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Posts posted by BikeBookBread

  1. Because I'm lazy, I'm not formatting these as links. Assume .com unless stated otherwise :) As you can see, I spend WAAAAAAAAY too much time online.







    cooksillustrated (requires a membership fee to see whole site -- to me it's worth it, even though it is WAAAAY too steep at about $30 a year)









    etsy (handmade arts and crafts)

    txtlart (Marimekko fabrics)



















  2. I don't care what other people use to educate their children. Not my decision and I don't get why MY choices are ok to ridicule.




    Nicely put. Thanks for your response! (I was not an Abeka person before WTM, I SAID I was going to do Sonlight "because it wasn't classical". Isn't that dumb? I guess it pays to actually READ the definitions before making any judgments, huh? :)

  3. Ok, here's what I'm willing to share:




    • I don't fit in with the other homeschool moms in our church homeschool group. I'm the only one who uses classial methods and I'm looked down on for that.




    Why do you think this is? Amongst my homeschooling friends, it seems the reverse...I was considering NOT "going classical" and was eventually convinced after reading WTM...because I had misconceptions about what it meant. Do you think they are unaware of what it really means?

  4. Hi! New here, and thought I'd offer some confessions...


    I too, am a toy snob. And just recently I took back two toys sent for ds 6th birthday and used the store credit to buy my own gifts for him. How terrible is that??


    Welcome to the Boards from one Toy Snob to another :)

  5. Oh man, I need to get off the Boards and get something done!!!!


    One more post, though.


    As for cartoons, I LOVE Charlie & Lola, Little Bear, Max & Ruby, Miffy, and Angelina Ballerina (even though she can sometimes be soooo self-centered...but she always seems to learn her lesson).


    I don't like answering the phone, either. In fact, the last phone we bought has TALKING caller ID. Sometimes the translation is hilarious, but it is so helpful. I don't even have to LOOK who's calling, just listen! :lol:

  6. I am a bit of a hypochondriac myself. Been having anxiety attacks that include chest pain, arm pain, rapid heart beat. Feels like I'm having a heart attack- even though I've been checked out quite a few times and my heart is FINE and there is no evidence of heart disease. I still panic and wonder EVERY time- 'what if this one IS a real heart attack and I should be going to the ER!?'. It's driving me crazy. I'm looking forward to medication.


    Me too...for me it's the bulge in my lower stomach, and pain on the right-lower side of my abdomen for several years now...no doc seems to think it's anything (Base docs, though....wink wink).


    BTW SM, I love your Totoro avatar. My girlies love Totoro!!!

  7. I'm not playing, "can you top this", but for us this friend was FOUR. She has since moved away (and my DH and I let out a silent hallelujah when their truck pulled away). But DD STILL talks about her, and wants the clothes that she had. "Mommy, can I have a dress like so-and-son had, you know the one that tied behind her neck and showed her back?" It's been 5 months now. I'm praying for a memory loss here soon!


    Oh, she is from a Christian family as well, but just is being raised quite differently than we are trying to raise our girls. One thing I have noticed is that EVERYTHING is princess in her life, specifically Disney princess. I have nothing against princesses, but I have noticed a subtle shift in the DP thing in the past few years...subtly provocative posing, more defined cleav*ge (my uber-sensitive web blocker will block this site if I let that word stand as written...) See my other post in the confessions thread about Disney princesses...this is the main reason. There are lots of other princess things that are quite nice, wholesome, girlie, etc.


    We are very careful about with whom we now encourage friendships, as at 5 we can still control this area of life more easily. And in the meantime, just trying to teach her about the value of picking friends carefully.

  8. I turned 40 this year, and all of a sudden, just like my Mom at this age, I have started to get peach fuzz on my face. Do people really think this is a problem? Does anyone do anything about it? I'm not going to start shaving :lol:. Other than laser-type treatment, is there anything over the counter that slowly and gently alleviates this?


    See I told you, pretty vain, huh?

  9. I confess that I didn't know this version existed...and I am a huge Anne fan. I am off to find it...


    I got it from our local library, but here's the amazon link. I loved it because it stays significantly true to the book. Davy and Dora are in it, as well as Mr. Harrison, the blue town meeting hall, the AVIS and Anne going off to Redmond college and meeting Roy Gardiner. This is stupid considering I'm a married woman, but the guys they cast aren't that good looking, but it is really well scripted and acted, even if the production values are low (well, it was 1975 BBC).

  10. My least favorite housekeeping chore is changing the top bunk sheets. Ugh!



    :iagree: I have figured out a trick, though. We ditched the top sheet/blanket thing and just went for a duvet with a cover...at least now I only have to put on a fitted bottom sheet, and with that I just get it KIND OF on, then get onto the bottom bunk, and tighten it from the bottom.


    I thought of some more. Man is this a FUN thread! (It has helped me realize that I am NOT as neurotic as I thought I was...



    • I have been known to hide, and then throw away some of my girls' less ahem, desirable* toys, just so I didn't have to face a fight with them over giving them to charity, which is of course the Christian, and charitable thing to do.

    • *I am a toy snob. I refuse to buy anything with a Disney princess, etc. on it...although some have crept into our home, and slowly are ending up in the Almost Mexico landfill. If it's made in Europe, I generally love it; in Thailand out of rubberwood, it's cool. Plastic is okay as long as it is modern and funky and cool, or Legos or the like...

