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Posts posted by yellowperch

  1. Thanks everyone. It sure feels good. Chris said the interview with TG was actually fun. He was very impressed with how prepared and thoughtful and easy to talk to she is. Of course. She steered the conversation a little further away from the book than he would have liked--she asked alot of questions about being under fire, for example. Chris is much more of a family man, quiet soul and lover of the natural world than his resume makes him seem. That said, he thought it all went pretty well. He's a bit worried that he talked about himself too much. But it was an interview after all.


    I asked him if he thought the book would be a good choice for 13 year old, and he said sure, with some caveats. First, there are 5-6 uses of profanity, all in quotes or letters. There also is a good bit of violence--but he thinks it is contextualized and not gratuitious. Also, there is a no small amount of assumed knowledge. For a teen who is interested and moderately versed in history, however, it should be a stretch but not a leap.


    I agree TG is the peak of coolness. I'd love her to interview SWB one day!

  2. Forgive me for boasting but this has been years in the making. My husband's book is officially published!



    He'll be interviewed by Terry Gross in an hour; the interview will be broadcast in tomorrow.




    Chris wrote the proposal when he was on a two-week leave after our daughter was born. She's six now! Can't believe all that work is now complete....

  3. Bill, why don't you write to the reporter? My husband reports for the Times (on the foreign desk) and he spends time every week responding to readers. I don't know Winnie Hu even by reputation but she might do the same. Chances are she won't revisit the issue next week on the front page, of course, but it still might be worthwhile. Reporters only know what people tell them, after all.


    Just click on her name to get to reader e-mail. I'd do it, but I'm frying other fish at the moment. And, frankly, I don't yet hae a good handle on any of this...

  4. I think I might put a Kindle on my list. But I use the library so much and you can't "borrow" a book on Kindle, can you?


    I'd love surfing lessons.


    Lask year the kids gave me lawn chairs that they bought at an unfinished wood place and painted themselves. Lovely.


    The year before that DH filled and put up the dozen or so old bird feeders we had been given by his dad. Also brought a lot of joy.


    I need a great pair of sassy black boots. Sexy but not high heals. Have the best pair but they are falling apart. Can't find anything I like nearly as well.

  5. I need to buy a new printer, and I dread picking one out. DH has a larger printer, copier fax out in his office so I think I just need something small.


    I have an IBM laptop, and I would like soemthing wireless.


    Any suggestions? Last time I did this I ended up with a lemon, a persnickity little beast that ost me so much time. Looking for something easy to set up that works and works and works.



  6. Music. And a foreign language.


    Some great advice I received: We all know gifted kids can move forward through the standard scope and sequences in various subject areas. And we know they actually NEED new material, information, skills, challenges, etc. But take some of their education sideways. Zig and Zag. Do lots of art. Learn showtunes. Learn songs in French. Learn violin and how to tie fishing knots. Do lots of sports. make scuptures. Play chess and do puzzles.

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