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Posts posted by kerenlynne

  1. We pulled DS out of PS mid-year of his Freshman year. Different reasons but I will say take your time and let him decompress from the situation. Don't panic and realize you have some time. We have struggled with the tension of letting him work independently vs with mom and dad. IMO the stuggle to work on their own is much harder for those who haven't been homeschooled their whole life. Read up on all of the choices-you will be happier if you spend some time looking at lots of curriculum and seeing what feels right for you and your son. We have really struggled with Language arts and have tried 3 different options before finally finding something both my son and I like. If I had one thing to do over it would be to do more research before I started spending money. There are lots of affordable options that don't require you to buy from one of the big curriculum sources. Start him off with lots of reading-you could give him biographies and historical fictions to start introducing him to history. (My kids struggle with reading and so we use lots of audible books). A neat intro into literature is a program called MovieLit. For someone who hasn't been exposed to lots of literature the idea of watching the movies and doing the reports might be a good starting point. I know I would have never read Pride and Prejudice if I hadn't seen the movie version with Lawrence Olivier. Daily Grammer is a free program that has easy daily exercises covering the parts of speech you could have him do while you figure out what works. I think you will get lots help on this forum. Good Luck!

  2. Thanks- I just wondered what others do since he will never be on any sports team. He is very healthy and is capable of excercise, he just is really uncoordinated. Good to know some of you use dvds or video games for fitness since we live in a small town and there aren't a lot of options for fitness classes at a gym for him. He does go for walks or runs with me when I take the dog to the park but I just lack the vision to see all of these things as part of a PE class.

  3. If you have a child who has no interest in sports, what do you do to earn HS PE credits? Or do you not worry about it? I looked around for a prior thread but I didn't see any. Before we pulled DS out of Public School, PE was an easy A for him which I find funny because he is not athletic at all. Basically-if you wear your uniform and show up with a modicum of respect, you get an A. I am in Texas BTW which has no requirement of PE for Homeschooling. DS has multiple LDs which makes the college of choice most likely a community college part time.

  4. DH who is a History buff and war movie nut hates Tora Tora Tora- he says its way too boring. Lots of set-up and very boring backstory. Maybe more like a documentary. He really likes Pearl Harbor in spite of the silly love story and says its pretty accurate. The ending of the movie jumping to the Doolittle raid is a little silly but was included because otherwise the ending would be too depressing. I think for school either or both would be a good choice.

  5. http://www.dailygrammar.com/ - You can download a PDF or just use the online version to review your weak spots.

    http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/ for short explanations of tricky grammer usage.

    http://www.chompchomp.com/menu.htm - Grammar Bytes website has exercises and handouts or other stuff-I haven't used this one at all but it looks interesting.


    I am weak on grammar and just this year memorized the 23 helping verbs with my son while using Daily Grammar:) Hope these help you out.

  6. Using Biology with DS who is Dyslexic.


    What does an average week look like? We cover the material usually in about 2-3 weeks. Got a schedule from Donna Young's web site. We usually have done the labs in sequence but sometimes we bump them to the end of the unit. It takes about 30-45 minutes a day.


    Did you add anything or adjust the materials at all? I have added Khan videos, Youtube's Crash Course Biology, and experiments and extra content from Supercharged Science. Just bought a Science roots supplemental curriculm to help us with the science terms-not sure if it will help us but thought it was worth a shot. Son is right brained so the textbook is just a bit dry.


    How involved are you in their week? I let him read the chapters and do the on your own questions on his own. Spend a lot of time helping with review for test. Mostly related to the LD


    Which chapters were the most difficult? Unit 6- so far the parts of the cell had 40 terms to memorize and only a few were on the test. I added terms to the test.


    Which chapters were the easiest? All pretty much the same.


    What do you find are the strengths of Apologia? Little parent prep, conversational style of book, audio version available and we are using the cd version of the book so there are video clips to illustrate different topics.


    What do you find are the weaknesses of Apologia? I don't care for the tests, summary's are all fill in the blank(not a good way to help review material IMO), we struggle with the experiments and what the lab reports should look like, I have found some minor discrepencies between the text and some of the supplemental sources we have used (aside from the obvious creation vs. evol differences)


    Did or are your children planning on majoring in Science in College/University? I doubt he will study science.


    We are conservative Christians btw and my son likes the Christian aspect of the material but I don't think it matters that much in HS. With a parent involved in the process- whatever your philosophy-you can address concerns about what the material in any book says that is contrary to your views. The beauty of homeschooling:)

  7. Math is a tough one for us. I let DS work on his own as long as he is decently productive. He really doesn't want my help, but he sometimes needs it. If we are getting stuck, I dive in and try and shake things up. We are using LOF because he likes the stories and otherwise I think he would totally dread the Math. I supplement with IXL and other stuff as needed. I have had to re-tool expectations over and over because we hit a wall. Maybe if you try shortening the assignments? I start the day with my son's favorite subject and we put math in the middle(right before lunch). He knows he has to finish his assignment before his negotiated hour long lunch break. Hope this is helpful. Patience is required.

