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Posts posted by scrapper4life

  1. HomeAgain, I wasn't aware that NOEO was part of Master books now. It's not on their website. Although, I admit I don't understand how all that works.

    I appreciate your comment about the thought process that went into noeo. I will have to rethink what I'm after. I thought I wanted to find a creationist, young Earth curriculum that uses the Bible as a filter for truth but doesnt totally ignore other viewpoints or present them haphazardly.

    Thanks for your comment.

  2. My kiddos' favorite thing is science. We used RSO this year and they enjoyed it. I've thought of just continuing on with it, however, I'd really like something with a Biblical worldview that also presents other views. I thought I may have found it with NOEO, but it turns out from my extensive online reading that NOEO really doesn't present much at all, of any view. So...what do you know about RSO-style science (non-textbook, multiple books, lots experiments) that's Biblically based and discusses other points of view?

  3. Hi all :) I am researching elementary chemistry and really liking the NOEO guides. I am able to get a sample of their other level 1 guides right from their website but doesn't appear to have a Chem 1 sample. Any of you know if a review with pics out there? YouTube has unboxing but she doesn't really show inside the guide, just flips through super fast :) I mainly need to see if the layout works for me and the workload works for my son. Thanks!

  4. Really? When was this? If you haven't contacted them recently and you're still interested, you should email them again. I was a previous customer, so maybe that's why they extended the offer to test it. They recently started billing those of us using the online version, so I think they're close to releasing it publicly.

    It was since Christmas....so very recently :)

  5. TT *does* have an online option now, but you need to email them to get the information. It's still in testing, so it's not on their website yet. My youngest has been using it this year, and it works beautifully on his Chromebook. Since we spend a significant portion of the year on our sailboat, I needed something that would work online.

    That's interesting because I did contact TT and they told me that there was no news on when it would be available and did not offer any option to use the test version
  6. What are people using after Singapore if you don't go with Art of Problem Solving? I see that is the clear favorite here on the boards, but I also see that it is geared towards math kiddos. What do you suggest for kiddos who aren't so mathy but just need to get the job done after Singapore? PS - momma really doesn't want to do a whole lot of upper level math teaching, so help there would be a bonus.

  7. ...did you beef it up or ditch it? I have to tell you I really like the looks of it. Yet, I cannot deny the many reviews here calling it supplemental and light. My second choice is NOEO but I'm just not loving it as much, by the looks. I'm only concerned because my son LOVES science and LOVES experiments. So here's my idea: Use RSO E&S and also read the books selected by NOEO. We can even add in the YS kits if he still wants more. What says the hive?

  8. Are any of the web based math options similar in methodology to Singapore Math? I was considering CTC Math and others and wondered if there is something out there like a digital version of Singapore. My husband really thinks a conceptual math will work well for my son and I agree. Anyone know about the existing options if they are similar to Singapore or would something work well as a digital supplement?

  9. I did a search for this here and was surprised nothing came up. I may have done it wrong. Anyway, I am wondering if anyone's heard this circling around. Our local public school is transitioning away from textbook based education in favor of these OERs and allowing/encouraging teachers to create their own plans from there. I have looked online for what these resources actually are and am trying to see how they are being used. Just curious, mostly. However, there certainly may be some options we could use in our Homeschool that I'd like to find out about.

  10. If I want to use this for everything BUT literature and skip the literature links, will that be ok? By "ok" I am mainly asking if new grammar/spelling/composition elements are introduced in those sections that we would miss. From what I could gather from the YouTube reviews, it looks like there are mainly discussion questions about the book. Again, I'm only concerned about doing this with the yellow book.


    Thanks as always!

  11. ...I need help! I really love the setup of Noeo but I'm leery due to the lack-luster reviews of the experiments. The first dozen reviews all gave a thumbs down to the projects. So...having a science, experiment-loving little dude, I'm taking pause. Thoughts? I seriously dislike supplementing, tweaking all the time but I'm finding out that's the name of the game :/

  12. Is there anything else out there nationally that is structured like CC, where the majority is done at home but then kids come together once a week for collaboration, fine arts etc? I have 2 hang ups with CC: parents remain in class whole time and early intro to grammar and Latin. We are meshing CM and classical to find our fit and both of those things arent on our radar as yet. So is there anything else out there that's structured like CC?

