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Posts posted by claluck

  1. I cannot imagine living in Utah.  My husband and I really dread the idea.  While I think Utah is beautiful.  It has some pretty outstanding land features. I find it hard when I am there.  I feel like a clone, or lemming. Like you just get lost in the crowd of your ward and everyone assumes everyone is the same and that they will stay the same.  My husband and I lived in Pocatello (I know its Idaho but it was close enough to Utah) and we really disliked it.  We lived there for 2 years and NEVER clicked with anyone in the ward.  When I left I had ZERO friends.  I was 4 months pregnant with twins and had had a miscarriage 6 months before getting pregnant with them and not a person the ward knew or cared.  Maybe it is something about my husband and I maybe not I have no clue but it was a difficult experience for us.  We had always enjoyed being part of a ward family and felt completely left out there.  


    I also feel like there is alot of fakeness.  People act like they are living the typical good mormon life but they aren't really.  All that said I am super envious of their gardens lol.  I live in Nevada and have such a short growing season I dream great dreams every time we go to there of having a garden like that.  Lol.  


    FWIW I think you can find someone who shares your views or is flexible with them.  I have friends who go to church every Sunday and are the typical conservative type, I also have friends who are very liberal.  The major difference is the willingness to listen.  I have one friend who we are on completely opposite sides on viewpoints on major major topics, like gun control, Obamacare, homosexuality in children, etc.  And yet I highly respect her and consider her a valuable and dear friend and love to hear her opinion even if I dont agree.  Its all in the way we communicate.  We do it without being judgemental of one another and we always seem to value something we get out of our conversations.  


    I hope you can find someone who you click with..  And I hope you figure out what you want to do.  I like your honest approach, you may be not accepted immediately by a group of ladies, but heck that makes most of the weeding out easy for you. I would just play the friendly neighbor card and intro yourself to immediate neighbors as well.  You may find it easier there than in the ward setting.  Then transfer that friendship to the ward.   Just show up with a big smile and dont let them see the fear in your eyes lol.  And go into it with a super positive and hopeful attitude.  I know alot of people move into our ward and it seems they either love or hate it here.  We live in a VERY rural area and many times people move in who are just ready to hate it.  Like the place is going to prove how desolate and miserable they think it is. And it tends to do that.  And others move in with a super positive attitude ready to see what adventures this place affords and they find fun and friends and adventure.  So go expecting to love being somewhere new and expecting that you will find a new friend and that things will go great.  And chances are they will.


  2. Yes I am way happy.  I have a host of inactive sisters on my list.  I would love to just focus on Christ.  How can I encourage them to follow self reliance or what not when they aren't even praying regularly or reading their scriptures even on occasion.



  3. Oh my lol.  My ward is crazy with creating new callings.  Relief society is INSANE with it.  Our problem is not enough active members to even staff the regular callings.  Most of us have 3 callings.  Right now I just was released from the primary presidency so I have only one calling.  Which is useless, I am a ward website coordinator and well lets put it this was NO ONE will register.  Might have something to do with 80% of my ward being over the age of 70.  At any rate we have like 3 families registered.  So I am a bad girl said forget it.  I really dont do anything with it.  If the bishop really wants me to he will tell me.  So happens the bishop is my FIL so he has plenty of opportunity to tell me things.  

    Hmm... if I could use a calling.  Well once when I first got called into the primary, I had 6 month old twins, and my friend who was in there had a baby just slightly older and another sister had a baby.  We literally had a pre-nursery going on in the back of the relief society room.  There were babies everywhere. And most of them were breastfed so there wasnt alot of passing them off.  We went ahead and asked an older baby loving sister to come into primary with us and be the "baby holder"  She loved it.  


    It would be cool if there was some sort of social contact person.  So like when we have a baby shower or something there is someone who has the list of all the people who could be invited and we didn't leave someone out.  I swear I always forget someone and then I end up feeling awful.  It would have to be someone who doesn't hate the telephone, and has a cell phone that texts and is good at keeping conversations short and sweet.



  4. I would probably just watch for a while.  I would introduce myself and such but I am shy by nature and not quick to make friends really.  Mostly because I wouldn't be certain what your definition of unorthodox is.  That said I would be friendly.  I am sure you would find people who would do all of the above options really.  I have no idea how Utah wards run.  My ward is a bit weird here too but.