  8. I've wondered about what others do as well. I have one in PS and one that I homeschool. My homeschooled son is behind so I really get frustrated with sick days and feel like another precious learning day is wasted but I don't worry so much about sick days with the one in PS which is kind of crazy. This year we have had lots of little sicknesses and I have vacillated on my position. Just power through it or everyone needs a sick day-depends on my mood I guess. (I don't have to keep track of days for the state so that helps)

  9. We had DS in PS for elementary years and the accomadation experts decided not to teach cursive. We should have required the teaching just not the grade because now he can't read it and we are still working on coming up with a legal signature. I would love to go back and teach him cursive but he's 16. Practically writing will never be automatic in the way that verbal processing is so we have used scribing, keyboarding (alpha smart and computer), now we use Dragon. For math we found graph paper incredibly helpful for lining columns up.

  10. I agree with the post on cue words. Also kiddos with reading comprehension issues commonly just guess. I don't really understand why but my 16 year old still just guesses instead of trying to understand the problem. You are really fortunate that the math facts are simple that will help out tremendously down the road. I just recently ran across this website http://www.thinkingblocks.com/ which was recommended for helping with word problems. You might check it out.

  11. We had a tutor who used an Orton-Gillingham approach with DS which is what Barton is. He is severly Dyslexic but after a lot and I mean a lot of work my 16 year old is actually a good reader. He still prefers to listen to books because he reads slowly and his spelling is terrible. We recently upgraded to a Kindle Fire which has the technology like a Kurzweil where the audio version of the book syncs with the written book to highlight each word . That is another way to practice fluency if you can afford it. I like the Sally Shaywitz book as well and the website she works with is http://www.dyslexia.yale.edu/ they have a lot of helpful links and resources. Here is another link about fluency http://dyslexiahelp.umich.edu/category/dyslexia/reading-fluency

  12. I haven't taken a real close look at TT yet but I have started the process of finding something else. I like the spiral method but I wasn't aware of the narratives-sounds promising. LOF just seemed like a nice way to go-after using it I see it is good for the kid who finds math boring, but maybe not with the kid who is math challenged.


    We have been accomodating with keyboard for years and have now moved onto Dragon with hope to see some improvement. I also want to add the lightscribe pen and see if he can receive a benefit from that. I think if we can figure out the assistive technology and keep hammering at the foundations something will click with him. I keep telling myself that is why we pulled him out-we got tired of him just getting passed from class to class without any thought to what was working so I definitely need to be brave enough to change things up and slow down if he doesn't get it.


    I have read a lot of books about Dyslexia and Dysgraphia but not Dyslexic Advantage. I will give it a try.


    Thanks for responding. It means a lot to this accidental homeschooler.

  13. I am kind of thinking that the late graduation will be a necessity, but it's nice to hear I am not crazy to think that. Of course if he get's motivated he could accelerate a little bit. We do some summer school but at this point I would like it to just be Math so we don't lose those skills that we worked so hard on.


    LOF-He is actually a good reader (and I can read with him if need be) but has struggled with math facts etc since the beginning. I was looking for a gentle way to make math less threatening. I think it helps with the fear of math but he needs much more practice than there is in Fred. We go through all 5 bridges every time and I usually end up making one or two more to help him get through the material. Sometimes he still doesn't pass with a 90%. Also there are a lot of "Math Trick" items that always trick him up (i.e. .50 cents vs 50 cents) We will be switching curriculum when we get to Algebra. I am not sure which one yet.


    Greek- He has done pretty well but it is slow. His dad is a Pastor so that helps and it fits into his love of Ancient History.

  14. Long story short-I am a 911 homeschooler of a HS student with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia. We pulled DS out of HS last year after a miserable total fail of 1st sememster in HS. Now a year later, I feel like we still haven't gotten through Freshman anything. How are we going to fit HS requirements in during the next 2 years? He is very smart but school is hard and he doesn't seem to want to push himself. He wants to go to college but he doesn't seem to worry that he isn't gonna get there at this pace. Biggest subjects of concern are Math and Science (because of Math). Current requirements expected to be completed at the end of this year:


    Ancient and Modern World History(Ecletic-He eats it up)


    English I(Using EIL/supplementing with Jump In for reluctant writers)

    Greek I

    Pre-Algrebra( Life of Fred-he likes the book but he still doesn't get math)

    Fine Arts-(Using Great Courses and adding in other activities to build the curriculum)

    Bible (A survey class)


    Am I stressing myself out too much over his pace?

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