    • I mentally judge people's shopping cart contents at the grocery store, and then go home and gloat how wonderful our diet is...until I remember the stash of hidden peeps, chocolate, Tostitos and Diet Pepsi, none of which are the organic kind :tongue_smilie:

    • I'm very shy around new people, and feel totally inferior in social situations, especially now since DH is rising in rank. People probably think I'm aloof and a snob, which I'm NOT, aside from the toy snob thing (which is I just like to call having discriminating taste :lol:), which is probably why I have very few friends. However, the friends that I do have are worth their weight in gold because they know and understand me so well.


  11. There are so many websites devoted to this, but this "Pizza Primer" from The Fresh Loaf is great. It gives the Peter Rheinhart (bread baker extraordinaire) method...there's really no kneading, but a LOOOONG fermentation in the fridge.


    I do have one crazy recipe that calls for a THIRTY MINUTE kneading...but it turns out wonderfully...but I can't find the link. Sorry! I don't think there was anything special about the dough, just that long stand mixer kneading session.

  12. When we got our 5 yo "girlie" Lego's for Christmas, I had them all sorted by color and size neatly in little Gladware boxes inside of a big rubber tub. That lasted about a week, and I was way more picky about it than I should have been, so much so that Legos stopped being fun for her. So now they are all dumped in a lidded tub. And you know what? She's been more creative with them since the big dump.

  13. Here goes:



    1. I sat down and watched all 5 1/2 hours of the old early 70's BBC version of Anne of Avonlea on Friday. (Besides it's already almost too hot in Almost Mexico to do anything outside...)
    2. I'm in a book club with some girl friends, and I have never started a book sooner than 3 days before, and usually have finished the book the morning of...
    3. I spend too much time on the WTM message boards. :tongue_smilie:
    4. I bought my girls 3 packages (not little packages, the old Target multi-packs!) of Peeps for Easter, then hid them, and "forgot" to put them in their baskets. Now I eat a few every few
    5. Every time I see Marie Barrone on Everybody Loves Raymond, I think of my Mother-in-Law, whom I adore. But there are some similarities, just not the horrible ones. :001_rolleyes:
    6. Just one more (the edit): when I was working outside of the home, I could keep everything organized, including my home. Now that I'm a SAHM, I can't seem to keep the dishes out of the sink, the laundry folded or much of anything else in order. What happened? KIDS happened!


  14. I used to embarrass my family by sitting on the porch and screaming in delight everytime I had worked up a free path for the "red car". :lol:


    There are different versions of this - I think it's called "Traffic Jam" or something like it.


    I just picked up "Traffic Jam, Jr." at Target on sale...I think it has about 12 vehicles. Maybe the original has more? I've been stocking up on fun learning games, toys and manipulatives the past few months. I was surprised how many good toys Target has put on their shelves lately. They also had Blokus and some of the variations available...and on sale!

  15. When I bake cookies drop cookies (like chocolate chip or oatmeal), I do a double batch, form the balls and freeze about 2/3 of the balls of dough a cookie sheet, and then transfer them into a ziplock once frozen. Next time we want cookies, I just take a few balls out and put them straight into the oven without even thawing. I think I'll make some cookies tomorrow, in fact.


    I try not to leave a room empty handed, that is, if I see something out of place, I grab it and drop it into its correct spot if I'm headed that direction. But as a warning, this often can lead me to rabbit-trails syndrome :tongue_smilie: (you know what I mean...unfocused, random cleaning tidying!!)


    My husband got me a rice cooker for Christmas. You wouldn't believe how handy it has become. Because it has a delay timer, I set up half of the dinner and not think about it again until dinner time comes around.

  16. I guess I'm a prude, too. It's been said before in this thread, but I would choose a different organization to which I would donate solely based upon their tactics.


    I do remember one thing from High School "News & Media Analysis" class: "The medium IS the message." Words must be chosen wisely or else they take over the message itself.

  17. www.hannandersson.com


    Besides being super cute and modest, these suits are so well made that I have had my oldest wear a suit for two years, then pass it down to my youngest, who is wearing it for her second year...that means it's going into it's 4th year of wear with no signs of wear. None. No pilling, no fading, no sagging, bagging, riding up. I'm not kidding. I even wash them in cold/gentle in the washing machine sometimes (I don't recommend that, but you know some days.......)


    I don't know if they are still on sale, but even if they aren't, they are worth the $10 more than a suit at Target, in my opinion.

  18. The only danger is that once you come over to this side, where it is light and warm -- paradise -- you will never want to go back.





    We want to switch to Mac so much...over the past month, we have spent about 10 hours managing/upgrading/monitoring remote fixes from Norton on both our laptop and desktop PCs.


    I'm ready for that light-infused, warm, happy place called Macworld.

  19. We get topsoil by the 5 gallon bucket at a local fill dirt/sand/etc. provider, then we mix with the organic compost mix from a reputable local nursery.


    The only problem we have noted is that it can be TOO rich and turn muddy. I think we need to add in some sand or perlite. But the tomatoes are going to town!


    Check out my blog post I posted about a week ago. Since then, the tomatoes have grown another foot, and keep setting out buds. I guess 100 degree days do help :)


    Have fun!

  20. Okay, we will be attending a wedding vow renewal ceremony on Saturday (married about 10 years, I think). Kids are not invited (because it would be overrun with children...) and the reception is an appetizer-potluck (we're asked to provide). The invite was definitely on the more-casual side: pretty, but not engraved or like a wedding invite. From what I know this is more about the vows than anything else (as it should be, I believe!)


    My husband and renewed our vows at 10 years. We had a small casual dinner at our home afterwards for those who wouldn't fit into the teeny tiny Scandinavian-replica chapel. No one brought a card or gift...but we had specifically requested as such.


    Soooo, should we bring a card only? Gift? My gut (and wise mom) are telling me card only. But what do you guys think?

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