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Lieutenant Stranger

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Posts posted by Lieutenant Stranger

  1. You guys are great. I've been going back and forth because I'm a researcher that just needs to figure things out. (Just like it took me over a year to realize that scheduling activities in the AM meant that we got nothing else done that day.)


    I like to be home all "school" day for the rest of the week, just so we can get things done. Guess I should probably put it all on paper and just see if it makes me cry a little or a lot on the inside.

  2. Hello everyone. Quick question for you guys. I have two kids-- 7.5 and 9. We live in the suburbs of a medium sized city. I am wanting to start them on cello lessons and most of the lessons available are around the University down in town.


    There's a great program through our University's music department that is very reasonable in price. I want to sign my kids up-- but the time available is Thursday at 4:15. They are going to be taking classes on Thursday (2 science, 1 math) elsewhere from 9-1:45.


    Would I be crazy to try to drag them down to the U after a day out at classes? One little issue-- our city does not have a highway system. It's about 30-40 minutes of street traffic (stop lights, etc) to get there. Also, would I be even crazier to schedule their French lessons in (we're getting a native speaker tutor) at the University while we're down there? I'd like to kill 27 birds with one stone, if possible.


    Has anyone here tried to schedule in all the *extras* in on one day? Do you think its worth the time to just get it all out of the way once a week? Or am I just going to go crazy and end up banging my head against a stringed instrument from all the work?

  3. I'm having troubles, too. I was planning on going year round (again) but we just all NEEDED a break. Public schools start August 1st here (SERIOUSLY! WTH!) and while I don't really go by their schedule, that is nagging at the back of my head that we need to have everything figured out, especially because my kids do after school programs at the schools.

  4. Hello all! I have a question regarding L'Art de Dire. I am going to use L'Art de Lire for both me and my daughter (3rd grade). For my son, who is 7 and going into 2nd, I was considering L'Art de Dire since he is a new reader.


    Is "Dire" just a bunch of lesson plans I need to put together? Or is it already work that I just need to break up and assign?


    Thanks so much! I'm ready to just PICK my program and start scheduling things out!

  5. I'm searching very hard for German items right now...not having much luck. I'm considering downloading game apps in German for the kids to play.


    My sister in law lives in Germany and LOVES it. We're pretty sure she's never coming back to the states. Are you putting them in school since homeschooling is illegal there?

  6. I have two kids (different ages working on the same level. I bought the download and have used that.


    In the past, I would print as we would go along, but it became a hassle. Today, I printed out everything they needed to finish the level and had it spiral bound at Office Max.

  7. I am also debating doing all of my printing over the summer (things like workbook pages, math pages, handwriting pages, etc.).


    Me too! I am so tired of having to go back and print things in the morning while an impatient child is staring at me.


    I have all my plans (or will, ahem) on paper. I just do not like electronic organizers. I LIKE the feel/look of paper notebooks.

  8. I wouldn't worry. It sounds like she has a good grasp on reading. I would bring her to the library and let her pick out a variety of books. Throw in a couple of your own choosing, too!


    Side story- I recently saw a mom with a daughter your daughter's age at the library. Kid wanted to pick out books to read but mom INSISTED that she could not go past the 1st grade readers because, "You're in 1st grade." To see this poor child's face as she was forced to pick out things she definitely did not want was sad.

  9. Well, what are the consequences when she acts like this? Does anything happen if she drags it out? No TV, computer time, whatever?


    One of my children is definitely not a "go-getter." I've realized that about this child-- that this child will ALWAYS choose the easy way, no matter what. I understand to a point, we're all human, but the easy way isn't going to help in college.


    I'd pick one thing to work on. Do you want work done faster? Without complaints? Figure out what it is you're wanting and then go after it. Heck-- give her a goal. No complaining/dragging feet for a week and you get ice cream Friday night.


    There has to be SOMETHING that is her "currency." I'd find it and use it.

  10. I thought that's how the instructions presented it (test, correct, test)? Maybe I'm remembering wrong. Either way, I want to make the most of SS this time. My ds is dyslexic and I've heard it's effective for those kids. I really hope I can avoid needless frustration this time.



    Honestly, we had troubles with this, too....I don't think that (for me) the instructions did a good job of explaining what needed to be done. To me, it seemed like test, correct, test...and it got really old, really fast.

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