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Posts posted by speedmom4

  1. I am planning on using Omnibus V for my oldest daughter who will be in 11th grade in the fall. She is well acquainted with classical works since she took a philosophy course this year. They studied Plato, Augustine, etc. and read original works. She really really enjoyed the philosophy course and Omnibus seems to be something she would really enjoy.


    My concern is the amount of reading. I posted previously that she will be quite busy with other activities and classes in the fall. I am wondering if she could just do the primary readings and add in a few secondary readings if she had the time. Would she still be able to receive 3 credits for Omnibus without all the secondary readings?


    Thanks so much for reading!


    God Bless,

    Elise in NC

  2. Not sure if this is what you are looking for but we have been very happy with Write at Home. I think for a full course it is a bit pricey but basically you are paying for a private writing coach. My daughters have both taken full school year courses. My oldest daughter took the research paper workshop this spring and I was very happy with that. They also have a program that allows you to pay for individual papers at a time.


    Hope that helps,


    Elise in NC

  3. I have been thinking of doing the same thing with my daughter who will be in 8th grade in the fall. I had her watch some of the sample videos for History, Science, and Literature. The only one she actually liked was the Literature class. She felt like the costumes were silly. I thought it was a bit silly myself but I thought the actual content was good. So, at this point I'm not sure if we are going to use the DVDs or not.


    Hope you get some answers from past users about time. That was another concern of mine. How long would she have to be in front of the screen per day. Also, would she be working through her worktexts during "class time" or is that considered homework. My daughter would not be happy if she spent several hours in front of the computer or TV and then had to finish all her reading and worktexts after.



    Elise in NC

  4. Oh Cordelia those were the words I longed to hear! Thank you so much. My two oldest are quite independent. They can do so much on their own with my help when needed.


    The wonderful thing about homeschooling is being able to customize everything to meet each child's need. But...that makes it very hard for momma, as you well know.


    Thank you so much for the encouragement!!


    God Bless,

    Elise in NC

  5. Forgot to mention that my oldest daughter has done Rod and Staff since 3rd grade. She is done with grammar and writing instruction. She is in the Duke TIP program and scored really high in English on the ACT when she was 12. So, that is a better explanation for why I am not scheduling an "English" course for her. Omnibus will include History, Theology, and Literature.


    Thanks so much!!


    God Bless,

    Elise in NC

  6. Thank you so much for the input! I really really appreciate it.


    Omnibus will include writing. Also her government and econ class will be quite heavy on writing. My oldest is very very strong in writing so I am not concerned with that area. The three younger kids need more work with writing.


    It is so good to hear others who are homeschooling several children with kids in high school. I know lots of homeschoolers in real life but none of them seem to stick with it through high school. It is so nice to hear back from others who have been there done that.


    Thanks so much!


    God Bless,

    Elise in NC

  7. Thank you Gina!


    It is so hard to prioritize! When I first began homeschooling I thought I would have it all figured out by now but I have found that each year brings new challenges.


    I agree about not putting too much pressure on courses my oldest isn't going to "specialize" in. She is passionate about piano and plans to pursue that in college. She is an excellent student and loves humanities and the arts. If she just does average for physics or pre calc I am fine with that.


    I just feel spread thin now and believe it will only get worse over the next two years. Then we will start on the downhill slope.


    Thanks so much!


    God Bless,

    Elise in NC

  8. Repost from General Board. Hoping to get some help.


    Hello Hive,


    I really need some advice. I am in the planning stages for next fall. My concern is that I am putting so much on my plate that I'm setting myself up for failure. I typically feel this way each spring/summer when I'm planning for the next year. I'm going to list each child's curriculum choices. My concern is not that THEY can do the work, but if I will have so much to do working with each child. Please let me know what you think!


    Oldest daughter will be 11th grade


    Omnibus V

    Physics Apologia

    Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calc

    Government and Economics (outside class with paid instructor)

    Spanish 2 Rosetta Stone

    Vocab from Classical Roots

    SAT prep


    Youngest daughter will be 8th grade


    Bob Jones American Heritage History

    Lightning Literature Grade 8

    CLE 8th English

    Teaching Textbooks 8th grade

    Physical Science Apologia


    Write at Home 8th grade composition course full year

    Wordly Wise

    Bob Jones Bible 8th grade


    Oldest son will be 5th grade


    CLE 5th grade English

    Teaching Textbooks 6



    Youngest son will be 4th grade


    CLE 4th grade English

    Teaching Textbooks 5



    I am planning on using HOD Preparing for my two youngest children. I will also use Drawn into the Heart of Reading for them.


    I'm just so worried about staying involved with my oldest two. The boys will need me quite a bit so I'm not concerned about keeping up with them. My girls are a different story. I know they still need me to stay involved with their history and literature.


    Also, my oldest two play musical instruments. Oldest competes in several events for piano and also has 3 students she is currently teaching piano. She also volunteers at a therapeutic horseback riding facility 3 hours a week. My oldest son has Cerebral Palsy and epilepsy. My youngest will begin competing in level 4 gymnastics this fall. BTW, my husband travels approximately 36 weeks a year for his job so he is basically MIA.


    Thank you so much if you read all of my ramblings. I'm just a bit stressed about how will I ever get it all done!!!


    God Bless,

    Elise in NC


  9. Hello Hive,


    I really need some advice. I am in the planning stages for next fall. My concern is that I am putting so much on my plate that I'm setting myself up for failure. I typically feel this way each spring/summer when I'm planning for the next year. I'm going to list each child's curriculum choices. My concern is not that THEY can do the work, but if I will have so much to do working with each child. Please let me know what you think!


