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Heather K.

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Posts posted by Heather K.

  1. This is a burden God's placed on my heart the last year or so too. I've spent the summer doing a Bible study on prayer with some friends that has plainly shown me the absolute necessity of my being in the Word and spending time in prayer EVERY day. Although I'm blessed to have a husband who loves the Lord also, I know that I set the spiritual tone for our home. I'm the one with the kids all day! If I'm making time to talk to God and let Him talk to me (prayer and Bible study) that relationship will spill out into my home.

    I'm learning to lead my kids in prayer on the spot when something needs prayer. And I'm learning to show my kids from the Bible why we make the decisions we do as a family. And to praise them-- with biblical support-- for attitudes and behaviors that are Christ-honoring. We can talk about what worldview people in history had and how their view of God impacted what they did. How God displays himself through science and math-- through the order He has created.

    Bit by bit, as the Holy Spirit changes me, my home is changing. And I'm humbled by it-- to see how little change I could effect on my own. Only when I threw up my hands in surrender and asked Him to do the changing through me did real change begin to occur.

    Blessings on you as you follow this God-given desire! :grouphug:

  2. Originally Posted by Sharon in Austin viewpost.gif

    That's an excellent one. The best I've gotten was "It must be hard for her not being around other kids" ... when the speaker and I were both watching our kids in their crowded athletic club, a large group of teens playing games. I didn't know what to say. "Behold"???



    This is fabulous. I needed a laugh today and this one hit the spot. :lol:

  3. We haven't used it for high school level, only elementary.

    I love the booklist! It's the best part! We could never come close to reading all the options listed, so you have plenty to choose from. And our library has enough of them that we wouldn't need to buy any unless we wanted to.

    I like that I can teach all my kids from the same basic material.

    I like that it pulls from so many different sources, so you're not subject to just one author's bias or bent.

    It's very affordable-- and they now offer many extras if you want to do more than the reading.

    We strayed away for a year, but I'm excited to return to it this upcoming school year. :001_smile:

  4. We used it 2 years ago, when they didn't have the Cool History option too. We just did the coloring pages, so the kids had something to do while they were listening. They really enjoyed that.

    After a year off, we're returning to BP this year, and I ordered the Cool History. I really, really like it. It's a good way to reinforce what they've heard by filling in blanks/answering quesitons. I was not impressed with the Craft booklet for 1850-2000. We'll do very few of them, and I could've come up with those ideas on my own. I do like their Maps, too, with lists of places to label.

    You really could have plenty to do with just the guide and reading, though. The other items are completely optional in my opinion, based on what extras you want.

    Hope that helps!

  5. Has anyone skipped SOTW 4 due to the violent content of modern times? SWB gives a suggestion in the foreword to consider skipping it for kids under 4th grade. Mine are 5th and 2nd. I hate to just skip it... and mess up the 4-year cycle with my oldest. But I'm wondering about my 2nd grader.

    How have other people dealt with this?

  6. Wow-- thank you all for the input! Our home is very clean and we put it all new floors when we bought it a few years ago. But the disadvantage is we're in a newer, "cookie cutter" neighborhood where many identical homes are for sale at the same time. So every detail-- including paint colors-- might be important when selling. We have a warm yellow-gold in our kitchen/family room that we love.... but aren't sure how it will strike potential buyers. Trying to decide if it's a big deal or not.

    I appreciate all your thoughts. :)

  7. Are you swayed by paint colors in a house when you go househunting? We might be moving in the foreseeable future (we're military... we always "might be moving soon") and I'm trying to decide if it's worth repainting rooms in my house to "neutralize" them. When you're househunting do you overlook the paint colors or is it a factor for you?


    Thanks for the input. :)

  8. I have one of those, too! My 2nd grade daughter is precious and darling and compliant and helpful 95% of the time. But when she digs in her heels... and that little eyebrow gets cocked... and I see that look in her eye... I get terrified (inwardly). Because she knows exactly how to push me to that edge and watch me teeter precariously.

    I just pray God channels this for good someday! :001_smile:

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