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Everything posted by Brandicm

  1. I use Sonlight and my daughter has a fair amount of questions to answer for one lesson. She's already stated she does not want to do two lessons in one day. Suggestions on how to break this up? We struggle with getting everything done.
  2. Do you do 4 day weeks for science and history and Friday is a catchup or on Friday do you just start the next block and rotate which weeks you do science or history 3x that week? Both kids have history and science lesson plans for every day. I'm trying to figure out which would be best.
  3. I have an 8th grader and a 6th grader. We have trouble fitting in everything plus electives like art or computer programming. Those seem to get pushed off a lot. Both do different levels of Sonlight for history and Literature. My 8th grader is doing Algebra 1 and that takes her much longer. Each kid has a foreign language as well. I was debating if I should try to do block scheduling for history and science? Both are avid readers, so the reading assignments for Sonlight are not a challenge. It's going over questions, getting time line and maps done plus all the other subjects. On a day we have piano or my 6th grader does an online Latin class, it seems to throw everything off. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to schedule differently or if block scheduling worked for them?
  4. Thank you so much for your help. I am going to continue with TOG and see if I can tweak it more. Maybe if I select a few books as optional, that would help us not feel so bogged down. I'm debating about getting the pop quiz CD to listen to in the car, maybe that would help me feel like I am doing enough. I have to be more consistent about having my daughter do all of the thinking and accountability questions as well. She gets behind with the reading because of all the other school work that I let that one go or we do them together during discussions.
  5. What about Sonlight made you feel like you are drowning? I feel that way with TOG. Mostly because I have a hard time narrowing down their reading and what my UG student reads/learns may not be the same as the D student. I don't feel like I have a checks and balances. Should I be happy with what we do get done and that they have heard the names of famous people of that particular time period? When they reach high school, we do not know if we will send them to a private school or continue to homeschool. So i am not convinced they will get some of this again but i know they can't retain every fact. We are not to US history yet, only in Year 2. I am very much looking forward to studying US history. For your literature curriculum, do you use only TOG or do you do something different? Right now, I have my students doing both. Some weeks in TOG we will not do the literature worksheet. I really want them to read the classics so we are doing our literature through memoria press and some of the books coincide with what they have to read for history. Some of the Thinking and accountability questions my D student cannot answer from the reading. She will google it for the answer or we discuss it in class. I guess sonlight looked more appealing because it had the daily assignments. The prep work for TOG is overwhelming right now. How do you do it?
  6. I have a 5th and 7th grader. We are in our second year of TOG. I am overwhelmed with the planning. The teacher notes are very in depth which I love. I love all the books my kids read (although they do not) but our discussions are not great. The differences between what my dialectic student reads and my upper grammar student make it difficult to pinpoint what they should be learning. I try to discuss the high points each week but I wonder how much they are actually getting. Sonlight has appealed to me in the past because of the daily assignment sheets. However, I am having trouble correlating what we are studying now to their levels. Has anyone switched from TOG to sunlight? Or those that are in a TOG fog, how did you make it work?
  7. Thank you ladies for your help. I am not doing the LA that is in TOG, just using TOG for history. Writing, math and science seem to take the longest. This week we are dropping math on friday to catch up on anything we get behind on. I know math slows us up which is part of the problem. Literature worksheets then get pushed back. I am always wondering if we are doing enough, too much or right on track. I don't want to burn them out.
  8. I am struggling with our schedule. I think I am over scheduling however, when I try to cut back, I still cannot find a balance. I have a 5th and 7th grader. Both are doing EIW writing and grammar fix it, apologia general science which has a lot of work each day, TOG history, math, language and literature. TOG they read on their own and answer questions and then on thursday we have our meeting. Math can take up to an hour depending on the lesson. Language they do a little each day. How do you fit it all in. If I assign each subject then they are doing school past 3 (we start at 8:30 and take about 45 mins for lunch). Twice a week we have an hour PE class. How can I do this better? I appreciate any suggestion.
  9. My 6th grade daughter is finishing up Third Form Latin. She would like to learn Italian next year. Does anyone have recommendations for foreign language curriculums? I have not heard good things about Rosetta Stone. Some for Spanish are quite expensive with the DVD's and CD's. Thanks Brandi
  10. Can you incorporate story of the world with this? I bought SOTW not realizing how easy book 1 is. It would be fine for my 4th grader but I'm not sure what to do for my 6 th grader. Do I use 2 different books with the kids? Thank you ladies for the links to the student and teacher books. Not sure how I missed that on Amazon.
  11. I have Vol 1 of the Human Odyssey. I've read on different posts about student pages, do they still make them? I cannot find them anywhere. I'm wondering how to use this with my 6th grader. Do you read a chapter a week and then outline and read other books as suggested in WTM?
  12. I need help figuring out history for my daughter next year. I have a son who will be in fourth grade next year. I purchased SOTW 1 and planned on using that. However, the reading is very easy so I am wondering what to do for my 6th grader. We did US history this year. I purchased the Human Odyssey volume 1 to use with it (I think I read it somewhere in this forum). Should I have her do additional reading on the topic and write facts or a paragraph? I'm reading WTM and am having trouble figuring out how to put it all together, especially for my 6th grader. I'm a little overwhelmed.
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