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Everything posted by Sippingteainwonderland

  1. No. And if I think of it like that is isn't a problem at all. Dd is just so bored in class.
  2. -side note teacher will NOT send home harder homework or give dd anything higher level.
  3. I am taking a lot of the advice for you all and basically using kindergarten as a daycare and doing our usual homeschooling ciriculum at night. (Meeting Wednesday with kindergarten teacher to determine whether we pull dd to public school for rest of year.) - dd will have test in Nov to see if she qualifies for gifted classes and if so she will leave private school a few days a week to go to public school for classes, so My main thought is why not have her at public school already so she can have more advanced courses... Opinions? But my main issue is, it is the third week of kindergarten and her teacher is just now starting course work and it is practicing writing the number 1 and the letter a. Ten next week is 2 and b. Literally. Dd can spell and do addition and subtraction. I feel like this is a waste of money and time and would like to see about moving her up... I don't know though. If she moves up in private school no problem with teacher anymore. But not sure she is ready emotionally. Opinions?
  4. I think I will go in Monday and offer to help volunteer and see how they handle that approach. I honestly don't think the teacher is intentionally mean, I think she just needs to teach an older class. She is too stern and unhappy. And in kinder that is such an important year, I am worried they are going to damper her down and make her change emotionally
  5. No I understand. We kept all talk of kindergarten away from dd when it involved feelings of the teacher. I completely thought dd was being overly dramatic and sensitive to new rules until she and I talked to another couple yesterday and their dd said the teacher "screams at them" and she didn't want to go back either. Now dd and this girl are very good friends so there is a chance they are feeding emotionally off each other's distress. But I am so worried all day, and some of it isn't even kindergarten related, just her in school too. She is more of the sit back and let the chips fall where they may type person, but even he is talking about talking to the principal.... Which I am worried will make us look like overly dramatic people-thus in the future we won't be take seriously.
  6. We went with private because everyone told us that the etcher was being monitored much closer and that the teachers aide ( who is the biggest a sweetheart ever!) has stepped in a lot. But literally every night (only been in school 3 days) Dd has said her teacher is mean and screams at them. I am literally like WTF!!! Pardon my French but it is the first week of school!
  7. I have been a wreck since dd started kindergarten. She went to pre school 9-1 everyday so I don't know why this is such a change but it is. Mornings are filled with tears, mind you I act like it is fun to go in front of her but truth is I hate her going!!! We were going to homeschool until we hit some financial trouble and now me working is necessary. I literally cry everyday and count down the hours till she is home. Advice please??!
  8. That is true. She can communicate with anyone of any age, my only spiral concern would be pulling her from her class that a few of her friends are going to be in.
  9. It would cost the same for any babysitter in town, so I am thinking of just providing a more challenging afterschool program, to make sure she is learning, and not falling behind what I know she is capable of. I could easily see her flying through assignments and being a class clown due to free time.
  10. I will be hopefully spending some time observing in class (which is allowed) and I am hoping your idea is right!
  11. I was not meaning to be insulting at all, I did not specify that the kindergarten teacher does not have the nicest reputation, and dd is advanced, she does many things at 1st grade levels. The reason I feel like it is more babysitting- day care is it is costing an arm and a leg. I don't know how else to word my opinion on it.
  12. We are having an abundance of issues. From my post in k-8 I really like the advice I was given, not being truly comfortable with the teacher, and DD's schedule having very minimal learning time, I would rather attempt homeschooling around my work, ironically, I am a substitute for the public schools in town.
  13. This is what my parents keep telling me, to address it "if" a situation arises, I am worried I won't know a situation has raised until after. I could just see dd thinking she is in trouble, and not telling me
  14. My concern for dd, (be is pirate school or public, we are up in the air, homeschooling isn't an option financially this year). My question is, dd just turned 5 ( July 24). She an read simple books like "pat sat on a hat" books and has a vast vocabulary, my question is she can add up to 20 (can count much higher) and can subtract up to 10. So is normal for entering kindergarten? I feel like she will be bored.
  15. No I was not bashing the art or music. But I think only 40 minutes a week is not enough. I will be paying a pretty penny to send my child to a glorified babysitter. She is very artsy, and I know only 20 minutes , realistically 10 hands on will not be enough to satisfy her. And recess seems excessive, when it could be used for pe, art, music. The amount of in class learning is less than an hour.... All day! Taking into consideration the class interruptions.
  16. Seriously how you deceived the situation is exactly what I am in, and the public schools here don't stop children from being crude- and violent.
  17. Public school in our town is not an option because 1- they do only core ciriculum and there is no other way the teachers will teach, even if the child does not understand. 2- the children in public school, and I say this for y town IMO (I am a substitute teacher for these schools, so I see it first hand) these children are terrible. There were countless cases with boys flashing themselves to fellow classmates, one kid went to school for his classes Christmas party, only to tell all the children what his dad told him about Santa, and the list goes on and on and on.
  18. I would like to do a bit of before schooling and after schooling. My concern is dd is 5 and to get 20-30 minutes of before schooling in, she would have to get up at 6:15. I am worried that I too early.
  19. Her is the problem, we live in a small town, and due to financial set backs from schooling, homeschooling isn't an option right now. So dd will be going to a private school here in town, well we benefit bc my family is very involved in the church, however I have heard from dozens and DOZENS of people that the kindergarten teacher is.... Mean. Other teachers have reported her for yelling at children, and slamming her fists on the table when they do wrong. She also missed every single day we we're suppose to meet her, and the children coming in meet her. -her husband is friends with my father -she is super nice and chatty to my mom So dd has the social advantage, but part of me I terrified bc kindergarteners are suppose to be in school to learn to love, not to be scared. Idek what to do. Public school is not an option at all!
  20. I may be posting this in the wrong area. I wanted desperately to homeschool, and I did through pre k and especially this summer. Unfortunately right now with my husband finishing up his degree, I am working so homeschooling is not an option financially. ( my family isn't on board with homeschooling in general due to "your children will become social outcasts" however a mutual decision was met that if dd (5) faces the problems I am worried about (a not so nice kindergarten teacher) she will be homeschooled. My problem is, I have about 6 different schedules written out, after school, before school, and homeschooling on days where she doesn't have school, I decided to use her soon to be kindergarten schedule as a template for my schedules, and I was honestly in horrific shock when I saw her schedule, time for art is 20 twice a week, and music the same, minimal hours in actually class, the rest is filled with recess, lunch, and mass. ( they are expecting kindergarteners to go to one hour long services 4 days a week). She has over 2.5 hours of recess a day. I feel like I am sending my child to a daycare and not school. This just seems insane to me, I can't finish a whole days worth in 3 hours with Dd. I know she will be horrifically bored in K, but don't feel socially she would work in 1st grade. She is social, but with adults, she is reading at a 1st grade level and math at 1st grade. And the public schools in our area are entirely out of the question.
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