    My tweaking I would suggest would be to maybe bear your testimony in a way that creates some familiarity with them as well as pointing out that you are a bit different.  So maybe I would do something like this


     "My name is Laura and my family just moved into the ward. I'm am an unorthodox Mormon feminist, so you might notice that I do or think about things a little differently. I hope there is room here for those of us who have nontraditional testimonies.[insert testimony comment about your belief in Christ, The Book of Mormon, maybe something about the prophet and whatever else you might want to... keep it short ] I look forward to meeting [and getting you know ]you."


    Without that I would be afraid a bit that you might possibly be contrary.  But again I would watch and listen for a while before deciding.  Heck you might just invoke alot of curriosity from people who want to know why you feel different or float against the current you know. 


  5. I am planning on starting this in the fall. I think it looks interesting and while I know I will need to sit down with my kiddo I think it will be good for us. He is fairly independent in all other subjects and while he is pretty good at math he does wonders if I sit with him while he does it. I am thinking of combining my 5th and 6th grader and doing them together. Not 100% yet.


  6. Always give your all to your marriage. If both of you are giving all you have it will be okay. There will be times when one or the other of you will have to shoulder the biggest burden of the marriage. Those times wont last forever just give all you have and you will get there.


    Oh and I totally agree keep the intimacy alive.


    13 years on Sunday. We have had our ups and downs but never, ever been anywhere close to thinking about separating.



  7. Thought I would share a funny. The other day we went swimming with some friends and my friends litter girl (5 years) asked my little girl (3 years) if she knew how to sing "I am a Child of God" to which my daughter said yes and her daughter told her to sing it. Here is my daughters rendition " I am a Child of God..... so you can give me a sucker, a pink one" lol... funny thing is my friend is the music leader in primary so I had to give her a hard time about what she is teaching those kids when she sings with them in nursery.

  8. For the comment on primary... we teach modesty to the head shoulders knees and toes song to our kids in the family and in primary. (the stake started this with the youth)


    Head--- when you lift your arms does your belly show

    Shoulders-- when you touch your shoulders do you feel skin?

    Knees-- are your skirts knee length and shorts should be too

    Toes- when you bend to touch your toes no one should be able to see down your shirt and your bum shouldn't be hanging out of your pants, and no one should be able to see your undies


    Eyes, ears mouth and nose...


    Does your appearance show that you are representing Christ?


    Sometimes we have a child who doesnt pass the test so to say we usually just tell them the it's okay we are just working towards being more modest and they can help their moms next time they go shopping. Embarassingly one time while teaching this "I" didn't pass. I bent over to touch my toes and my shirt hung too loose it was a clear view right down. I had to hold it against my chest lol.

  9. We start off the bat with modest clothing for both boys and girls. One I think it is easier to have it be "this is the way our family dresses" rather than one day deciding who can or cannot go sleeveless. With younger kids we just tell them, they need a shirt under that dress because we keep our shoulders covered. It is just the way it is and has never needed much of an explanation. My boys are also expected to wear shirts, even when swimming. For them we explain that is is mostly a skin cancer thing. WE have a strong family history of skin cancer. Heavenly Father wants us to respect and care for our bodies, for boys and girls that includes protecting their skin and never getting in the habit of going shirtless. I have had to explain this one again every summer.


    Whatever people want to say about sexualizing girls, people just do. I remember listening to lady on another isle in walmart one day complaining about some guy hitting on her daughter and how she told him she was only 11 and had no business looking at her daughter that way I went around the corner and there was her daughter, certainly young but with a chest. She had on this bandana colored spaghetti strapped dress which came about mid thigh. Sorry but we may wish people didn't view women/girls in a sexual way, especially younger ones, but fact is many men do.


    When I was in highschool my parents weren't active members. I was very immodest. I wore low scoop neck tanks all the time and fairly short shorts. I am actually embarassed looking at those pictures now. My husband openly admits how difficult it was for him to deal with his physical feelings for me then. It isn't fair for the girls or the boys when clothing gets tantalizingly near showing forbidden territory. Girls are viewed mostly from the physical/ sexual perspective rather than for who they are inside. There are plenty of clothing options out there that are feminine and modest. We might have to look a little harder for them but they are there.


