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Posts posted by Lavandula

  1. We will have to agree to disagree on this one.  I have a few friends who are total neat freaks, and I can guarantee that it's not a litterbox cleanliness issue.  For houses with indoor cats, cat smell and litterbox smell are one in the same, because they go together.  It doesn't technically matter where the smell is coming from.


    I can tell this is a sensitive issue for you.  Nobody wants to hear that their house may have a smell.  To reassure you, I don't find it to be a bad smell (in the clean houses), just distinct.

    I have a difference in opinion so it's a sensitive issue?


  2. I hope it works!!!!!!!! :hurray:


    But please do whatever is best for your long term health, even if it's the "away from home" option. Your kids need a healthy mom more than they need to keep up on their schoolwork.



    Good luck with your treatment and everything else!

  3. Mine is on my high school transcript. Which is handwritten so obviously old. Maybe you have one too?

    Oh, it's probably on there and I'm not interested in taking the test again as I do remember mine. I was just wondering if it's still normal for kids in public school to take an IQ test (without going to an outside organization and paying a fee). Seems it's not! DS took one in middle school but that was private. In public high school all he took was some career aptitude test, looks like DD will be taking that too.

  4. We have one and I think she's pretty smart too. She's around 3 or 4. Whenever she wants to be fed she picks up her food dish and sets it down in front of me. And when she wants up somewhere (she's tiny, around 9ish pounds too and can't jump very high) she barks and then looks at me and then where she wants to go. Plus when you lean down to pick her up she jumps into your hands. Maybe I have low standards but my dogs before haven't been like that.


    She also barks very loudly whenever someone rings the door and then goes and hides. And she stashes everything. 


    I have no clue about what they cost because we rescued her.

  5. I've repeatedly said this, posting links and tons of quotes from scientists. However, people seem to believe they have a right to their own facts, not just their own opinions. It is really reminding me of how the society in Fahrenheit 451 came about. It is frustrating.

    Reminds me of that Karl Rove quote about the reality-based community.

  6. I actually picked up a fiction book! I'm pretty proud of myself because I haven't been able to really enjoy fiction for a while now. It's called This River Awakens by Steven Erikson.


    We also got a book at the library sale for 25 cents called The Faith Club: A Muslim, A Christian, A Jew -- Three Women Search for Understanding by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver, and Priscilla Warner. I'm about 1/4th of the way through and I've already learned a lot. I already recommend it.

  7. Lavandula, I appreciate you noting the inconsistency in the position of some pro-lifers. I think it's very fair to question that. I don't understand it either.  


    When do you think the embryo or fetus is alive? When her heart is beating, just three weeks after fertilization, and just one week, most likely, after a positive pregnancy test?  


    What about six weeks after fertilization, when brain waves are measurable? "Even this early in pregnancy, the embryo is extremely lively, in constant motion, sleeping for only brief periods" (Lars Hamberger, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gothenburg University). "By six weeks...the embryo begins to make spontaneous and reflexive movements....A touch to the mouth area causes the embryo to reflexively withdraw its head" (The Biology of Prenatal Develpment, National Geographic, 2006).  


    Is she alive seven weeks after fertilization, when hiccups have been observed, and when she has little fingers and toes? Approximately 389,000 abortions are performed in America at or after this point, every year. What about 8 weeks after fertilization, when every organ is in place?


    When is it not okay to kill her? I would argue that neither size, or level of development, or environment, or degree of dependence should be determining factors in whether or not we should be able to kill another human being.  A blastocyst is just a stage in human development, like embryo, or fetus, or newborn, or infant, or toddler, or adolescent. Those at younger stages should receive more protection, given their defenseless and vulnerable position, not less.  


    And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

    Gen 2:7


    Life at first breath.. That's my belief. I don't know how to word it better than that. I don't know if I've said that here before so I get why you're asking. What I have said multiple times is that I don't believe it's murder to terminate a pregnancy. I clearly don't think it's okay to murder a newborn or toddler or adolescent. You can tell me about the stages of pregnancy as if I don't know, but that is still not my opinion.

  8. I always just assume the people who hold stances against protecting business owners and their speech rights must not actually deal with or own a business, because doing so has certainly given me much more understanding of why these laws are a critical component of freedom in this country and need to be protected, even when I don't agree with the specifics.

    That is quite the silly assumption. 

  9. In the Hobby Lobby case, we are not talking about a baby who can experience something as "earth shattering" or who has "developing organs". We are talking about the use of a drug (Plan B ) or a device (IUD) which may or may not (depending on whether you believe the current science) discourage the implantation of a cluster of 50-100 cells that collectively are smaller than the period in this sentence. I can understand that some people see this as a continuum, a dangerous slippery slope towards taking the life of an unborn baby who can experience it as "earth shattering".

    Yes, yes, yes. 

  10. Yes, but Hobby Lobby is a private business run by private individuals, not a government agency. There is a difference.

