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Posts posted by CanadianAlison+3boys

  1. I'm so terrible at updating how I did on these lists but somehow just posting my list for accountability increases my odds of doing more of it.


    So with that said, today I need to:


    *email Dad, Nana, both sisters, brother, and MIL and SIL about family picnic


    *call doctors and vet about appointments


    *update planner app and paper agenda and budget


    *write blog post


    *do school with boys


    *catch up on reading


    *clean kitchen

    • Like 6
  2. I am looking for suggestions for my oldest. He is a rising 5th grader and is autistic, and has ADHD and dysgraphia. Math has become a huge area of contention and I am looking for a solid plan for the autumn.


    This is our third year homeschooling and we started using MEP and switched to Math Mammoth. He hates MM (which sucks because I own all of it already). He hates crowded pages and needing to do "so many" problems.


    To try something completely different I bought LOF and started him at Apples and he's working his way through the books. I also bought Beast Academy and to my surprise he took to it much much better than I thought he would. He sometimes gets frustrated if it takes too long but he also sometimes solves problems faster than expected because they are framed the way his brain works.


    I'm happy to have him continue these two things but I wonder if it's enough. Especially since he's "behind" as far as grade level goes since he started at the beginning of both series just recently (he's most of the way through Butterflies in LOF and most of the way through 3A in BA, but making steady progress in both).


    Is LOF + BA with some Khan Academy and Prodigy thrown in enough? Any other suggestions? He used to love math. His hatred of MM has left him wary of math and quick to rebel if it's too many problems. On the other hand I want him to be successful in math and not limited because of not liking the way it is presented and what there is that needs done. I appreciate any ideas :)

  3. We are in the same boat this year. Oldest DS going into Grade 5, with his brothers going into Grade 2 and Grade 1 and the younger two will be doing STOW Ancients.


    We bought the older edition Kingfisher per the Well Trained Mind recommendations and DS likes the look of it. I was planning on getting the Usborne history book but it was out of stock when I was buying and now that I've seen the Kingfisher I think it will work nicely.

  4. Following allow for sure. I hope to get some great ideas.


    The biggest thing I want to do is just get rid of 50% or more of our stuff. I am doing a little bit. Not enough. I wish I had more spare time to do it now, but when the baby gets older I will have more time.


    I hate having so much stuff and clutter.

    Me too! I need a support group for this to keep me accountable.

  5. I'm in today!


    We are child free for the rest of the week while the kids are at the cottage with Nanny and Grampie. So I am hoping to get stuff done that has been pushed to the back burner for too long.



    Major goals for today:


    1. Sort/purge at least 500 papers out of the filing cabinets and piles full around my house. Organizing these has been on my list for so very long


    2. Reorganize furniture in my bedroom and set up the accessibility aids that I need


    3. Make six phone calls off my list


    4. Gather the four forms I need to mail and get them ready to be dropped at the post office


    5. Write a blog post


    6. Rework weekly homeschool schedule and print a copy for fridge


    7. Update my planner for next week and month


    8. Make a budget for July




    If I get half of these done I'll be happy but I'm going to push for as many as possible :)

    • Like 5
  6. I am so torn on this. We already own the books and activity guides for SOTW 1 and 2 and I have bookmarked resources to fill in the parts in SOTW 2 that are problematic from a Catholic perspective. We like SOTW so far and it would be a large financial outlay for us to buy the new curriculum especially when we own SOTW already.


    On the other hand it would be nice to own a set that I can just use without worrying that I am teaching my kids something against the faith (especially since we as a family are new to being Catholic). Plus supporting a company producing Catholic options is appealing.


    I will be watching reviews closely. I think I'm decided on doing SOTW for ancients but I am very undecided for what we will do for the Middle Ages.

    • Like 1
  7. My 7 year old asked me yesterday if he could please learn Greek. We talked about the differences between Greek and English and his reasons for wanting to learn and I'd like to give him some exposure so he can decide if it fits for him or not.


    Ideas for Greek curriculum for a grade 2 student who loves learning and tends to pick things up fairly quickly?. His Dad or I would be learning alongside him as neither of us have any prior Greek experience.

  8. My 7 year old asked me yesterday if be could please learn Greek. We talked about the differences between Greek and English and his reasons for wanting to learn and I'd like to give him some exposure so he can decide if it fits for him or not.


    Ideas for Greek curriculum for a grade 2 student who loves learning and tends to pick things up fairly quickly. His Dad or I would be learning alongside him as neither of us have any prior Greek experience.