  13. I just heard about Acellus Academy online from another homeschool. I checked it out and viewed some of the video lessons. Does anyone know anything about the instructors or other leadership at Acellus? There were a few samples that looked like middle school students were leading the videos. I am not looking to use this as primary instruction, just a fun extra because my son loves online stuff so much. Just wondering your thoughts about it.



  14. I, too, love this dress! What a great choice :) I didn't read all the replies so I don't know if someone suggested this yet, but are you familiar with Lilla Rose accessories? The flexi clips are beautiful and classic and lots of ladies use them in their hair AND on scarves, belts, wraps, etc. Actually, on Wednesday they are releasing a brand new deep red clip that may go perfectly with her dress!! There are alot of options and styling videos too for hair ideas. I'm new to Lilla Rose, myself, but if I can help, I do have some pictures of formal styles. Here's a link if you'd like to look: lillarose.biz/kariebair


    I'd love to see the finished look! I hope she loves it :)


    Best wishes!

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  15. Significant dream, no. Small ones...what I would call "bucket list" things or goals...yes. My dreams are being lived out each day. Wife, mom and faithful church worker pretty make up my dream :) Simple, yet very fulfilling to me. But there are things that I said I always wanted to do that I continue to put off. Actually at the end of last year, I sat down with my hubby and told him that I wanted to take on a new adventure of some sort. We need a little extra income so I knew I had to tackle something that would be income-producing. So learning to play the piano was out because that would cost us money. But, I have always wanted to be one of those ladies with a table full of pretties at a craft show or home party. I know, I'm am odd. Most people run like the wind when you mention anything related to sales. But, nonetheless, it is something I have always wanted to do. So I set my mind to find something that fit for our family. I knew it would be a tough sell (no pun intended) to my dh, because most of those things require so much investment of both time and money. Yet, in another homeschool group I found out about something I could do all online and add in the events as I wanted and the start up wasn't much. I showed it to dh and to my complete surprise, he said, "Go for it!" Like, with enthusiasm and everything! So I took it as a sign to make this the year I cross off that "little dream" from my bucket list. I have no idea where it will go, but for me it's more that I am doing it. No longer will I say, "I always wanted to do that. Maybe someday..." That is what has me so excited! The DOING part :)


    I also like what someone else said about changing course. That has happened often and I appreciate her perspective. Best wishes to you!

  16. I just recently became an independent stylist for Lilla Rose and so I've been learning about all things hair :) I found that changing out your hairbrush can help with static too. No plastic brushes! They really increase static. I also use the Suave product others mentioned as well. Hope that helps!

  17. I can relate :) I recently became an independent stylist for Lilla Rose and I see many different styles including braids on ladies of all ages. I used to see ladies in braids and wondered if I was too old to wear them. But now I've see so many beautiful ways to wear braids in our style galleries and I know it can be done elegantly and simply :) I can send you a link to the gallery in PM :)

  18. For K, I went with a box curriculum for "security" until I had more confidence and knew a little more about my son's learning style. So this is my first attempt at pulling together a plan and I'd really appreciate some feedback.


    I'm using HOD Little Hearts as my guide, with the following tweaks:


    History/Bible - mostly as written in HOD guide (they use a CLP resource), Daily read-aloud 3-4 pages and discuss


    Rhymes - a couple times through the HOD-selected rhyme with motions, Daily


    Lang Arts - MP Phonics & Spelling guide (SWO B), Daily


    Handwriting - Handwriting Skills Simplified, 2 days/week


    Fine Motor Skills - as written in HOD guide (they use R&S resource), 2-3 days/week


    Science - as written in HOD in guide (they use a CLP resource), 2 days/week read 1-2pgs, discuss and do a truly simple experiment


    Art/Drama/Thinking skills - as written in HOD, 1 day/week for each one (if art is too involved I may skip due to additional class at YMCA)


    Math - BJU Math 1 with Xtramath.com drill, Daily


    Literature - I will read the books from HOD guide, but probably not as scheduled because we like to read more than that each day. I will be adding in from a super list of other sites' read-alouds to give us more :)


    Recitation - MP Grade 1, Daily....because this is his favorite part of Kindergarten 


    Classes at YMCA for gym, swim and art, once a week each (but thankfully all can be on the same day!)


    So, how did I do???



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