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Posts posted by Momof3

  1. Yeah, MM goes slow, but I like that I can look at a lesson & easily see what concepts are being taught and how. So I just pick out a few of each type, and he does them... Then we move on. If I can see that he needs more work, I give him more of the 'problem' problems. :) I really like the flexibility. He's first grade & we're in the middle of 3A. 


    Oh, and sometimes I do skip entire chapters. The addition & subtraction review at the beginning of 3A was driving us crazy, so we finally dove right into multiplication - and he's loving the challenge of doing something new! :) We'll circle back to chapter 1 if I feel he needs to do it later on...


    In Math, I think it's especially important to keep that balance between challenging your child & not overwhelming or frustrating him. Believe me, I've been on both sides of that balance. :) But with MM, I like that (at least I feel like) I'm the one who decides where the balance is - and not the curriculum. :)

  2. We love history, too! :)


    I would be much more interested in simply U.S. history. If it was only one year, I don't see how it could be comprehensive and cover Canadian history, too? If it was two years...I don't know that I want to break that long from world history...


    But my oldest is just first grade. So maybe I'll change my mind by then...



    Edited to note that FWIW I'm not on FB either. :) 

  3. It's harder when you have multiple kids to a bedroom (ask me how I know). :)


    When we started school this year, I started letting ds6 stay up from his naps. He wasn't sleeping most days, anyway...and then he'd just wake the babies up too early... Then we were having emotionally-off days towards the end of the week... So now he takes naps on Tuesdays & Saturdays - and that is working *so* nicely. 


    I don't know how you people do it with kids that don't nap from 2yo on... I tuck them all in, and read to them (dd4 gets to join us in the boys' room), and then ds6 reads or draws quietly on the top bunk until the others fall asleep. I sit & read or type or plan, etc. until they're conked. Then ds6 & I sneak off downstairs...and it's blissful quiet for about 2 hours. :)

  4. As to the racial undertones, I agree they are there, but slight. At least in Tolkien's works, it's really only a paragraph or two that I can remember. The Horse & His Boy is more obvious. I skipped a few things when reading to the kids. We'll discuss it when I read it to them again. A lot of good classic literature has objectionable aspects...but I still want my kids to be exposed. I think it's good for them to grapple with a story they enjoy that has some objectionable elements, too. It's going to be part of life.

  5. We've read Narnia together - and the kids absolutely loved them. (I knew they would b/c I love them too.) :)


    We haven't picked up any of Tolkien's books yet... but that's definitely coming... Thinking we'll try The Hobbit when ds6 gets to 3rd grade?


    I must say, too... I just picked up The Silmarillion again the other day... Ah. :) I have to read just a bit at a time - so I have time to digest. :) 

  6. Okay. I sincerely apologize for not having read this whole thread before posting. And I also apologize for conveying some things I did not intend to communicate - and for communicating other things I should have kept to myself. :) 




    Anymore, if you say, "This is wrong, I disagree", you become someone who is hateful or stupid and is somehow hurting society by saying so.  And that is the concern.


    I feel like I think it is really rude to barge into such a long conversation only having skimmed the first page. I don't think you know the context of what has been said, the arguments made or the tone of the discussion. If you don't have time for the conversation, then you don't have time for the conversation. Shouting your two cents into a long, mostly respectful discussion is not respectful of the time and effort other people have made. Don't you think you should first seek to understand what others have said and listen to *them* before interjecting your opinion into a long conversation?

    My apologies. I was only responding to the first page. Which is why I mentioned that I hadn't read the rest of the conversation. I wasn't trying to shout. Just emphasize. Sorry for putting my words in caps. Lesson learned. From what I saw on the first page, the initial poster asked for feedback, and I was giving some. 


    It's also rude to speak for other people and label them "loosely Christian." I am a Christian. I might have different beliefs than you about the political arena, I might even have different beliefs regarding how the church views some matters, but that doesn't make me less Christian than you. You don't think my religion informs my beliefs? You don't think I've studied and put thought into them? Do you *not* believe in John 3:16? I think any Christian presuming to label another as non-Christian or only "loosely" Christian has a pretty large beam in their eye to worry about.

