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Posts posted by OutdoorMom

  1. I liked some of the article but not all of it. I believe in eating healthy and in moderation. We eat organic, very little meat, no fast food, etc. but that is just what works for us. Not everyone is in the position to afford it or just wants to eat what they want. No matter the reasoning for either way, it should be that person's choice and they should not be criticized for it. Everyone needs stop judging what other people are doing and worry about themselves. It's pretty simple to me.

  2. My step-son used Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra through Pre-Calculus. It is a spiral math program, which is what he needed. After years of worrying it was going to ruin him, he got a 25 on the ACT math section. He graduated 2 years ago now and got into every school he applied to and has had no problems with math courses since. It's definitely not the most rigorous program but it worked for him.


    I have never used Saxon so I can't compare the two.

  3. Go screen free for a period of time. Eventually you can start adding some time back in, maybe starting with educational shows. Make him earn screen time by doing school work. That was the perfect reward system for one of mine.


    :grouphug:  Sorry you are stressed. You mentioned he is dyslexic, could the school work be to hard? How is he reading? That would be my #1 focus right now. Besides that I would follow anything that he had a slightest interest in.

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