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Posts posted by lotsofpumpkins

  1. We skipped them because I didn't want my boys knowing that they have anything to do with reproduction yet! Obviously they all know that a baby grows in Mommy's tummy, but I told them that God put the baby there.


    The book does give the names for the internal organs, but not the outer parts. It does mention eggs and sperm, but doesn't say what part the sperm plays.


    The part you color and cut/paste has uterus/ovaries for a girl, or testicles for a boy.

  2. :lol::lol::lol: Yes, I remind me of you!:tongue_smilie:


    I think I finally have it all settled.....for now! (I HEAR you laughing.....)


    Yep, I'm laughing.


    The one great thing about curriculum and books is that it has given me something to think about other than diapers for a LONG time now... I haven't even been on DS in quite a while, and this is the longest I've ever stuck with using just prefolds!


    I figured you can relate.... :D

  3. I don't know much about FLL, but I found it amusing that you have owned it before but sold it. You remind me of... ME! :D


    I think the weight lifting off the shoulders is a good sign. That's how I felt when I decided on HOD. (Which, as you know, only occurred after a lengthy debate in my brain over the best placement for my children. I'm so relieved to have it figured out!)


    I hope FLL works out for you! :)

  4. I like using R&S so that it's a Bible course as well (for 1st-4th grade). My dd will start 2nd grade next month so we'll add R&S English so she'll start learning grammar too. (We'll do some orally if the writing is too much). We were going to do R&S spelling, but since we decided to go with HOD Beyond, I'm going to give their spelling a try.

  5. We school 4 days a week year-round too. It's supposed to be Mon-Thurs, but sometimes something comes up on one of those days so we school on Friday instead. We take off for Thanksgiving/Christmas travel. We'll take off some time for a vacation too. We don't plan the vacation time too far in advance. We just take off as we need to.

  6. How did you fit them together? I would like to do that, but I don't want to do overkill. KWIM? How many pages of each did you do a day? My ds would be 4.4 when we start.



    I let my ds decide. If he wants to "do school", he grabs one of the workbooks (his choice). Sometimes he does 1 page. Sometimes he does 4 or 5. Sometimes he wants to do a page or two from both workbooks, and sometimes it's just one or the other. At this age, I have no requirements. When he finishes the ETC Primers we'll move onto ETC 1 and see how that goes. I am planning on using HOD's Little Hearts for His Glory for his Kindergarten, which would officially start in May 2010 (that's when we start our new school years in our family since we school year-round). BUT, if he finishes up the ABC workbooks early and is ready for something else, we might go ahead and start LHFHG when he turns 5 in Dec. But we'll play all that by ear.

  7. My 4 year old is doing the ABC workbooks. He did all of the About Three workbooks when he was 3 1/2- 4. He just started the ABC series a few weeks ago (he's 4 years and 4 months old now). He is doing fine with them, but he is doing very well with writing letters so it hasn't been difficult for him.


    ETA: My ds is doing R&S ABC workbooks AND the ETC Primers.

  8. Are you looking for Christian or secular?


    If Christian, I'd vote for one of HOD's programs so you can really get some Bible in there, since he won't get that at PS. (You can use whatever reading/math level you want with these).


    If he's really running THAT far ahead in reading/math, I doubt they'll be able to challenge him sufficiently even in 2nd grade, but who knows. I do admire you for submitting to your dh though. I'd have a hard time doing that if mine were to tell me to stop hs'ing!

  9. Not trying to hijack, but does anyone use singapore AND R&S? We've been using R&S and the pace seems a little slow to me. My dd has done fine with it, but my ds has gotten REALLY bored. So, I got him singapore and he's taking a break from R&S for a while. My dd is working on R&S 2 and also wants to do singapore 1B (that's where she places after doing R&S 1). I'm trying to figure out if I should line the programs up at all (if that's even possible), or do both at the same time, or do one for a while and then the other for a while.

  10. I totally know what you mean! I love to research curriculum, but it's a dangerous thing. I found that I am very susceptible to "grass is greener" syndrome! I'm trying to stay off the boards as much, but that's hard when I'm trying to sell things.


    I'm trying to be content with what has already been decided. Instead, I'm already thinking about what I want to start using a full year from now. I figure that way I can make sure I'm saving enough money each month to put towards it.


    My dh and I are wanting to spend more time together reading books to each other and discussing. If he stops watching so much TV and I stop spending so much time online researching curriculum, then I'm sure our relationship will benefit. So, if you are wondering what to do with your time if you aren't online so much, there's an idea. Plus I'm trying to spend some time looking through the upcoming books so I'm more organized when I go to actually teach them to the children.

  11. Joanna,

    I too think that 4 is a little early to know if phonics will work. But, I do know that some kids just don't ever get phonics. If he doesn't, there is hope.


    My two oldest did fine with phonics. My little guy is 8 and just can't sound out a word. He too learned his letter sounds from the LeapFrog videos but then we floundered with phonics for two years. R&S reading program was a life-saver for us. Now I know to look for sight-word based programs for him. Pathway Readers (First Steps, Days Go By, etc.) with the workbooks have also been a big hit with him. He is now so proud of himself. No longer does he tell others that he can't read. It amazes me how many words he has learned through rot memorization.


    Now don't get me wrong.... I still haven't given up on him learning to sound out a word. We still work on phonics a little bit DAILY using a variety of materials including The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading; he's on lesson #41, but still not quite getting it. He stalled halfway through Explode the Code 1, but I continue to pull it out every once in a while. One of these days he is going to get it!