    I am also sincerely sorry that you take offense with "loosely Christian." When I used the term, I did not mean to refer to people who don't agree with me. At all. I should have chosen my words more carefully. I meant people who say they're Christians, but also say they don't believe what the Bible says. If that's not you, I wasn't referring to you. Please don't read more into my words than what I said. 


    Worse than fornicating? Gossip? Divorce? Remarriage? Adultery? If not, then why is there a hyper-focus on homosexuality? Even *if* someone agrees that homosexuality is a sin, Christians are putting the cart before the horse to insist the secular society, non-religious people and people of other religions should follow your religion. We have the establishment clause for a reason. Separation of church and state was the expectation of our founding fathers. Here is a really good article on that from the Library of Congress:


    No, not at all. All sin is wicked in God's sight. Every sin. And I never said and never would "insist" that secular society, follow my religion. I do believe in separation of church and state. I don't think I ever said anything to the contrary. 


    And boycotting Chick-Fil-A is not wrong. There's a difference between boycotting and having kissing sessions in their restaurants. 


    Also...and this is hard for me to say. You are not supposed to be tolerant because other people are tolerant to you. As Christians we are supposed to do unto others and be kind, no matter what. It is the second greatest commandment, according to Christ himself.

    Yes, you are right. And thank you for the reminder. :) Maybe I should rephrase what I said. Many homosexuals are 


    I think you mean privilege, not freedom. Nobody is taking away the freedom of Christians to worship. 

    No, I meant freedom. Freedom of speech. Freedom of thought. Freedom of worship. I was only expressing the fears of myself & other Christians I know. That concessions here (redefining marriage, opening bathrooms for any gender, teaching young children about gay sex, etc.) will only lead to more... The Houston mayor demanding pastor's sermons is exactly the sort of thing I am afraid of. In the name of "tolerance," all who disagree are not tolerated. 


    Anyhow...I hope you all accept my apologies. That's what I get for trying to answer the IP's question in 20 min or less. :) 

  7. Wow. I have 4 little kids running/crawling around right now - and I only had time to skim through the first page... It seems (maybe others have weighed in since) that this 'conversation' is very one-sided. A lot of anti-Christian, former-Christian, loosely-Christian input... 


    I'm not angry here...just going to speak my mind. :)


    I agree with creekland's first comment. I am a conservative Christian. I'm not reformed (I don't believe that the Church fulfills God's promises to Israel and so we need to establish a Christian nation, etc.)... Most Christians in my circle vote against homosexuality because


    1) We believe it's a bad thing for our country - the breakdown of the traditional family has huge implications for our society. Okay, I know I'm getting attacked for that one, but it is what I firmly believe. I don't hate homosexuals or divorcees or adulterers or any sinners. I'm a sinner, too. 


    2) Homosexuals are some of the most hateful, bigoted, militantly anti-Christian people in this country. I don't get why I am supposed to tolerate people who are intolerant themselves? Look at Chick Fil A. We're not voting one way because we don't like you, or we want to control your lives. We know what's coming next.


    Has anyone mentioned yet... The mayor of Houston recently demanded the SERMONS of PASTORS who spoke out against homosexuality. In Canada, pastors are being JAILED for SPEAKING against homosexuality. (Once again, not angry here, just trying to be heard in what I feel is a largely one-sided conversation.) Why is it "hate speech" for me to say that homosexuality is sin against God, but "free speech" for gays to kiss at Chick-Fil-A? 


    I think there is a lot of fear in the conservative Christian circles that giving more "freedom" and "power" to homosexuals means having our freedom taken from us.

  8. I need tree clipart - like, specific trees (maple, oak, ginkgo, etc.)...


    We're making a "tree notebook" for science... One tree per page. We've collected leaves, bark, etc. from trees all around the neighborhood, done a lot of study & research, etc. Now we're ready to show off what we've learned. 


