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Everything posted by Jo'sgram

  1. If CAT-E is all that is required, then I will now breathe a sigh of relief. Thank you ALL for your posts and all the great information!!
  2. Well, now this has raised another question. Is the CAT-E test acceptable? According to the Seton Testing website, it looks like this test only evaluates Math and English. Not Science or Social Studies. Is that right?
  3. omg, such helpful info! Thank you! yes, the LOI and IHIP have been submitted. I do think i will submit this quarterly report at the third quarter and plan on having her take the CAT test in late May. Like someone else said, if she did well in school up until this absence she will probably do fine on the CAT even with only a quarter or so of material this year. Then we'll start fresh next school year. This forum, and your replies, are great! I can't thank you enough for taking the time to share your knowledge and experience, in order to help me.
  4. Thanks for the Calif info. NY does have the same type of thing for a student who is out for medical reasons. But without any idea of when she was going to be able to return, that option was closed to us. I think that we will be homeschooling from here on out. I could be wrong, but that's how we are approaching it for now. This has been a daunting experience, to begin the homeschooling process. But I really think it can turn out great, once we get a little more experience with it. My immediate challenge is to get the quarterly report done correctly and on time. :) Thanks again!
  5. Thanks for the Calif info. NY does have the same type of thing for a student who is out for medical reasons. But without any idea of when she was going to be able to return, that option was closed to us. I think that we will be homeschooling from here on out. I could be wrong, but that's how we are approaching it for now. This has been a daunting experience, to begin the homeschooling process. But I really think it can turn out great, once we get a little more experience with it. My immediate challenge is to get the quarterly report done correctly and on time. :) Thanks again!
  6. Due to anxiety/depression issues, my granddaughter has been unable to attend high school. She was an honor roll student with excellent attendance thru 8th grade, but when it was time to move up to HS, she had extreme difficulty. She is receiving counseling and we kept thinking she was going to be able to return to school. Because of this our formal homeschooling didn't begin until Feb of this year. So she had no 'claimable' schooling from Sept-Feb. My question is about our required paperwork for the school. How do we label the quarters? Is our first quarterly report (due very soon) have to be called the Third Quarterly Report, in order to fall into line with the school's calendar year? And if so, we have to do the annual test (CAT, Iowa Basics, etc) before the next quarterly report? Or can we submit it as our First Quarterly Report, and not take the annual testing until the fall or winter? I'm confused about whether we have to fall into line with the public school's schedule, and if so how the testing will go since we've only covered one quarter of material so far. I have been unable to find an answer to this on the web, and would appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks so much!
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