    This is interesting. My 5.5 year old was doing great memorizing sight words in R&S reading, but I stopped him when he kept getting "us" and "we" mixed up (meaning he wasn't even trying to use any phonics at all to remember which word was which). I read posts about how too many sight words would mess him up. He wasn't doing well with R&S phonics, so we tried First Reader, and couldn't get past the first page of blends, so that got boring. I got Happy Phonics and he enjoys that, plus I'm having him do ETC 1, but I'm sounding the words out for him. He just can't do it. He knows the letter sounds but can't put them together. I'm hoping it will click soon like it did for my dd at around this age. But considering we are about to officially start 1st grade for him, I'm wondering if I should pick back up the R&S reading and not worry about it... I'd continue to have him do phonics lessons, of course, but I think he misses those reading lessons because he was so proud of himself for being able to read the stories himself. I don't want to keep him from reading just because he doesn't get phonics yet...

  12. yes, Beyond is before Bigger. I was leaning towards Bigger because it schedules R&S English 2 (which we are planning on using anyway), learns cursive (which we are planning on doing anyway), etc. But I can also see the appeal of going with Beyond and not making things too hard on her. You made a good point about looking down the road. I don't want the programs to be too difficult later on.



    Beyond is before Bigger, right? I've done Bigger this year with my 3rd grader. It was the perfect level for him. I have no doubt that a younger person could do Bigger. Maybe you'd need to do a little adjustment at times. However, if you do end up switching to HOD in the long-term, you might find, at some point, that you are a year ahead of where you want to be. In other words, the fact that you are on the younger end of the age spectrum may become more pronounced as you get further into the program. So, I'd suggest starting with Beyond. No matter what your decision, you'll have a great year!



    HOD-Heart of Dakota

  13. I've been posting at the HOD boards but figured I'd ask here too. I'm seriously contemplating going with HOD for our new school year (which will start mid/late May since we school year-round). I cannot make up my mind on placement though! Here's the quick rundown:


    dd7- finishing up 1st grade. Good reader but not totally independent yet. Regardless of what we choose, I will have her do R&S 2nd grade phonics. She has already started R&S 2nd grade math, but I am considering having her switch to singapore (which would work great with HOD!)


    ds5.5- finishing up K. Is 2/3 done with R&S 1st grade math, but we just started Singapore 1A because I think he needs that approach. He cannot sound out words yet, but is great at memorizing sight words. I have him in ETC 1 right now. I still don't know if I'll put him in R&S phonics or just keep him in ETC. Very wiggly boy who could benefit from more hands-on stuff and short lessons.


    ds4- working on R&S ABC workbooks and ETC Primers. Knows his letter sounds but isn't sounding out words though. He'll be 5 in December.


    ds2.5- could definitely benefit from more hands-on FUN stuff so that he'll stop getting into trouble while we are trying to do school!


    Here's my options:

    1. Put dd in Bigger by herself. Combine ds4 and ds5 in Little Hearts. (Not sure how this would go though; I'm not sure ds4 will be ready for Beyond a year from now).

    2. Combine dd and ds5 in Beyond. Combine ds4 and ds2 in LHTH. (And let ds4 continue his ETC primers and ABC workbooks, and start Singapore earlybird math when he's ready)

    3. Some other combination??? I'm mainly looking for scenarios that give me a year break between repeating programs. But I do want the best placement for each child. So, I'd be willing to repeat a little bit, since I believe that the children will be more combinable in a couple of years once the younger ones are reading.

    ETC: option #4: dd in Bigger. ds5 in Little Hearts. ds4 just listens in wherever he wants and keeps doing what he's doing, and then in a year we'll figure out if he can combine with his brother then.


    Please help me figure this out!

  14. When we get to that I'm going to let them write it vertically if they need to. I think I read somewhere that SM will present different ways to solve a problem, and the student can use the method they prefer. We just started 1A today so I haven't gotten to that yet! My oldest places into 1B but I'm letting her watch her brother do 1A first so that she sees the SM style.

  15. Today I decided to go ahead and start reading the Zoo I book rather than waiting. We just read the first section of Lesson I, and I had my oldest copy one sentence (defining zoology). I also had her and the 5 year old make a simple list of the flying creatures we'll be studying (birds, bats, flying reptiles, and insects). I used bird notebooking pages so they got to color the birds when they were done. They loved it, and actually paid very close attention when I was reading. It was just one page though. I guess we are going to take this pretty slowly. Maybe that's the problem a lot of people run into when using these books with young children. Are you trying to read too much each day? I decided rather than scheduling it for 2 days a week, we'll just read a little bit each day and take as long as we need.


    So, anyway, we're only a page in, but so far so good... I'm not as concerned as I was earlier. (I really must stop reading these threads about curriculum I already own!)

  16. This is slightly discouraging to hear.... I have Zoo I here and am getting ready to start it soon with 2nd, 1st, and pre-K children (obviously the younger ones won't get as much out of it). The experiments look fun, and I'm really hoping the birds will cooperate. We've had a simple bird feeder hanging outside for a couple of months now and the birds have not discovered it. :confused: We live in the country and there's TONS of birds here. Maybe putting out a different kind of feeder will help.


    Anyway, even if the wording in the book ends up being over their heads, we are going to try it anyway, and at least do the experiments.

  17. Wow! My 5 1/2 year old can only spell his name and the names of his siblings, as well as CAT (and maybe the other -AT words).


    My 7 year old is a really good reader, but I found that it's way easier for her to read something than to figure out how to spell it (even if it's words she JUST covered in a phonics lesson a few minutes before). So, accurate spelling definitely can take some time to develop.

  18. I'm not sure what I'd do in your situation. My dd was a beginning reader when she started 1st grade, so she definitely needed phonics. And although she is a great reader now, I can see where phonics are still needed, since she is often figuring out words by context when she reads.


    Our 1st grade LA is Rod & Staff phonics and reading. It doesn't start grammar and spelling until 2nd grade.

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