    • Like 1
  9. Didn't see another thread yet for April (so sorry if I missed it!) so I thought I'd start one and check in.


    Things are not going well here right now. Yesterday was a totally awful appointment with my rheumatologist, which I left in tears, which was the icing on an already super challenging time. It's now 4am here and I'm still awake and have been all night in pain and with a racing brain that will not turn off.


    I'm really overwhelmed right now and there is so much in the air that I'm feeling right now like it's not ever going to be OK. I desperately want to be wrong and hope that life eases up a bit sooner rather than later, but right now just seems like miles of tunnel and no light ahead.


    I told my DH I felt like toast that's gone cold and landed on the floor butter side down. Just a mess.


    I sure hope the rest of you are feeling better than I am right now. Gentle *hugs* all around.

    • Like 4
  10. For board books we'd probably do:


    Sometimes I Like To Curl Up In A Ball (this one was literally loved to death here and we would for sure replace if we have a baby in the house again)

    The Gruffalo

    Snuggle Puppy

    Happy Hippo, Angry Duck

    Belly Button Book

    Brown Bear, Brown Bear

    Ten Little Fingers, Ten Little Toes

    I Love You Through and Through

    I Love You Because You're You

    A Book of Prayers (not sure which one though)


    It is clear from my list my like of Sandra Boynton and my love of books that talking about loving and/or the affection between parent and child :)

    • Like 1
  11. Here in Ontario, Canada she'd be in Grade 1, and it would be her third year of actual school (meaning free in a building where all elementary grades are housed, not a optional, paid for by parents "preschool").


    We have two years of kindergarten, junior and senior. The cutoff is December 31st so all kids born in 2011 are in JK this year, 2010 are in SK, and 2009 are in Grade 1.


    That being said, homeschooling is awesome because you can place her whereever she needs to be. :)

  12. You got some excellent responses. I will echo with my own experience. My youngest had a speech delay in expression. None of the work we did through his speech therapy and ABA gave us more than little gains until we started teaching him ASL at home. Breaking it down and starting from the beginning with ASL suddenly gave us a breakthrough in communication. We added in French at basically the same time for his older brothers and he ended up making amazing progress in English and ASL and even measurable gains in French despite it not being specifically taught to him. Now my middle is chomping at the bit to learn Mandarin and I have a feeling that my youngest will join in too. :)

  13. This is an interesting thread with tons of great ideas!


    We've never done quinoa in a savoury dish. We eat it as a breakfast hot cereal type food and it is sweetened. We haven't had it since we moved, but there was a long stretch where it was breakfast around here multiple times a week :)

    • Like 1
  14. I'm so bad at remembering to come back and update my posts on here but somehow even just posting once makes me think of it all day and I usually get more done because of it.


    So today I want to reset our home school goals going into the summer, pick at least two areas in the house for KM style decluttering/organising, and get caught up on laundry and dishes.


    Good luck everyone and I hope today is good to you all!

    • Like 2
  15. Me!


    I'm home this weekend with a kiddo who wasn't able to travel this weekend and my MIL just left with DH and my two youngers.


    I didn't sleep at all last night which is a bad thing for my pain so first on the agenda now is to take pain meds and try and sleep while DS1 watches a movie.


    After that I will be back with a plan to tackle some projects in small steps. We are slowly Kon Mari-ing our house and it is making a difference. Need to keep the momentum up.


    Before MIL, DH, DS2 and DS3 left this morning I'd fed everyone and dressed the kids and washed a load of dishes and scrubbed down the top of the table. Not a lot but it is very good progress for me considering it isn't even 8am. I know I need to pace myself, so rest it is for now.

  16. Another voice chiming in to say that I've had two that were like that and my now six year old has thinned out hugely as he has grown. My 4.5 year old has now passed him in weight and is nearly there for height. He still has some of the baby chub look about him but even he is slimming out as he gets older.


    In notion to diets for toddlers I have seen no evidence that they are helpful and in some cases they are quite harmful. You've described a healthy balanced diet and a kid who is growing tall as well as big and who is very active which ups his caloric needs. I'd not change anything right now.


    Also I wanted to mention that if he has been breastfed all along he may have been measured on a chart that is more representative of the growth pattern of formula fed babies. The WHO growth chart is a better representation of the growth pattern of breastfed infants/toddlers. It made a difference for mine as to percentiles etc. :)

    • Like 1
  17. Even if this thread was not a JAWM my response would be the same... You are an amazing Mama juggling so so much right now.


    Sending hugs and prayers. I hope the party makes everyone smile and I hope that your sweet baby is feeling much better.

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