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Mary in NJ

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Posts posted by Mary in NJ

  1. Not to scare you, but does she also drink a lot of fluids through the day? Is she always thirsty? Has she lost any weight?


    Frequent urination is one sign of diabetes type 1. This is probably not the case with your daughter, but I just wanted to throw this out there. Our daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes months after she first started showing the signs. We even have a doctor in our extended family, and we just didn't pick up on the frequent urination and multiple trips to the bathroom through the night. Thirst, hunger and weight loss are some other things to look for.


    Again, this is just to keep you alert if some of these other signs become present.

  2. :lol:


    It is funny how two people who are related can be so different. I think this same thing about my own family members all the time!


    I hope you are all doing well!


    Shannon!! Great to hear from you!


    Yes, our other twin is delightful in his own realm. He is a very devoted basset hound owner and most of his thoughts revolve around his dog. He is the kid that can step up and start lending a hand right away. He just automatically knows how to strain the spaghetti for me, or grab the right wrench for his dad. He will bring me a fresh glass of iced tea before we get started for school. He is the one who reminds us that we only have 15 minutes before we leave for an appointment. He insures that the dogs have fresh water, food and outside play time. He worries that his sister will forget her diabetes supplies when we go out on errands. He is a very caring soul.


    I'm blessed to have two boys that are as different as night from day.


    How are you? PM me.

  3. Can he fit in governing NJ? (Not a political statement) He sounds like a level-headed guy, and we'll likely still need some good governing by the time he's of age! :)


    My husband is in the military, so we are no longer in NJ. In fact, we were only there for 10 months, but I will forever have Mary in NJ as my name here on the WTM. I should have thought about that at the time. We loved our time in NJ, so I will mention that he may want to consider the governor's seat if he is not elected mayor! I think the governor's mansion in NJ is superb! I wonder if he would let his mom live with him in the mansion?

  4. I was living in Germany at the time. The German doctor ordered one for me to wear for 24 hours. I was told to just do my normal activity. He did not have me write anything down. It was a little uncomfortable, because I would just get used to having this thing around my arm, and then it would begin to inflate. Strange.


    I learned the results the next day. I do not have high blood pressure.

  5. Welcome to homeschooling!


    This is really not a list of "rules", but a mix of things that we do, or have particular limits set during school time. We have been homeschooling since 1999 and our list tightens up or loosens a bit, depending on what is going on with our family.


    1. Television greatly distracts during school time.

    2. Phone calls disrupts a teaching session, I don't answer the phone during school.

    3. A clean and tidy school area lends an air of "learning is important to our family."

    4. Sometimes teaching will need to happen during the "littles" nap times.

    5. Unannounced visitors will happen. We just try to work around it, without making a huge scene. We school year round, so eventually, we get everything done.

    6. Schedules are needed, so that we can aim for our school goals. Schedules provide for accountability - more for me than anyone else.


    7. People are more important than schedules.

    8. Spelling/Grammar, Math and Reading/Writing are important subjects around here. If the student does not put needed effort into these areas, TV time is reduced.

    9. After the morning teaching sessions, the kids can wander around the house to whichever area they want to do their independent work. Sometimes it is outside on the deck, out by the lake, under a shade tree, in the sewing room, family room, etc. The kids have small bedrooms, so we ask that they find other areas beside the bedroom to do their work. As long as it gets done and is done well, they are allowed this flexibility. They did have desks when they were younger, but they never used them.

    10. History is their favorite subject. They are allowed to listen to audio CD's that focus on history. They love listening to Abraham Lincoln's speeches, historical non-fiction, and SOTW CD's. They have stacks of old encyclopedias that they use in order to search for more information about the particular era of history we are studying. We try to make as many opportunities available to them for continued research into their favorite subject and visit many historical sites.

    11. Library day is important to the kids. They make lists, request books online and learn about returning the books on time. I gave them calendars when they were young. The only thing ever recorded on them was their due date for library books. Over the years, the items recorded on their calendars has grown. This teaches them to have deadlines for certain items and complete projects in a timely manner.

    12. We do not do co-ops.

    13. We do try to get together with other homeschool families from time to time.

    14. Kids need to be up and ready to go by 8:00 to 8:30. Rooms straightened, fully dressed, hair combed and school books at the table. After school, they need to put everything back into their bin (rubbermaid stackable bin - kinda like a locker).

    15. As a mom, I limit my internet time to around 20 to 30 minutes a day.

    16. During the early years (pre-school, kindergarten), the kids had to stay with me at the table to do their work. It wasn't until they were older that they had the flexibility of completing their work elsewhere.


    Most of our school time happens by noon. My phone calls happen during the kid's lunch time or around 3:00 p.m., which is after quiet time. TV time is in the evening a few times a week.


    This was a rambling list at best. Hope you can make sense out of it.