    Oldest daughter will be 11th grade


    Omnibus V

    Physics Apologia

    Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calc

    Government and Economics (outside class with paid instructor)

    Spanish 2 Rosetta Stone

    Vocab from Classical Roots

    SAT prep


    Youngest daughter will be 8th grade


    Bob Jones American Heritage History

    Lightning Literature Grade 8

    CLE 8th English

    Teaching Textbooks 8th grade

    Physical Science Apologia


    Write at Home 8th grade composition course full year

    Wordly Wise

    Bob Jones Bible 8th grade


    Oldest son will be 5th grade


    CLE 5th grade English

    Teaching Textbooks 6



    Youngest son will be 4th grade


    CLE 4th grade English

    Teaching Textbooks 5



    I am planning on using HOD Preparing for my two youngest children. I will also use Drawn into the Heart of Reading for them.


    I'm just so worried about staying involved with my oldest two. The boys will need me quite a bit so I'm not concerned about keeping up with them. My girls are a different story. I know they still need me to stay involved with their history and literature.


    Also, my oldest two play musical instruments. Oldest competes in several events for piano and also has 3 students she is currently teaching piano. She also volunteers at a therapeutic horseback riding facility 3 hours a week. My oldest son has Cerebral Palsy and epilepsy. My youngest will begin competing in level 4 gymnastics this fall. BTW, my husband travels approximately 36 weeks a year for his job so he is basically MIA.


    Thank you so much if you read all of my ramblings. I'm just a bit stressed about how will I ever get it all done!!!


    God Bless,

    Elise in NC

  10. I am finishing up our 11th year of homeschooling. I could have written a post very similar to yours a few years ago. So far the teen years have been wonderful. Yes, we have had ups and downs. But, I believe that we are reaping what was sown all those years ago. I used to pray that God would show me why I was doing this. I sometimes felt I was drowning in small children and household chores. I now know that homeschooling has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am close with my 2 teens (as my younger two). I enjoy them. They are very independent at this point. My workload has decreased so much in the past 2 years. Don't give up. It only gets better.


    I can relate to not having "me" time. My oldest son, 11 years old, has Cerebral Palsy, epilepsy, ADD, you name it. My husband also has a very demanding job. He works for a NASCAR race team and travels heavily all year round. I still don't have a lot of "me" time but I don't feel as worn out as I used to.


    I always want to encourage people not to give up homeschooling during the teen years. That is when it gets really good! All those hours sitting at the table helping children read, spell, work long division problems pays off.


    God Bless,

    Elise in NC

  11. My son is technically a third grader (Feb. birthday) and I started him with TT4. He has done very well with it. There is so much review in TT that even if you son doesn't know a few concepts he will learn them. I would go with TT 5 if he did that well on the placement test.


    God Bless,

    Elise in NC

  12. I have been doing some research about literature programs for my 13 soon to be 14 year old daughter. After scouring these forums and looking online I have decided to go with Lightning Literature. It really looks well planned out. From what I have read it is not Christian in content.


    We also use Wordly Wise and Vocabulary from Classical Roots for vocab.


    We love Sister Wendy for art appreciation.



    Elise in NC

  13. We are doing WP All American 2 this year. I have really enjoyed it. I really like the books WP chooses. We also did Core 3 with Sonlight years ago. But, my children love non-fiction books. I also like that WP suggests activities, DVDs, and websites.


    There are some draw backs, though. You cannot beat Sonlight's customer service or how quickly you receive your books from them. Also, WP recommends websites that have either expired or don't exist. That can be frustrating. I think Sonlight is better organized than WP but I still like the books from WP a bit better.




    Elise in NC

  14. I began using AAS with my 13 year old daughter this fall. She read at a much higher level than she could spell. There are many poor spellers in my family and my husband's family. I started her in Level 3 and have almost finished Level 4. I am amazed at how much better she is spelling now. I believe in a year or 2 she will be spelling on grade level. AAS has helped her to understand why words are spelled the way they are. It's wonderful.


    I can't recommend this program enough.


    God Bless,

    Elise in NC

  15. I am also trying to decide between LL and PP. I am really leaning toward LL because I like the idea of reading fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. I wonder if I can pick and choose the composition assignments for my daughter to do. She will be doing another writing course so I don't want to overwhelm her with too much writing.


    Does anyone with experience know if choosing between composition assignments would work?



    Elise in NC

  16. I have a daughter that has made remarkable spelling progress since we began AAS. Her standardized test scores are above grade level for everything except spelling. Her spelling scores were WAY below grade level last year. This year she is still below grade level but has made significant progress since beginning AAS this fall. I would really encourage you to keep at AAS. I keep a list of words or concepts that my children are still struggling with in the back of the book. We review those weekly until they are mastered and then I cross them off my list. I am constantly tweaking the list.


    Keep up the good work!


    God Bless,

    Elise in NC

  17. And I read just last year about a girl who homeschooled on the road with her trucker mom getting admitted to one of the ivies, too. The great schools are seeking more diversity in their student body now days. Someone with a unique resume is just as likely to get in as someone who pushed all the right academic buttons....



    I loved the story about the girl going on the road with her trucker mom. I actually heard an interview with the daughter on NPR about 6 months ago. Really interesting!


    God Bless,

    Elise in NC

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