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Posts posted by jelbe5

  1. I used to do counted cross stitch. I have not done any projects for years. I want to begin again. My dream was (and still is) to make small cross stitch projects that I would hang on a Christmas tree. I am hoping to have a few small things for Christmas 2015!

  2. I have asthma and can't be around those products.


    Does your MIL understand the seriousness of asthma? When I was growing up many of my relatives and even teachers believed it was "all in my head" and I was "putting on an act" when I could not breath. I had adults actually tell me this when I was having an attack. I bet your MIL is one of these individuals. I agree with others. Time for your dh to educate his mom and modify your visits. This is not worth the risk or a trip to the ER!

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  3. ... both parents made malicious, intentional decisions to toss them aside. They don't deserve to know the girls. . .

    Dear Friend,


    I think you have already answered your question in this statement. Your daughters and your family don't need these toxic people in your life.


    You may still honor your parents by continuing to work on forgiveness and praying for them if you feel led to do so. You don't have to engage with them to honor them. Continuing the cycle of the unhealthy relationship will not be honoring to her since it feeds her disorder and, most importantly, it does not honor YOU or your family to be in turmoil. You have surmised that nothing has changed and you are probably correct.


    I am sorry for the pain you endured growing up. You have a chance to create a healthy, loving family without drama. Move forward and don't look back.

  4. I'm not sure but you might be able to speak with the hospital social worker for some quick information until you can speak with an attorney. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this stress while caring for your ill parents . . .

  5. Ugh - I am so sorry. These people should not be working with children.


    I recently attended a high school winter concert at a local public high school. The new choir director included a group of special needs students. This was the first time the school has done this. The special needs students joined the first song with the entire choir, then sang "Let It Go" by themselves. They received a standing ovation. I was in tears (I have a son with autism). It was so nice to see the love and support. After their solo song the special needs students were dismissed and could leave with family or sit and enjoy the rest of the performance, depending on their need at that time.


    I just wanted to share an inclusive concert done right. Hugs to you and your little one.

  6. Yes. We alternate who we spend the holidays with. This year we will travel to stay with my in-laws who live 3 hours away. I LOVE my in-laws, but when we visit anywhere I have to constantly run interference for my son with autism. It is much harder when we stay overnight somewhere. I proposed to my dh we take 2 cars so he and my daughters can stay longer and I can return home with our son if, after two days, he is done. Having a contingency plan helps reduce my stress greatly.

  7. I was out and about pretty soon after each of my three. I stayed home the first two weeks after my first but that was because she was a C section and I was still recovering and was told not to drive myself for a couple of weeks.


    ETA - that was my personal preference. I adjusted to new motherhood quickly and was surprised at how good I felt! It was like an adrenaline high for me and I felt happy and energetic. I made friends with other new moms in the nursing room at the mall and we formed a nice little support group.


    Could this suggestion be because of the enterovirus? I know that I, personally, would be nervous about exposing a newborn to that.

  8. Umsami,


    I heard about this horrific act of evil this morning and thought of you and the other Muslim families who are part of this community.


    There are no words . . . I am so sorry for the lives lost and the families destroyed. I am sorry for individuals such as you who must endure hostility due to hatred, fear and ignorance. This on top of the situation in Australia is too much to bear.


    It is no consolation, and perhaps I am speaking out of turn when I say I predict this type of extremism will eventually end when people everywhere stand together and stand up against the slaughter of innocents. That day cannot come soon enough . . .


    I pray for your safety and that of your family and the heartache you must feel . . .

  9. I tend to be a traditionalist and we just saw a wonderful performance of The Nutcracker by a local dance center. I would, however, be interested in seeing the Q Brothers "A Christmas Carol". They are famous for doing hip-hop retellings of classics, most recently "Othello: The Remix". The performances of "A Christmas Carol" at the Chicago Shakespeare Company are out of my budget but they are almost sold out. It looks like fun!



  10. We alternate between a 6 ft artificial tree and a small tree. This year we put up the small, tabletop tree that belonged to my husband's grandmother. My children loved Great Grandma Jane. She passed away a few years ago. The tree has white, non-blinking lights and a variety of small ornaments. Some are quite old. It is nice to have GG's little tree up. It feels as though we still have a little piece of her with us. My living room is small and right now this tree is perfect for the space.

  11. This never happened to me personally but it did to the secretary at my church. The church now has locked doors, buzzer and one-way window. If the secretary knows the person at the door she can buzz them in, otherwise she can speak with the person through an intercom. Keeping the door locked is a sad reality of the world today, but I think it is the best solution to help keep you safe from a possible vulnerable situation.

  12. My dh is off today and is taking the kids to a movie and Culver's for food. I will have the house all to myself which is a rare treat for me. Might do some cleaning/decluttering (can't declutter easily with the boy around). Or, I might relax, watch a movie, read, nap . . . oh the choices!

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