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Posts posted by Jules

  1. I can so totally related to this thread...it makes my heart pound extra loud just thinking about it.

    I can say outloud...you are not alone.

    I once told my dentist that I hated him...I don't, but I hate the job of him working on my teeth. He said that it wouldn't be normal if someone actually "liked" going to the dentist.

    One thing I have found with teeth issues...they tend to not get better, but they can lead to needing more extensive work.

    I have been like many others here, who actually make it out to be more than its worth and then once I am there, not so bad.

    I did have a root canal and I thought I would "die"....I didn't and it wasn't so bad. I could get through it again, if need be. I did, however, have to get up out of the chair 5 times to make a trip to the ladies room! Yes.....again, you are not alone!

  2. Thanks everyone....or anyone else who wants to still chime in. It looks like Rod and Staff is something I should take a look at. I can't get the samples to load, though, at the website someone recommended :>(

    I was wondering about the Sequential Spelling also....it would be nice to start both of them in the same level. For someone who uses that, do you just need one of the student books per student and then one Teachers Manual? I was a little confused by their website, but it was a little more simplified in looking at it at CBD......

  3. I need some suggestions for spelling for both my kids. I want it to be easy, open and go. They need reinforcement of spelling rules and practice with the words. I would prefer it to be a workbook type for price and ease. We are using AAS and it just isn't going well....no retention and too many bells and whistles.

  4. I agree with you. I have had one daughter use it all the way through high school and she did well on her ACT and was placed into Intermediate Algebra for her college level class for Math. She just finished the class and it came very easy to her and she got an A for a grade.

  5. We are doing the Zoology 3 for our science this year. My kids just turned 10 and 12 and we all love it. This has been our best science year, thus far. We are using the Notebooking Journals with it and the kids enjoy those so much. They are kids that like to draw and color, so the journals are a big, big hit. I have been reading all of it outloud as we go and they are drawing/coloring whatever we are reading about. When I am done reading, then we re-cap and write about what we have just studied.

  6. I don't use Cream soups anymore. I use this for our substitution:

    1/3 c. bean flour (white beans)

    2 c. chicken broth


    or use vegetable or beef broth with the bean flour.

    You can add in pieces of mushrooms or celery, if you want.


    There are also some other recipes out there using instant dry milk powder...but I don't have those exact measurements. You can probably do a search for cream of ..... (healthy substitutions)

  7. Are you on their truck route? Only asking because several of the items that I get are not available for UPS delivery on by truck.

    I order quite a bit each month. I really like their bulk spices, wheat berries, spelt, sugar, rice. Really anything you get at the store or natural store especially. The prices with Azure are much better. Just start looking either through brands or the sale items and you will see their vast variety of items. I add things to my cart throughout the month just like my shopping list as I run low or out of things.

  8. We have served at the local mission before and served around 100-125. We did sloppy joes, corn, pears, lettuce salad with the dressing already on it, and cake pieces for dessert. Easy to do and not very time consuming. Bought the frozen corn in bulk size bags and the pears in large cans. Lettuce salad was bought in the already cut up jumbo size bags and I believe we put Dorothy Lynch over the lettuce and tossed it in, so you don't have to fool around with doing each individual salad. Hope that will help a bit.

  9. Yes, I agree also...you need to get a de-humidifier. We have a basement with two escape larger windows and one small one. We run the de-humidifier down there continuous in the summer months, especially. We get a full container in 24 hours, so you know that it is really needed. I bet if you invest in one, that will be your biggest help.

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