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Posts posted by Mountainmama

  1. I've gone through a total of 9 kids for 1st grade. My favorite supplements were:


    EPGY for 1st/2nd - it is computer based, can get with scholarship or subscription to make it cheaper - it teaches set theory as the basics are taught - not a game, but fun for kids.


    Sigfried Engleman's Give your child a superior mind (Terrible title) - while it is designed for kids very young, the math part is very good for kids who are working at no more than 2nd grade level. basically, you teach it, but you learn to teach in a creative and accelerated fashion. So, kids learn directions, all the basic operations, greater than-less than, simple algebra and geometry, skip counting, simple logic and thinking skills, etc...


    Superior Math (Young Scholars program) - HUGE worktexts that have kids doing algebra from the very start- kids learn basic operations, basics of formal geometry, telling time, etc.. all while learning real math - by level 3 kids are learning trigonometry and simple calculus, while practicing the basics. All taught in a way that elementary kids can "get it".


    And for kids who are really good readers, I have used Modern Math Enrichment Program (it is a programed text that teaches geometry, number theory, and set theory at elementary level - best for grade 3 reading level and up)

  2. well - I think both are appropriate and have used both. My oldest learned to read sight words before she was1. At 2 we used phonics with sight words. At 4 she was reading Shakespeare and understanding it. At 8 she compared and analyzed Divine comedy and Till we have faces. My 2nd and 3rd kids used sight reading after phonics failed them at age 5. Then I switched to learning to read using Hebrew phonics when at 6 they weren't reading. That worked and so we used the sight reading books as easy readers. Next 2 used phonics at age 2-3 and it worked fine. Next 1 didn't catch onto reading using phonics or sight reading - even tried a private school - then at age 7 he learned to read with whole word method. Never learned phonics and it shows in very poor spelling. So - I now know - whatever works and at whatever age.

  3. Thanks everyone for all your suggestions! He has decided that he wants to apply himself and actually learn this year - YEAH! (Thanks to big brother's input about the need for a college education). He has finished Saxon Geometry- said it was easy. Soo - this month he has started with Life of Fred algebra AND AoPS videos - while we wait for the delivery of Math Relief. He will do 2 hours a day - so he should finish algebra 1 and 2 this year - with the understanding that next year he has no options of backtracking. I explained to him - when you slack off and then try to make up the difference, it means more time and effort.

  4. Spanish 1 - visual link and blaine tprs

    Greek - papaloizos

    English - Hake for easy grammar review, essentials in writing, workbook for argument

    Literature - balancing the sword 1, old western culture, divine comedy with yale lectures and some documentaries, mythology and more

    history - from creation to caanan

    science - finish bju biology

    bible - bible and its influence, unlocking the bible videos

    music - music learning community, guitar

    logic- james Madison and possibly traditional logic 1

    philosophy - kreeft books, historyofphilosophy.net

    fitness - weights, basketball, hiking/running, swimming

    saxon algebra 2


  5. So far, I have finished several Latin books, a couple Greek, these Spanish ones (but now I have to do the keys and workbooks), some large print reprints, and math. I've also written an autobiography, a baptism book for the Anabaptists (no longer in print), ghost wrote a safety manual for a school shop, and finishing (going on 5 yrs of finishing LOL) a rather technical book on consciousness research. I also wrote a phonics book. Nothing incredible - BUT, I have a lot of fun writing them LOL.


    The Spanish books will be released one at a time. So far, I've only finished the first 4 books. And now that he wants keys and workbooks, I'm not sure when I'll be able to finish the set. Why? Because the last books switch from easy reading focus to using proper grammar and punctuation (Spanish style). Forms and declensions of previously learned words are introduced.


    While the focus of the first 4 books is on ease of reading, the books are not merely simple translations of McGuffey readers. Additional material is included, similar to material found in Magic Key. I've been told it is like reading an old school primer peppered with Magic Key-like stories.

  6. LOL - well... actually I heard this from my publisher. He has a lot of my textbooks sitting there waiting to be decided on and/or published. I just got word that this one is a "Go". It should be released in early September. However, he wants me to write the answer key and a workbook to go with it - so, I'm busy on those.

  7. My 10th dc is using Visual Link, Magic Keys, and the programmed Spanish Reading text. I am trying to decide on easy Spanish readers. I see that Rod and Staff has a reading program in Spanish - but it doesn't look like the English version. Would've been nice if it was the English version in Spanish. Has anyone used it? I do not know Spanish. Would this program be usable as a follow up to the Spanish reading text (which supposedly teaches 2000 words and gives the ability to pursue advanced reading, without relying so heavily on a dictionary).


    The only other option I have found is to purchase a set of AR like Spanish easy readers for grade 1 and 2. I am not concerned about the maturity level of the material - since he is using a modern Greek program designed for little kids and is greatly enjoying it. Has anyone tried using easy all Spanish readers as a reading option, for non-native Spanish learner?


    Any other easy reading ideas? Is it better to get bi-lingual books?

  8. Thanks for the TC tip! We will be using Socrates meets series for dramatic (oral) reading. I'm planning on using Kreeft's Logic after completing a year of James Madison and the workbook for arguments. I preordered the ancients and medieval (plan to do a second year and use the other 2 books). We're also using Socrates 101 and Philosophy adventure, so I suppose if the release is delayed we can make do.


    I've always wondered why textbook publishers don't do a better job of releasing their new books BEFORE the first day of school in Fall.

  9. I believed all the wildflowers in the park were Indians (I was around 6). I also thought I could float. But a few good falls changed my mind - until I was a teen and we levitated a girl at a sleepover. Then it took a few more good falls to change my mind LOL. And then - -- I caught at least 3 of my kids doing something stupid, because they thought they could fly. Weird thing is -- 2 of them actually managed to make astounding leaps and survived! One Jumped down a flight of stairs, hit the bottom step and escaped harm (he claimed for years he had floated down) and another jumped off a roof and landed on his feet quite nicely. But, none of them ever thought flowers were Indians.


    My most recent (shall I say current) idea is that my cats understand every word I say and carry on philosophical conversations after I leave for work :-)

  10. Is anyone else waiting for the publication of a new curriculum for the Fall - or a reprint of a text sold out? If so, what books are you waiting on? Do you have a backup plan if the book(s) is not available on time to start?


    I am waiting on Kreeft's Socrates Children and I guess the only thing I can do is have dc continue to listen to historyofphilosophy and then try to read the texts to get caught up to where he is in the lectures.

  11. LOL - I thought I was the only one! We start August 5th - I have FINALLY figured out a workable schedule - and then I find out that what I thought was a semester course is a year long course! So, six mths schedule has to be reworked. Thankfully, I now only need to raise $200 to finish getting the last of the materials.


    On a good/fun note -- I a REALLY enjoying the books we have gathered so far for next year! Of course, they hold no interest for kids who want NOTHING to do with even the thought of summer ending. I did manage to lure my hubby into a 10 min. jaunt through the books - and he kindly smiled at me and said, "yes, they look very interesting". Oh well, I'm enjoying them :-)


    So far, my favorites are - Balancing the Sword, James Madison Course, Discovering Music, and Programmed Music Theory Course, the various Kreeft philosophy books (we will use for dramatic reading), and Workbook for Arguments (ie: rulebook for arguments).


    Hey- this was great OP! I now feel elated rather than stressed. Thanks for the opening to vent and discover the good side to what I had earlier thought of as HUGE WALLS of Planner Pages collapsing in upon me. I now see rewriting/scheduling is another opportunity to graze through the books before kids get them.

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