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Posts posted by KDBask

  1. Elizabeth,


    I just found your website yesterday and am planning to start my youngest two with your lessons on Monday...and I have tons of questions!


    Is Websters something that would follow the lessons that are in your signature?


    I thought that one a thread I read that someone was doing some workbook pages from your site as well. But I didn't see anything. Am I looking in the right place?


    And if I changed the topic of this thread too much I am sorry!



  2. If you have seen any of them, could you share your opinion?


    I am considering purchasing them and would like to know if they would be good for our children to watch for school. Is the material sound? Does it do a good job teaching the material or would we have to suppliment with some books to be able to tackle any of these projects ourselves, especailly soapmaking and candle making.



  3. I have it. We have used it some. However, I found it very hard to "teach" them French from it. They could sing the songs but they couldn't really tell you what the words meant. I think too, that when someone sings words the pronunciation is a bit harder to understand. The instructions were just not enough to have a child retain it.


    We have moved on to the Easy French and are enjoying it. When they are working on their activity sheets, I will often play the Teach Me Songs in the background.


    I am not sure that it helps you. But I think most children could learn the same amount, if not more, but watching french children's shows like Franklin. I hope that you find something that works.

  4. I have Professor B for the "side" math. I just pull it out when they get stuck on a topic. I like how he explains things. I got it cheap from Homeschool Classifieds. Maybe you could chek there for a secondary math that you are interested in. All of the best!

  5. I think that my dd(4) has two or three of the R&S books on the go. The Bible coloring one is the only one that is finished b/c I would hand it to her to give her something to do while I taught the others.


    Other than the Bible coloring book, we started one at a time until we came to a concept that stumped her. We then set that one aside and would start another. We will go back and finish them. She is really enjoying the one about books right now.



  6. My son doesn't live at your house, does he?:confused:


    My ds(10) is a perfectionist and piano brings it out of him like NOTHING else. I used to teach him, but when it was not perfect...meltdown city. It has ended up being one of two things we have hired out (piano and swimming). I still have to help him practice the first day (he gets angry at himself and even cries by times) but it is different when I am not the one who "assigned" it. By the end of the week he flies through his pieces and says he loves this song or that, usually the same one he "hated" at first. I believe that it is a character issue and we are not allowing him to quit. Most things come so easily for him that he needs the discipline of working through it and sticking with it.


    I could probably teach any other child and I am qualified to do so...but after teaching him math, LA, etc., I just don't have the emotional energy to teach him piano.


    My dd(8) also takes from someone else even tho I could be teaching her as well. I may teach her next year but I think as homeschooled children, seeing someone new and fresh is good for both of them. (I think their attitudes are different for others, too.)


    He does enjoy it more when he knows and likes the songs. Our piano has classical pieces prerecorded on it and he often plays bits of them by ear. For now we are sticking with learning by note but in a couple of years may send him to someone who can help him develop his ear training.


    The others gave great educational reasons and I thought I would share our character reason for continuing with the lessons. I hope you find reason to continue!

  7. We read:




    It is the only one that I have read of this series, but I, too, was having a hard time finding something age appropriate that wouldn't take too long as a read aloud. It took some explaining for my 4&6 yos, but the 8&10yos really enjoyed it. My ds10 sometimes gives me a hard time about "girl" books but this one was okay.


    I had preread this one from our library as well, but found it a little more for an older audience:

    Winds of l'Acadie

    Donovan, Lois,

    (I haven't checked the reviews that you gave yet tho.)


    I was going to read Longfellow's Evangeline, except it seemed too old and long (poemwise) for my younger set and I learned in studying it, that she was not a real historical figure. (Just thought that it was an interesting fact to note!)


    We used A Song for Acadia by Downie as a reader.

  8. In the past we did Sonlight but choose not to do cores 3 or 4 and rather focus on Canada. If you are a member of the Sonlight Forums there is a sticky at the top of Core 3 and 4 of Canadian history recommendations. The SL Canada Yahoo Group had several recommendations as well.


    I have heard of Modern History Thru Canadian Eyes being liked. We used a mix of The Story of Canada and My First History of Canada. However, my children are younger (4 under 10) so we are enjoying the priviledge of just highlighting different events.


    Vince Marquis seems to have some good material. He used to have a website called Homeworks, or something like that, but I can't seem to find it now. This is one of his guides:



    There are a few books here:



    The children have really enjoyed the historical stories that we have read. I am thinking about getting the CLE Canada LightUnit just to recap for the kids. This summer we will be travelling and visiting lots of museums where it all happened.


    If you are looking for something that incorporates World History you might be able to sub Canadian content in where the American would go, if you liked.


    I hope you find something that works!

  9. From those you mention, I've only used Elson so I can't compare. I like that Elson's readers include poems, fables, and stories that introduce students to Western literature and history (and a little Eastern) along with some nature study. Levels are divided into themes, such as stories about the United States, fairy tales, the world of nature, heroes of long ago, great American authors (looking through my son's current reader.)


    Urgh, sometimes I wish that we lived closer to the bigger cities. I doubt anyone at our conference will even have these to look at! Is there a workbook or activities that go with them? Would the stories be considered modern or similar to the amish country stories? Are there any morals taught in them?



  10. I'll look at the BJU as well. I liked Pathway when we did it; it was a little "old fashioned" but good morals. I have been reading the Homeschool Reviews website and am not finding many people who have used them past second or third grade. I guess that costwise Pathway is excellent but I am trying to decide if the others are worth the extra expense. I need to take into consideration that it *hopefully* will be used by four children.

  11. We are getting hit again with the second major blast since the first day of spring. We've had snow all winter but somehow we notice it more when it is "supposed" to be spring! Only 5 more storms and then it is officially spring, according to all of the local legends. Today's dumping was the poor man's fertilizer.

  12. Could any of you give me some web addresses of good, clean, educational websites for my younger dc? I hate to go this route but everytime we use the computer programs we bought, the whole computer freezes. I can get so much more done with my older dc when I can keep the littles occupied for half an hour. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

  13. There is so much curriculum out there these days it is hard to keep all of the abbreviations straight!


    I just learned that there is: CLE (Christian Light Education) and CLP (Christian Liberty Press). How confusing is that?


    I don't think I will ever get them all!

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