    The point is you act like you don't give your money to things you probably don't like. You do. People do, businesses do, and Hobby Lobby should. Especially when the right is always insisting corporations are people.


    It's more like corporations are people until it would be a negative so then they're just a corporation but also it's run by people emphasis on that as if no one knew.

  11. I will never understand liberals who feel the need to brag about how they're tolerant of intolerance... 


    As for paying for things we don't want. If you don't want to do so, then I hope you have a big problem with taxes too. I give my taxes to plenty of things I find morally wrong. I don't get special treatment though. 

  12. Without the Japanese there are 6 credits. The Far East history is going to be a full credit.


    I would like to make Japanese a full credit, but I don't want to rush my ds is getting it done just to get a full credit.

    Ah, I assumed the history would be 1. 6.5 (or whatever the Japanese ends up being counted as) seems fine to me. I believe 6 is pretty normal, or at least it is at the public school here. On the Japanese note though, are you using half a course level or something or are you just not getting as far along as you would say, Spanish? Because I've heard that you do go a bit slower with languages like Japanese. I wouldn't want to take away credit from him.


    Good luck with 9th grade :)

  13. Bears repeating, quoting BrookValley:


    We should all be able to have access to the same basic health care, and we should all be able to choose or not choose based on our own personal beliefs/lack of/whatever. It's not ok for a corporation to dictate these things to you. You think it's ok because you agree in this case, but you're not seeing the big picture. Likely because you're all distracted by completely irrelevant things, such as birth control and abortions and fictional babies appearing out of thin air on desert islands.

    :iagree:  :iagree:  :iagree:  :iagree:

  14. I do give you credit for at least admitting that you don't care about the mental anguish of a rape victim forced to carry a child to term to satisfy your own "religious" beliefs. 

    Yes.. You can say you have empathy for rape victims but when you want to force them to carry a pregnancy and have a child that reminds them every day of what happened, I doubt it.

  15. Well, I did try to answer your question - I personally hold a consistent view. And as for politicians, it isn't as straightforward as their views on one position, I'm not a single issue voter and I don't blacklist a solid candidate who is more pro-choice than I am. Believe it or not that's not actually my most crucial political issue. I take 'good enough' and 'progress' on a number of things, because I don't actually insist the entire world must look exactly like me to be functional.


    You were the one who implied consistent pro-life stances were a minority thing, unless I completely misread your post (it happens). In my experience, especially among those working hard enough to be elected to state government, I agree. I know next to nobody in our legislature who is fully prolife, because being prolife 'enough' is more politically tenable and the states aren't the ones deciding this issue, so taking an overly aggressive stance on it loses votes while having no real world usefulness to their records.

    I edited my post to try to be more clear. You must've started replying before I did. Sorry for my terrible writing skills.


    Consistent pro-life stances may very well be a minority thing. I don't know about pro life people but in politicians I think you're actually right. I was more responding to what you said about abortion being outlawed. I've heard plenty of politicians say they want abortion outlawed. Sure lots want exceptions, but it's still outlawing it.

  16. Didn't answer my question at all. I'm quite aware there are people who believe abortion shouldn't be allowed in any case.


    You should also probably research all the politicians who are getting elected who are extremely pro life. You can believe what you want to but stop acting like it's some super super minority view. Plenty want abortion outlawed, whether they think there should be exceptions or not.

  17. I have not read but the first few responses of this thread and those were on the first page.  Then I revisited and read a few from the last page - lol!  That's when I stumbled upon your question.


    You brought up a very good yet divisive point among many people and among those in the Christian/believing community of which I am identified.  I do believe abortion is "ending" a life.   When a life ends it dies.  A friend of mine had an abortion years ago and I know of others as well.  This is not an attack on my friends/family or anyone else - it's just a fact for many of us.  I may be in the minority but I do believe that abortion under "any" circumstances is wrong.  That baby did not ask to be conceived/born and should not bear the consequences of abortion.  That baby is "no less" a baby b/c it was conceived via rape, incest, pleasure, etc. 


    I think people think of murder as a violent act upon people where there is physical touch involved, etc.  Obviously, right!  But, to me it seems b/c that baby can't be "seen"/"touched" yet by the outside world, except the Mother, that it's not taking a life aka killing.  The procedure by which that life is taken is earth shattering to the baby who does have developing organs, etc. 



    Well, in regards to your last part it's just a difference of opinion of when life begins. The reason I don't think abortion is murder isn't because I don't think death is just violence with physical touching involved. (sorry for poor wording there, hope you get what I mean.) The reason I don't believe it is murder is because I don't think it's living yet.


    I can kind of understand your thoughts about abortion. I don't understand how people can consider something in that stage a baby. But I do know why you think it is murder - because you think it's alive. Simple enough. It's even simpler when you're anti abortion in all cases.


    But as I said what I cannot understand is people who think it's murder but then say it's okay sometimes. Even if it's the lesser of two evils it's still murder. Murder of an innocent human baby as people have put it. I don't know if I'd say this exception is common among pro lifers but I've definitely seen it a lot. 

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