  10. I think I am going. It is June 14 &15 I actually haven't ever been to one before but it looks really interesting. My hubby will be gone to a priesthood encampment with my oldest. But my mother in law and sister in law said they will watch all my other kids (other than the baby who will come with me). I am kind of excited. The workshops look interesting I might have a hard time picking and choosing which ones to go to.



  11. I want to just print some pages to make century book for my son (advanced 6th grader) who will be doing an in depth US history study next year but I am unsure how many pages to include. Anyone have any insight. How many pages would you put. It wont be huge I know that but it seems like sometimes /many times one or two pages per even decade may not be enough. I guess has anyone else done this and how has it worked for you. How have you gone about it? I am using a multitude of resources and kind of making my own US history course that will be pretty detailed imo. Moreso that many of the other things I saw out there (which is why I am making my own that is what I envisioned)



  12. I cannot totally relate. Well I do have 7 kids lol but not those ages. My youngest is 3 weeks and my oldest is 11. But I can see where you are at. I have a 3 year old right now. I find 3 a hard phase. They require alot of physical time and attention. They just do. I dont see why you cannot combine the 7 and 5 year old on most subjects. I mean if the 5 year old is up to it accelerate him a bit. Don't hold the 7 year old back though. I have a 11 and 9 year old who are 1 year apart in grades. I combine them on most of their subjects. I just have different expectations for what they will accomplish in each area. They are different with math and expectations for LA. Otherwise they do all the same stuff. Next year we are separating them more because the older one wants to push further ahead in some subjects. That said they are still going to be doing alot of the same stuff.



  13. I am so with you. I had my little guy mid April. He is 3 weeks old now and while we are doing school my heart is so not in it. I just want it done for the summer. Mine are a bit older so I think it is easier though. I have only a 11 and 9 year old homeschooling right now and a 3 and 4 year old at home as well. The three year old demands alot of attention. I unfortunately turn her to the TV or Kindle way too often so I can accomplish something. I did eliminate a few of the sort of extras so we are doing a bit less than we were. Some items that are super time intensive are shuffled around in the day for when kids are occupied or my husband is home or whatever. And some stuff just doesnt get accomplished every day. We are doing okay. Not great and not horrible. I did end up making a sort of list of what needed to get done to finish out the school year. And I think that helped me see more what really needed to be done every day. Like Math for my 9 year old doesnt have to happen every day. Math for the 11 year old does. 9 Year old is almost done with history and some other books. Really though if you need to get take a few more weeks being way lax. Technically you have til the end of August to finish this school years items. (I am a bit more on a crunch because my husband works for the school district so he actually comes home for the summer first week of June and so do grandma and aunt who live a block away, making school in the summer nearly impossible). I like Rootanns idea to add in a subject or two at a time til you are back up to speed.


    At any rate I get where you are. My baby is good, not colicky or anything but it still is so demanding between feedings and diaper changes and times he just wants to be held and times my others all seem to need attention too. It is not easy. We will get there though


  14. Hey I just wanted to post this for anyone who might be interested. So some years ago I got this from my Grandma and as I was planning school for my son next year I want him to do a strong US history year. I finally found these and then I found one of them online. Most of the year will just be normal US history but finding these I was excited to give him an official church stance on a few topics which I love. Both of these are put out by the church and have the official y church thingy on them stating so. Which is nice to know your getting it straight from the prophets.


    The first is

    The Great Prologue: a Prophetic History and Destiny of America. I cannot find this one online or anywhere and only have a black and white photocopy of it. If anyone has any idea how I can find an official copy let me know... This one is based on the book "The Great Prologue" by Elder Mark E Petersen. AT the front of the packet there is a recomendation it be in every LDS home (this little blurb seems to be put in by deseret book although the entire packet is copyrighted to the church.) This one talked about the the U.S being forordained to be the land where the church could come forth and discusses how key events figures in history helped get it there. (IE the apostasy,, John Wesley, Martin Luther, Thomas Jefferson.... etc)


    The second is

    Family Home evening Lessons for the Bicentenial of the Constitution. Here is a link to a PDF of it online




