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Posts posted by KDBask

  1. We don't use their spelling. I think it is the weakest part of the LA program. I also use my own writing. For grammar the LA is excellent. We also use the reading.




    I just printed off their diagnostic test and have more questions!!


    My kids will be in 5th and 4th grades but by looking at the material I think should start at the 300 level of LA. (I'll know more after I do it with them but I am pretty sure that they will score high enough...despite having not done any sentence diagramming.)


    Will they teach enough of that in LA 300 level for them to pick that up?


    One of the reasons I stopped using Pathway readers and LA was because I really disliked the phonics that they used after grade 1. The schwa, for example, (was one of several) was overwhelming and I felt too much for a youngster. We are using AAS and I prefer the sounds that they use. If we skipped their spelling in the LU, is that easy to do?


    If I skip their spelling, can I work through the LU in less than 17 days?


    What is the difference between Sunrise and Non Sunrise?



  2. What would you like to know? I have used CLE LA for 3 years.


    LA is not a strong point for me so we have been all over the map for the last 3 years: 3 years of pathway publishers, then one each of Sonlight and LLATL with a bit of WWE mixed in.


    Is CLE similar to ACE with the paces?

    Do you have to suppliment with other curriculum? If so, which parts do you suppliment?

    If I were to move my ds10 and dd8 to it which grade would you start them at? (Both have been doing gr4 LLATL. I teach them together...just lazy, I guess.)

    Is sentence diagramming really that important? Why?

    Is the CLE something that they can teach themselves from the booklets? (I have ds6 and dd4 that I want to spend more time with next year.)

    Do you use the CLE Bible and CLE Reading?

    Are the three intertwined like Sonlight or can they be used indepentently of each other?


    That's all I can think of for now. I hope that this is helpful to LillianinAL too!;)

  3. I have been homeschooling for a several years but am not up on all of the abbreviations out there! What is CLE?


    This year we are using the old orange LLATL book and I am enjoying it. However a couple of you said that it is light on the LA part of it. What are you looking for in that regard? Really, if a child can read, spell, and write well, what is the point of "grammar"? (said while ducking for cover...) I learned all of that stuff in school and still don't see the practical use for it. :glare:(I guess that my children are not going to get a classical education.)


    Just curious...and I am sorry if I hijacked your thread!!

  4. There has got to be an easier way to deal with the dirty clothes that one husband and four children 10 and under can produce.


    I do fine with the washing and the drying but folding? putting away?? Urgh, not something I enjoy, nor delegate well. I grew up in a home where my mother was home childless 7 hours a day and our house was clean, clothes folded, and meals made. I am trying but I know that things are different in my home, homeschooling 4 children. I am just trying to figure out where it is okay to "give" a little.


    Do you really fold all of your clothes, including underwear and socks? How would it be to just have a basket for each person's underwear and sock which they bring out, fill from the clean clothes and return to their room? I figure they can sort their own socks and turn their stuff inside out.


    Which leads to the next question...my kids are getting closer to the same size. How do you mark their clothes to tell whose is whose? I was thinking of 1 dot for the oldest, 2 for child #2, and so on. That way when one passes on an article to the next child, I can add an extra dot.


    I would love to hear how you deal with the clothes at your house. TIA.

  5. We are going all in a box next year with BJU Dvd's or online. This will be 4th and 6th graders.


    There was a time when I would have been absolutely horrified at the thought of not doing a literature based, Mom intensive, student interest led, unit studylike program. However, life has intervened and reality is much different than my ideal. I need help, and I'm not ashamed to ask! :D


    No suggestions here, but I think that it is a wise idea for moms to plan a "lighter" year in between several more intense years. Maybe that would aliviate (sp??) some of the burnout we experience.

  6. At the beginning of the school year I spent about 50 hours planning, printing and organizing our history, readers and read alouds into daily chunks similar to a Sonlight schedule. It takes me about 40 minutes on Sunday night and then about 10 minutes each night to organize the LA, math, music and spelling. I have two sets of kids so I want the "list" that the olders have to accomplish written out so I can work with the littles for the first half of the morning.


    I really don't have anything that I have to print out. It is a matter of finding where they are and what pages that they need to do. I really think that it depends on the curriculum that you choose.


    I hope that you find something that works for you!

  7. You are really brave to do this!


    I don't know if you have read the Maxwell's Managers of their Homes but one suggestion she had and that I still use, is having the older children take turns caring for the younger one. Could you try a loop schedule with time set aside for your children to play with the little one?


    We do history during snack time...little ones listen so much better when they have a mouth full of food!! Bible is while they are eating Breakfast (food again!) After snack, my oldest takes littles and plays with them so I can have one on one time with dd8 and after 40 minutes we switch. It works better some days than others. But I know if I can have 30 minutes of uninterupted teaching time with each child it is worth an hour of interupted time. Read alouds are done when they are all in their beds at night.


    It is not a crime to have a playpen or a gate across a door (in a safe room) and have the child play alone for a half hour. Yes it is hard, especially if they are not used to it. But it sounds like your mom could use the reprieve as well. With my oldest we started him in it late and he screamed (and screamed...and screamed...) so we set the timer and told him when the bell rang he could get out. You could even offer a little reward if he plays quietly like watching a show or having a cookie...bribery I know, but sometimes for sanity's sake, one must resort to it. We put kids songs in the CD player. Even tho it was hard, he learned and I had a safe place to put him while I brought in groceries or fed the baby.