  6. This just seems so funny to me. My son has goals written on a piece of paper and thumbtacked to his wall. He changes it around from time to time, but for now, here it is:


    1. Defend country (if accepted into Military Academy)

    2. Defend a city (if not accepted into military - then I will be a police officer)

    3. Provide food for our country (if not accepted into the military or police academy, then I will become a farmer)

    4. Lead our nation - I will become president of our country, if I win the race

    5. Lead our city - (if not elected to be president, then I will run for Mayor)


    He is a funny kid.:)

  7. Welcome!


    Approach it from the standpoint that they can be involved with your children's education. Perhaps ask a grandparent if they can read aloud to your child on Wednesday morning, afternoon, or whatever.


    Maybe if you include them, they can't object!


    For what it is worth, my family has never agreed with our choice to homeschool. We have been homeschooling since 1999.

  8. I did not have any problem ordering my books. Most everything was sent by priority mail. If I purchased a used book from someone and they used media mail, it could take weeks before I got my book. For my used books that I purchased from this board or other places, I had them sent to a friend who checked the book out to make sure it was what I had ordered. She would then package it up and send it on to me. Saved a lot of time and frustration.


    The misconception is that it costs more to send packages to a military installation overseas. The postage price is the same. The delivery can be a bit lengthy compared to direct US service.


    If a book company states that it would not send items to an APO address, then I did not give them my business and I still do not, even though I'm back in the states.


    Edited to add:

    I just noticed your question about custom forms. It only takes a couple of minutes to complete a custom form. No one has ever charged me more because of that. Not to say that some book companies may try to pull that trick. HOWEVER, the post office does not charge extra for the custom form, so the business should not. If you are charged a handling fee, then the completion of that form should be included. (I also stayed away from companies that charged a handling fee)

  9. While stationed in a small town in northern Bavaria, we lived on a military installation. No problem homeschooling. We were the only family who did not send their children to the elementary school one block away. There were the stray comments, but no problems. One of the teachers gave me a microscope that she had never used and was going to throw out. The school librarian allowed me to check out books from the teacher section.


    We were then stationed in another place and lived in a German neighborhood on the Rhein River. When we first moved in, I explained to my German neighbors that we are allowed to homeschool. They had heard of American families that taught their children at home. No one had any problems with it. I was upfront about it and did not try to hide the fact from my neighbors. There were a couple of families who were curious and came over to ask about it, as they wished it was an option for their children.


    There are pockets of homeschooling groups in different military communities, just check at the military library.


    DISCLAIMER: We were on military orders while living in Germany both times. If you are an American living in Germany (not on military orders), I don't think that you have the option to homeschool. You may want to check into this.

  10. What's their resell value on Amazon? For the past few months I've sold a few hundred books on Amazon and made over $3000. I started off with all my computer and business books which I no longer need, and then sold any book I wasn't going to read again. All it consisted of was clicking a few buttons and describing its condition in a short phrase, and has been sooo easy.


    Then again, I am pretty much used to selling online, and already had a scale and postage printer and Endicia service. I used to have a busy online business.


    What is your secret to selling on Amazon? I have had books listed for nearly 10 months and only 1 has sold. They are the Dick and Jane orginal books. There are also priced below the most expensive. The one book I sold was a teacher's edition Dick and Jane and it brought $8.73. By the time Amazon took their cut, I barely made anything. Certainly not worth my effort.


    We still have hundreds maybe even close to a thousand books that we need to sell. Perhaps you could give me some pointers?



  11. I have been using Rod & Staff math with my son. We are currently working on the 8th grade book, and I’m trying to decide what book we should move into for Algebra.


    I love the way that Rod & Staff breaks down the lessons in the teacher’s manual. They have step by step instructions for teaching the lesson (not scripted however). I also like that the TM starts out with review for every lesson. I’m currently debating between Jacob’s and Foerster’s. For those that have seen Rod & Staff, and either of these books, can you tell me if their TMs are at all similar?






    I have used Rod and Staff from grades 1 and almost finished with 8. We are moving into Dolciani's Algebra series. Kinda looks and feels like Rod and Staff to me.


    DISCLAIMER: I have not started using it yet. I'm still collecting these out of print books. But, I have enough of them to know it is very similar to what we have been using.

  12. and asked me some questions.


    They want the

    'Please include a copy for each book of the title page, copyright page, and all credit/acknowledgment pages usually found at the back of the book.'


    So I have this for the book I have, but not for the book I need.


    I know Mary's copy is for '65. I am not yet sure if this is a reprint of the one I have as she was busy...


    What I need are those pages for


    Modern Algebra Book 1 by Dolciani, Berman and Freilich c 1962.


    Could someone who has this book who is willing to copy it be willing to do this? You can email me. (link under my name)





    My copy of the Teacher's Edition and Solution Key are both "Copyright 1965, 1962." This is for Modern Algebra Structure and Method Book One. Which one do you need a copy of the title page, etc? The teacher's book or the solution key?


    Thanks for all your work,


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