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Posts posted by rose

  1. So, while the forums were down dh and I had a bit of a friendly argument. I've been chomping at the bit to run this by you all. Dh claims that it's not normal for people to have a tea towel lying on their kitchen floor. I argue that I can't possible notice every tea towel in my path and that surely other people are like this as well. This is really just about tea towels though. If I tried to notice everything out of place I would never get any school work done, ever. So, give me the honest truth. Do tea towel grace your kitchen floor? If so, for how long.

  2. I'm not exactly a rabbit person but I did have two female rabbits as a child. Most of the time they were best buds but every so often our little one would mount the big one rip her hair out and attack her. We eventually put a wire divider in their cage so that they could continue to snuggle but the little one could no longer hurt our sweet one. Maybe a male would work better for you.

  3. I'm not positive if the pituitary gland was covered, but Total Health did cover body systems and a bit on disease etc... You might consider whether a health program meets your goals. DD used Apologia's Anatomy and Physiology, but that might be more in depth than what you are wanting...


    I'm actually thinking that I would like something fairly in depth. How did you find it? What knowledge would you need before diving into it? Does it come with tests or answer keys?

  4. Would you want to use just the human biology sections of a traditional bio book, or would an anatomy and physiology book be more what you want?  


    I'm not sure. In Canada, traditionally, grade 11 biology is plants and animals and grade 12 biology is human. How is covered in the US? I looked at the pinned thread but I couldn't figure out from the descriptions what was covered.

  5. I'm thinking ahead here a little and am looking at what options are available for covering human biology. We haven't done any biology past elementary level because my teens aren't particularly interested and our provincial requirements are low. That said, I DO feel like we must at least cover human biology to a reasonable depth. It's just not acceptable to go into your adult life and not know what your pituitary gland is for, paramecium reproduction--not so much. So what is out there for human biology? What are the pros and cons? We're Christians but I don't mind secular material for this topic.

  6. I've never asked, but Dh has come home with them a couple of times anyway.


    Fortunately I'm not picky!

    Inquiring minds want to know what would motivate a man to buy these own his own initiative. What was he thinking? "hmmm... I think dw is bleeding pretty heavy today. Maybe she would like to try a new brand."


    I've spent a fairly large portion of my life telling children, either my own or at the preschool to "Please keep your tongue to yourself."  Other variations include:  "We don't lick our friends," "Don't lick the wall," "Please don't bite the chair," "Teeth are for biting food, not friends," etc.  And honestly, my youngest was so oral that we just kept the pacifier in her mouth in public till she was around four because it was easier than keeping her from licking everything in sight. 


    How about...

    Don't lick the bus seats :ack2:

    Don't crawl on the floor in public/rest area bathrooms :ack2: :ack2: :ack2:

    Sometimes I'm surprised that my dc are still alive.

    • Like 1
  7. I totally agree. I always run into them when I'm looking for something like "eggplant recipes". I'll then get sites that google advertises as "21 exciting eggplant recipes". They're almost always slide shows! I get really annoyed how frequently this happens.

    • Like 1
  8. IMO there are not enough WELL written books about homeschooling. I can probably count them on one hand. I definitely would like more that were in the tone of Mere Motherhood. The ones written by people with the oldest kid being in 5th grade that try and tell me how to make my Homeschool the most excellent thing ever, make me roll my eyes. They need a blog. Not a book. My exception would be someone who was homeschooled themselves. But still. Until you do it yourself and finish I think we’re all shooting in the dark. :)


    Btw- I’d buy your book. Six boys. Road trips. The military. The unpopulated desert of West Texas. It’s more adventure story than homeschooling!

    I need your list of well written books. I seriously don't have the time for all the other crap.

  9. My library is just soooo picky. I don't like taping pages myself but it really bothers me to have to pay full price plus an $8 handling fee for a page that's half ripped. I doubt that I'll feel good about returning this one as is if I manage to restore to a reasonable state I probably will. $30+ is pretty gross for a stupid lego book.

  10. First of all, it's pretty easy to evaluate if the person is as they say they are with a facetime or hangouts video chat, and same with the mom. It's not like an "online friend" means your only possible contact is shady emails or something.


    I wouldn't necessarily say no. How old is the friend?


    Mostly, I'd want to know if online friend's mom knows about this trip! It's no more dubious than wanting to go visit a friend in the next city, really.


    I have to agree with this. If you can talk to the mom via a face to face chat then I would think that you would be OK. I'm guessing that if there is any nefarious going on you'll probably be able to pick that up through video chat. As unfair as this is, I think that i would be much more open to a male doing this trip than a female.


    How many seventeen year old boys are trafficked in the US? Anyone got some evidence that this actually even happens?

    • Like 3
  11. We just seriously damaged our third library book in about 4 months. One of the three year olds left a lego book on the kitchen counter and another child accidentally bumped it into the sink. The binding didn't get wet but the outside edge of every page got wet. I'm going to try to repair it but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be out another $30. It irks me so much. I love library books because they expose my dc to so much more of the world then they would get to see otherwise but I just have so many little people right now that it's hard to have my eyes on everything at the same time. After this incident I decided to revoke the privilege of handling the library books alone. They will be put away and only brought out when someone big can read them. If another book is wrecked I think that I'm going to give up and we'll only take out books for the teenagers.


    Do you repair books if you damage them or do you just fess up and pay the fine? Can you repair a water damaged book to good condition?

  12. I'm sorry for your loss. I've been through a miscarriage before. It's amazing how much we bond with our little ones so long before they're born. I grieved for a long time.


    On a side note, as far a I know you can wait and see if you will deliver naturally rather than doing a d&c.

    • Like 1
  13. I don't do meal plans (maybe I should?) but tonight we're having creation a la momma (how can I add accents?) which is what i call my creations that will probably never occur again. Tonight's creation is basically a vegetarian chili gone crazy. I started with onion and garlic then added zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower, tomatoes, pinto beans, basil, crushed chilis and salt. We're going to eat it with homemade whole wheat sourdough bread (my specialty). Does anyone else cook like this?

  14. I need to lose about 20 pounds of accumulated baby weight. I've lost weight before by calorie counting but I just can't bring myself to go that route again. I'm not a recipe user or a measurer. I never make exactly the same meal twice. I really dislike exercise and it's so hard to get around to with so many little ones. I have thought about doing some youtube exercise videos with them though (suggestions?). Idk, what kind of advise you might be able to give. Maybe I just want encouragement that it is possible to do easily. As an extra challenge I'm exclusively breastfeeding at the moment. Thoughts?

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