    Anyway, I have rambled. I hope and pray that you find a solution that works for your family.

  8. HI!!!!!




    me too! KDBask is new! We're taking over! :lol:




    here I am!


    Sweetpeach is another Nova Scotian. And so is Terri in NS. So....that makes 7 of us that I know of now. WOW!




    YHZNS, I'm laughing again! :lol::lol:


    Jane, sorry about the hijack - I don't know where you could find that info. Wasn't Halifax named after someone named Lord Halifax?


    That is just too cool! You mean I am not out here all alone!

  9. This was not a spur of the moment thing. My kids have wanted a dog for as long as I can remember but I never felt we were ready. We were constantly on the move and I always had very littles underfoot so I put them off. When we finally moved here and I knew it would found our forever home I told them as soon as we bought our own home, we could get a dog.


    We bought the house 18 months ago and immediately started researching getting a dog. We read books, we talked to the vet, we talked to dog owners, we talked to breeders and finally decided on a Golden Retriever. Then we ran across someone who needed to find a new home for their 16 month old GR. I felt better about providing a home to an older dog than getting a puppy. We started making plans three months out. We bought all the supplies, read specific books on the breed, talked to a trainer and then got the dog about a month ago. He is a good dog: housetrained, doesn’t get on the furniture and is not aggressive. However, if you bring a 16 month old intact male into a new household with seven family members and four cats, you are going to have challenges. Of course, he was trying to figure out his place in the family pack and what he can get away with. So we were seeing a lot of dominance and attention seeking behavior. Barking, whining, nudging, knocking the children over, sitting on them and mounting.


    So we got him fixed right away. This slowed down the mounting behavior right away. Then we signed up for private training lessons, the whole family once a week. We have made a lot of progress in just that short period of time. He knows and mostly obeys basic commands: sit, down, stay (for about 3 mins. max right now), stand, paw (shake) and roll over (our family’s command for this is BANG! This was my kids’ idea). We are working on heel now. The inappropriate barking and whining has stopped. He doesn’t knock the kids over any more and the jumping up has lessened considerably. There are still hurdles though. He is still a young pup, very boisterous and hyper. It is really hard to get him to obey commands when he is overly excited and he can be quiet stubborn when he doesn’t want to do something. He still nudges and licks when he is trying to get attention. He licks and chews everything (a chess piece, a rock, a tube of lip gloss, a plastic container and other odd things). The introduction and socialization with the cats is not going as well as I had hoped. It is much like having a two year old. You spend tons of time (honestly hours a day – walking, feeding, playing, training, etc.) with them, you have good days and bad days and then some days that just wear you out. And if you are lucky, you have sixteen more years with them.


    We are $1200 in at this point and I think that we will probably have to spend a few hundred more on training but I think in about six months when he is reaching the adult stage and calming down some and has quiet a bit more training under his collar we will have a great family dog. I just hope I can maintain my sanity that long.


    P.S. - The glowing eyes are not photoshopped. They just came out that way. I like to think it's an evil gleam in his eye that means he is up to no good.


    Oh, I feel your pain. I don't know if I can wait too more years for ours to settle.

  10. http://unofficialweaver.com/



    Those are the the two I go to for interlock besides the yahoo group


    They have a forum.


    Just checked that out. That looks more like a forum...it's even in green! It seems most forums are blue!:) I have it added to my favorites.


    It was really good for us when my oldest was in Kindy and First. But then we moved onto other things. When we came back to using it again for a year, it just wasn't the same. I felt like we were staying in Egypt and the Wilderness forever and there wasn't much meat of other history in it.


    Well, we are only committed to trying it for one year. My oldest will love being stuck in Egypt...the rest of us might get tired of it but he will want to move there.

  11. I had looked into the yahoo weaver group...but once you get used to using forums, it is really challenging to follow the train of thought in the group! Spoiled by Sonlight forums I guess!!


    I am planning to plan...it just looks so intimidating. I guess I am starting to second guess the decision to buy it. :confused:


    Anyone out there really like it. Hearing some positive experiences would be so encouraging.

  12. Wow Alana! I just found your blogspot.


    Very nice. I can't wait to get started following your lessons. Thank you so much for posting your hard work.


    Funny this old thread has been resurrected!


    There's a whole bunch of chapters in Our Empire Story by HE Marshall on Canada as well. I'm goingto do my best to pull all that in as well. About that Cdn History Blog: it was a great idea, but I sort of lost my way with it. If you find it helpful Jane, let me know. :)


    ETA: I just found this excellent looking resource, in case anyone is interested: http://www.securenet.net/members/chastie/Hisintro.html


    Your blog looks wonderful...keep up the good work. We are several months into a Canadian History study, but there are several things in yours that I am going to go back and add. I wish I had yours in the beginning!

  13. I bought it at one of their conferences, and to be honest, I was disappointed. It had many good points but I felt that the recurring theme was that they believe in textbooks. Several publishers were listed and it just seemed (IMHO) to be advertizing for them. But maybe that was because they didn't promote the style of learning that I prefer. It was not the encouragement to me that the other two "managers" books were.

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