    Anyways I just wanted to share these resources with anyone who might be interested. Especially the one you can actually see. And if anyone has any clue how I can get my hands on the first (I have it in black and white photocopy from my grandma but would love it in color as it was originally) I would love to do that


  15. Yeah that is a common misconception only the area around Vegas and Vegas itself are all that hot. The rest of Nevada is sorta typical seasons. For example this winter we got down to -25 for our nighttime lows with highs in the single digits (not for that long but we had a stretch of a few weeks of this) and typically our winters are with highs in the 20's. Our summers sport highs in the 80s. Nothing like Vegas. We are a bit wimpy here with the heat. I think vegas is an oven. I would HATE living there. You could typically judge our weather based on what SLC is getting just a bit cooler and without the lake effect snow or smog. We claim some nice crystal clear air here with a clear view of the stars.

    Also not all of Nevada is brown. Though I admit we sport alot of that color. The valley we live in is full of sage brush and brown and it is where the highway is that everyone sees. But 10 miles down the road on an off road around the mountain we have hidden our own little oasis with hills of wild flowers, and aspens, and pine trees and creeks that run cool clear water. We spend most of our summers here enjoying the beauty that most people dont even know exists in Nevada. The same is up around Reno (we lived there for a while). Most of what you see from the highway isn't all that impressive. But a quick drive around the corner and you find the beauty. Just wanted to debunk some Nevada myths. All that said our state is a financial mess right now and I would be hesitant to suggest anyone move in without having a pretty secure job. We don't have sales tax on groceries though :coolgleamA: .


  16. We find it pretty good solid and complete. I have used 3-5 grades now. (Well almost done with 5th). I feel that it teaches the concepts completely and thoroughly. I also cut out half or more of the problems. Otherwise it feels too drill and kill. But I also felt that we were not reviewing enough. After going through longer chapters sometimes the kids sorta temporarily forget previous concepts. It is mastery based so you will do a whole chapter on multiplication or a whole chapter on fractions. Anyways a good example of my problem I had with it was with my 4th grader. There was a chapter on multiplication with triple digits to triple digits (like 356 X 422 or something). Then it went on to a chapter of long division. After a month of long division my son had a problem with where he was asked the previously taught multiplication concept and had forgotten. It was not hard to remind him how, he practiced maybe 5 times and then had it again. But it made me feel that a bit more review would be nice. So I started a 5 a day review program. It has worked perfectly. I literally just make up 5 problems on my own to review previous concepts. I made a chart with the things they are reviewing and how often we have had a problem. Pretty much they practice at least 1 time every 2 weeks a previously taught concept. The kids don't fight it at all because I tend to make them fun/easy. I want them to remember the process not necessarily learn or challenge them. Occasionally I feel it is a bit tedious to do this but I know it is worth it and makes their math education more complete.


    WE do life of fred as well. But it is more just because. Not because I think they need it. MM is certainly complete on it's own. Oh and there are cumulative reviews at the end of every chapter. I like MM and have intentions of sticking with it for the rest of the kids as well



  17. I usually use the shade clothing shirts for undershirts. I have tried other brands but it doesn't matter I end up pulling and shifting and tugging one way or the other. I am pretty busty but also have a looong torso. NOTHING fits in the shirt department. Pretty much everyone has given up trying to buy me shirts for gifts... they just don't work. Even if you can find "tall" clothes which fit me in length they are all low cut.

  18. That is a bummer. DH and I were talking the other day how it has been so long since we have been. I was supposed to go out of town last weekend and wanted to go one last time to the temple before I had the baby. But plans changed and I didnt go. Now it will likely be 9 months or more til I can go. (We live 3 1/2 hours from the nearest temple so no way to leave a breastfeeding baby for that long) I was so bummed when I realized but glad I took the opportunity to go last time I went in.


    Oh FWIW one time at the Reno temple I was 9 months pregnant and couldn't fit into my dress. It was sort of an emergency a friend called last minute to say her and her DH were going through and getting sealed as a family (they had a 1 yr old) and wanted us there as the only people to be there with them. They did have a small closet with some clothes in it they let me use.

