces of Christmas cards, daisies, mice and the occasional stuffed animal. We even have two tree toppers (the angel is hung on a star) because we couldn't reach a consensus one year. My only requirement is that the lights are white and that they don't flash.

  12. There are several pretty mature themes in this book that I'd at least want to be prepared for if my daughter were reading it. The parent's relationships with each other and with their children are pretty intense. Also, the fact that the second daughter was born specifically to be a donor for the first. It's not a light subject book and has a ton of ethical and moral issues that spin off. Plus the ending... well, it's no less upsetting than the general subject of the book.


    If it were me, I'd make time to read the book or ask my daughter to wait and read it later.

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