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  1. Jann in TX - Thank you for your response. I don't think it's dyscalculia seeing as she reads and comprehends wonderfully. (Reading is a well loved pass time) That said - I'm ashamed a processing LD hadn't crossed my mind. I think this is a definite possibility seeing as I had significant issues with processing in my school years. She is in Pre-algebra, but, to be honest, she still has issues with recalling both division and multiplication tables. We have used several math outlets: Math-U-See, Horizons, online, Saxon, to name a few. Also a good question with future interest - she will occasionally contemplate out loud a degree in either english or history...she loves ancient history. I will be seeking where to have to assessed...thank you again for your thoughts.
  2. My 15y/o dd is about to begin sophomore level work, with the exception of Math. Math has been the proverbial thorn in the homeschool side. She's horribly behind and I'm quite concerned how this may affect the remainder of her HS career. I would love any and all advice from anyone who has wisdom to impart!
  3. I was going through books tonight preparing for an upcoming move and I came across a copy of the Teacher's Guide for Level 4 of FLL...we never used it because I became distracted with other curriculum. (Crazy, right?! ;)) Anyway, my daughter is 12 and has just started seventh grade. As I was paging through the book, I realized several of the skills presented would really benefit her. Her reading, vocab, and spelling skills are great, it's just her language knowledge could use some improvement. SO...do you think this would be to juvenile for a 12, almost 13 year old? I know we wouldn't need to do every single lesson and it's likely we would be able to finish it quickly. TIA for thoughts and opinions. :-)
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