  19. I have to agree with Tranquilmind. We cannot blanketly bash all drs and hospitals in these situations. And this is coming from a 9 month pregnant woman who is about to have a homebirth (if this baby ever decides to come lol). I have seen both sides. With my first I was induced and water broken and I had a nurse who was anxious and aggitated with my labor taking so long. Same exact hospital 16 month later with #2 and I had an awesome lineup and a totally natural delivery. With my twins I had a great dr who funny enough got reprimanded for being the only attending physician at my delivery because the other dr didnt show (I heard the nurses state they called him 3 times) and she wasn't actually an OB just a family dr attending. BUT at the same time I was very unhappy with the lazy nurses who took the babies to check stuff and then left them in the nursery unattended and screaming while I waited impatiently for them back. I actually walked down to the nursery and brought them back myself while the nurses chit chatted on the phones. (VERY small rural hospital). Next child same hospital and it was all wonderful and I insisted they never take the baby ever. But had a negative experience with the hospital so for baby #6 went out of town to another hospital where I had a mixed experience with complications created by the hospital.


    I agree mothers are vulnerable. I am sorry but all rational thought and reasoning goes out the window when you are in labor. I actually wrote notes down for my husband about what to do for my labor this time because right now when I am not in labor I can make these great observations about what I do when I am so far along and what I need. But in the moment I cannot. My full focus and everything is just messed up. I cannot make and would not trust myself to make a competent decision if I was in active labor. This is when we need an advocate someone whose interest isn't in time or money but in the best well being for mom and baby. There are some wonderful drs out there. And honestly most of them went into the field because they care about people. Most are certainly not making a fortune on it. (I have a few dr friends and most are struggling with severe debt from medical school and are barely ever home to be with their families) Drs sacrifice alot to try and help us. I think some lose focus after so many years in practice and so many sour decisions.


    Also I had a nurse friend once tell me that while we are looking at the situation and how wronged we were the nurses who went overboard have often seen some of those worst case scenarios. I remember being so frustrated with a nurse during my last delivery... my DH and I nicknamed her nurse pessimistic. Another nurse and I were talking about it late into the night in the nursery (my dd and I both got an infection) and she told me that that nurse had seen some pretty horrific things happen recently in L & D some nightmare scenarios and it makes it hard when you are in that position to not want to be extra cautious and take unnecessary measures.


    I think that sometimes the professionals (and society in general) forget to take that step back and realize that in MOST cases childbirth is a natural process that will go off on its own just fine if we leave it to do it's business.

  20. You should be fine by june. Unless there is a late snow storm. But this spring has been rather mild so I imagine they will open the North Rim in June. I LOVE the North Rim. (I hiked rim to rim last September and I prefer the North Rim). At least hike down to the tunnel and look around. It sounds like perfect timing for Zions and such... Expect it to still be warm during the day (pack lots of water).


    It was wicked hot when we went the 3rd week in June. And plan on getting everyone in shape before then. It sounds like you have alot planned and the more capable everyone is of hiking alot the more fun it will be. You're going to see some awesome sights.



  21. We did Lamb's book but we didnt start until 3rd grade. My kids loved the stories. We read 1/2 or less of each story each session and talked about it. We also bought a couple books for plays by children. Super simple and can be done with very few actors. We drew pictures and chattered about the stories. This year we moved into the actual plays. I let my kids each pick one (2 kids reading) and then I chose one (based on the lineup for the nearest Shakespeare festival) I have seen suggestions on what orders to read them in, however I decided to let the kids pick which ones they wanted to read. Believe it or not their top choice was Romeo and Juliet lol. We also read Comedy of Errors this year and are in the process of reading the Tempest. We will likely go see the play this summer.


    When you get to the real plays there are some definate things to help. One we take it a ton slower. Two we buy dramatized audio recordings (audible) of the play which help incredibly with understanding. I also get each kid their own copy to read along and I have my own copy with modern day translation next to it. I stop the audio every once in a while to see how they are understanding and do mini narrations. Then if I feel the need I clarify the story in modern english.


    Also we do not plan to do this forever. We are actually only going to read a few more plays. My DH and I talked about it and decided Shakespeare wasn't really as high on our priority list as some other things so our focus will be moving just a little.



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