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Posts posted by Macrina

  1. Didn't know I was so loved :) Thanks ladies!! I am alive and OK, though thanks for your concern. My blog has been quiet- our class disbanded due to lack of interest this year and I am still working on starting history back up with my own kiddos. Once I do I hope to pick the blog back up. But I have two part time jobs on top of homeschooling, I have had a few health concerns myself and my middle child was diagnosed with autism this summer, so it had been a little crazy. Ah, so life goes. Thanks again for thinking of me!! xxoo

  2. As someone who is a conservative Orthodox Christian from a Protestant background and who has also READ the book I completely conquer with Justin's comments. It is a very simple (no deep theological edge) and it is actually rather NON conversational which is frustratingly ironic given it's controversy. It's too bad people are being deterred from it via online rumors. You really need to see the books for yourselves to see how well the curriculum is designed. I think PHP has hit one out of the park with TGS and I hope people will give it a chance. Well written post, Justin, I am glad you spoke up, it must be very frustrating for you guys to be slammed so unjustly.

  3. I had similar issues. Turns out mine was from constant mold exposure and low B-12 levels. Also I read that there is an over abundances of anxiety problems due to caffeine use. I'd say cut out caffeine and take some B-12 and make sure you don't have mold problems :) I am still reconditioning myself to the fact that I am no longer abnormally anxious. I got so used to it that I started getting anxious about being anxious. Hang in there. Hugs!

  4. Which Saxon level? Are you referring to addition/subtraction or mult/div.?




    grades 1-3, addition. Though I think I found them all and now I am onto subtracting (I have to make new fact cards and I don't have the old ones to refer to and I don't have my books!) for subtraction I have the subtracting zero, subtracting ones, subtracting twos, subtracting the doubles, subtracting using the doubles plus ones and subtracting using sums to ten. I think I am missing something there too though...

  5. Take pity on me, I don't have my materials available to me for awhile because of an emergency evacuation due to mold. For the Saxon Math facts I have two questions. What are the odd ball facts (which specific facts are they) and am I missing anything other than:

    Adding zero, adding one, adding two, doubles, doubles plus one and odd balls?



  6. I'm sorry you are sick.


    Serious question: How do you know your symptoms are caused by mold? The house I live in now has a lot of mold, and we all seem to have been sick more than usual since we moved into it. I suspect the mold is the culprit, but how to *know* for certain?


    This hasn't been a 'sick more than usual' for me. this is 'I am sick all the time.' And not head cold kind of sick. I have bald spots on my head and I am having hallucinations. The breathing problems are ALL the time and I dizzy off and on all day. If you google it, you find the medical websites list about 25 of the common reactions to mold. They all fit for me.

  7. I have been sick for the past 4-6 months. In the beginning shortness of breath (inability to take a deep breath) and nervousness/edginess/adrenaline rushes. Then headaches, dizziness, hair loss (I have actual bald patched now), abdominal pain and pain and then numbness in my hands to name a few....the doctors we clueless. I have had three bld panels done, a chest CAT scan, an EKG, a 24hr holter monitor, an abdominal ultra sound, a pulmonary lung function test...you name it. They kept trying to tell me I had an anxiety problem.


    Then I started have hallucinations. I have had three. My mom mentioned mold. We're renting an old house right now that has had a leaky roof for the year we have lived here. It's a mold factory in the attic.


    DH is looking for a new place to rent (we are closing on a house in December but can't wait that long and the landlord here isn't going to do anything to our satisfaction) in the mean time I am leaving the house this morning, never to return. I will spend the days schooling and hanging out with the kids at my parent's house and after work DH will pick up the kids and take them back home. I have place to sleep (my friend's sister's house they have been building by hand for five years to live in when he husband retires, currently empty) and hopefully DH will find another rental quickly so we can all be together again.


    We have a married couple friend, on is a DVM and the other an MD. They had a similar problem. They thought she had a brain tumor her reaction was so intense. She said they had to wash and bleach all there stuff after the mold clean up (the problem was in the house they owned) because the mold spores attached themselves to everything and she would have a reaction just wearing clothes stored in the same room as there mold problem. So getting stuff out of here is going to be a pain.


    I admit I am feeling pretty intense about the whole situation right now. But when you start seeing things move that aren't really moving.... it's a real wake up call to get out and take care of myself. Even though I feel very much like I am leaving DH and the kids high and dry. I am just glad we figured out what the problem was, and I hope in a couple weeks time I am feeling normal again!

  8. I have a visible tattoo and my nose is pierced. That being said I am the head teacher of a SOTW class that is made up of mostly Christian families and no one has a problem with it. That being said I have always felt that homeschooled secular kids are better company for my dc then public schooled Christian families. I think that says something. Look for evangelical churches or investigate Orthodox Christianity. You are going to find more people prone to have an issue with your son in reformed circles (IMO).

  9. I am a very emotional person, not fiery, I just feel thing intensely and I don't usually get mad, I just cry.


    About 4 months ago I found out that it was the opinion of many in my extended family that I was too emotional and while I sorted out my feelings to that claim I realized (just recently realized) that I spent the fast four months holding in every emotion.


    In the mean time I have become a very anxious and high strung person and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why, because I wasn't prone to anxiety.


    Well today the silliest thing upset me and I cried and CRIED and it felt so good and so much tension left me.


    Is is possible that by not being true to the fact that I am just an emotional crier (and maybe that's just who I need to be) that I caused all this stress and anxiety I have been feeling without even realizing it? By holding all that back? What do you think? I'll take tears over a panic attack any day.

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