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Posts posted by Lavandula

  1. I don't have a problem with people arguing that their opinion on the matter really changed (although I disagree with it and think it's bs). But the guy said they covered it. Dismissing sources as having an ax to grind when the guy said they covered it is a bit far out. 


    I now have to go for the weekend so thankfully I will be missing the rest of this thread. goodbye everyone :)

  2. On the contrary, the objection is specifically to a new requirement, and according to our statutes, a wrongly applied one. All of these companies provided health care to their employees before, but were able to choose to provide something that was consistent with their faith and consciences.  They were always generous.  They always provided something that they were not legally required to supply that benefitted their employees.  And they did it in such a way that it was consistent with their consciences, which our statutes call for them to be able to do.  The attempted new requirements are just that--new.  And they don't trump conscience.

    You did a great job of ignoring her point, which was people and businesses have always paid for things that go against their conscience. 

  3. I think generally the people that are mean to others, are mean to them, regardless of what the other person is doing for a job.  Some professions more than others are apt to get more grouchy customers. 

    I'm sure this is true for many people but I've also met many people who seemed perfectly nice until I went out to eat with them or went shopping or something. I know people who are angels to everyone until they go to a restaurant and they're always rude to waiters. It's pretty strange to me.

  4. No.  The position I have heard taken by an Orthodox seminary professor is that it is dogma that we are created in God's image and likeness, but that HOW this happened is open for discussion.  He also has been adamant that we need not fear science because science does not seek to answer the questions we learn from the Church, and v.v.  


    One INFORMS the other, but neither is a replacement for the other.

    Yes, this is what I thought. But people are linking to graphics of where creationism is taught as if it's the same. I've never actually heard of there being a big battle about YE being taught in public schools. 

  5. Some private schools teach YE and OE creationism AND secular evolution.  They teach them ALL agnostically (as in "without taking a position") and have the students defend which position they take.  

    Hmm, I never knew this. I never really thought about it and assumed teaching creationism most often meant teaching OE creationism.

  6. House Hunters annoys me to no end. Every single time there's 2 closets, someone makes a joke about the wife using both of them. Ha ha! Women have more clothes! Good joke. It's totally not as if women are expected to look different a lot of the time when men can wear the same clothes a lot and no one will notice. Nooooope. Good one guys. Please repeat that every episode. 

  7. This post made me lol because I have noticed over the years that women become ENRAGED if their ex is going out with a hairdresser. "He left me for a HAIRDRESSER!" "His new squeeze is a HAIRDRESSER!" You are not kidding about how some people feel about hairdressers, lol.


    That thinking always cracks me up, because, as a food server, I talk to a lot of different people and learn a lot of new things all the time. I am sure hairdressers are the same way. And I'm sure that women say, "He left me for a WAITRESS!" as though that is the tackiest thing ever. Whatever, if you are so shallow you think you have to be better than waitresses or hairdressers, you have real character issues that will cost you my full respect.

    I never thought about this, but I've heard it too with the hairdressers. Never waitress. I'm sure it happens, but it's always been hairdresser for me, nothing else. And it's often from stay at home moms. Now as a stay at home mom I obviously don't think there's anything wrong with being one, but why is that inherently better than being a hairdresser? 

  8. I believe you can request the item bought be made private? I know it's possible to have it as private because in my listed feedback some of the items bought are private. 


    Do sellers *usually* leave feedback about the buyers? 

    Yep. I bought several things recently and each one left feedback on me. It said things like quick payment, easy to deal with, so on. Never knew they did that!



  9. My vet is an exception but when my mom's standard had a bladder infection it cost under 40 dollars to have it treated.

    When a dog is sick often times they will be very aggressive as a means of protecting themselves. My mom's standard almost died last month. She had a hole in her stomach almost the size of my hand.  She turned aggressive and even bit me. She acted like she wanted to rips anyone's head off that she saw. (other than my mom) Now that she is healed she is back to being a sweet non aggressive in the  least  dog. She is back to her normal self.


    If it were me I would treat the bladder infection and rule out any other health problems. Ia it possible the dog is used to being starved? That might account for it being so protective over its food.  I would give the dog time to adjust to the new surroundings and time to learn he can trust you.  I don't blame you for if you decide to take him  to a shelter. I definitely would not make you feel guilty over it especially if your kids are young and there is a chance of them getting bit. However my recommendation would be to give it more time. Good luck!

    :iagree:  :iagree:  :iagree:  :iagree:

  10.  Good for you for being willing to look at another side of a debate!

    This kinda came off as acting like anti YE people haven't looked at the other side of the debate. They have, and believe it's wrong. I don't think most anti YE people haven't even thought about it. I've read their supposed evidence, and I don't agree with it at all.


    I view their evidence like the evidence from people who believe we never landed on the moon. Each thing can be proved wrong, I don't need to think about it in my day to day life. I'm not really offended by it because I can easily disregard it, but I see how some people who spent their whole life working on the thing could be offended by someone else coming along and saying nothing happened. 

  11. Is CPO Physics: A First Course considered middle school level or the equivalent to an early high school course (like physical science)?



    If you look here it says: 


    Physics A First Course: Grades 8-10


    Sorry if you wanted an answer from personal experience or something! Also I can't take italics off. Cool.

  12. I think your perspective is valued. I was interested in everyone's response to this. Those who thought she should hide the cat, those who were LL's and shared their perspective, those who told her to come clean, so on. I do not think anyone needs to be rude about their response. She asked a question and you replied as if she was arguing something. You also seem to be taking out anger about past tenants on her. She made a mistake, and admitted it. Can that not be the end? 

  13. You are interpreting your Lease in your own favor by attempting to argue that whatever animal is not specifically prohibited must be permitted and it doesn't work that way.  

    She was asking a question, not arguing anything. You are seriously being rude at this point, and Alley certainly doesn't deserve to be on the receiving end of it. 

  14. I had to end a friendship over repeated offensive comments (including racist comments, comparing certain political leaders to Hitler, etc). She told another friend that I ended the friendship because she is a Republican. So, be prepared for some backlash.

    Yep, I've had this happen to me too. People are amazing to say the least.


    Honestly, I would end the friendship. That could mean quietly stopping talking to her or telling her directly. Either way I don't think people should feel obligated to stay in situations/friendships/relationships that are toxic for them. 

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