    I'm looking for some clipart or coloring pages or something that we could print/cut/paste to our pages so I don't have to try drawing the trees myself.


    Any suggestions?



  9. The title "Christian" was a demeaning term given to the early believers referring to the way that they copied Jesus' life and ministry in so many ways. Christian just means "little Christ." So there's nothing magical about the term. Plenty of people can call themselves Christians without actually being one. 


    Only God knows our hearts, so only He can say who His children are. The Bible even indicates that there will be plenty of surprises when we all stand before God. Some who thought they were Christians will be turned into hell - because they didn't actually have a relationship with God after all. They busied themselves 'doing' a lot, but missed the point. But (correct me if I'm wrong) I don't think the Bible tells us to determine whether anyone is really a Christian or not. It does say to examine yourself, whether or not you are truly a believer. 

  10. In my opinion, if someone claims to be a Christian, I'm going to take him or her at her word for it.


    It's not up to me to judge what constitutes a "real" Christian, and I always find it incredibly arrogant when anyone acts like their own personal definition is the only "real truth."


    That's totally fair. Everyone is entitled to her own opinion. :) I did just want to say that, for me at least (and I think a lot of Christians), we get our 'truth' from the Bible. So it's not our personal definition at all. When we stand before God someday, it won't matter diddly squat what I or anyone else thought a real Christian was or wasn't - but it will matter what God has said. So I make it a personal goal to study the Bible regularly. I really want to know what God says about anything. I'm totally open to hearing people's opinions about things, but ultimately, I want to compare anything to the Bible. Not asking you to agree with me. Just adding to the discussion. :)

  11. I just wanted to add that I think that there are only a few doctrines that are salvific (necessary for being a Christian) and a great many that are not. Christians can differ on a lot more things than they agree on and still be saved. No wonder we have so many denominations!



    Even within denominations...! I'm Baptist - and there are sooo many kinds of those. :) I think all of the non-salvific doctrines really do matter (to varying degrees). I think we'll stand responsible before the Lord for how we responded to Bible Truth. But in the end, we'll be spending eternity together in heaven. :)

  12. If I may add (to stir the pot :)), the 'by their fruits you shall know them' passage is actually dealing with false prophets, not determining a person's salvation. You can judge a false prophet by whether their prophecies come true or not, etc. 

  13. I believe a Christian is anyone who truly believes the gospel - that Jesus (who is the God-man) died, was buried, and rose again for my sin (in my place, taking upon Himself the wrath of God that I deserved to face) - and places her/his faith in Jesus for salvation. A lot of people claim to be 'Christian', but are still trying to earn their salvation - whereas I believe the Bible teaches that salvation is only by grace through faith - it's Christ's work, not mine.


    I don't believe anyone who has been 'saved' can ever lose their salvation. But I know there's a lot of debate about that. :)

  14. Thanks, all. :) 


    I'm realizing this birth certificate thing is quite a discussion. The state can technically require proof of birth, but they've gone a step further by interpreting that to mean a birth certificate. It's a new thing here. I guess I just don't care to make a fuss out of it. I'm not looking to draw special attention to our 'school.' 


    I did speak to some friends who homeschool in the City as well - and I opted to copy the certificate and mail it in. 

  15. So...I mailed my Letter of Intent to home school...and now I need to send in:


    Proof of NYC residency (easy)

    Birth certificate of student


    Forgive me if this is a stupid question. Am I supposed to xerox the birth certificate (the certificate itself states that it's a felony to make a copy of the original) - or do I send in my original...and trust them to return it to me? 




    Thanks! :)

  16. 30-60 min. After lunch, before naps. Some days, we go on a reading blitz (especially after a library trip :)), and read most of the morning... ;)


    In a few weeks, once we officially start our summer schedule :), my goal is to incorporate an hour of reading into our morning. But that would include the kids reading to *me* as well as me reading to them. 


    I think 2 hours of read alouds is a great goal...but not very realistic, at least in my world.

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