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Posts posted by danybug

  1. They will grind down the tooth before they put the crown on--the cavity may 'go away' with that-- if not you may have to get a root canal-- but I'd wait until after the crown.

    Well the dentist said they would grind away all decay before the crown. But would it be counterintuitive to get the crown if you did indeed need a root canal? Would they be able to use the same crown whenever they went back in or would you be spending more for another crown then?


    I guess my real concern is since I have pain does that doom me for a root canal or could a large cavity cause a serious toothache.

  2. I went to the dentist two weeks ago and I have a huge cavity on a molar that already has a pretty big filling. The dentist recommended a crown in the future, so I am going in to get one on Wednesday.


    I am wondering your opinions on if I will need a root canal. My reason for asking is I have dull aching pain radiating from it. It has been escalating over the last few days and of course it is bad now that it is the weekend. I do not have any sensitivity or any biting pain. He did not mention a root canal but I also did not have much pain at the point of my visit. I am wondering if a large cavity can cause this pain or if it will most likely end up being a root canal. Thoughts?


    And while we are at it, what have you had the most success with for relieving toothaches? Thanks!

  3. I would say it sounds like 2 of my children. I had the illness first and I have never been so sick. Like completely debilitated for 3 days. Then my middle two had a fever yesterday glassy eyes and a little bit of a hacker cough. Then today they are running around and fine. And I KNOW I had some version of the flu. I credited it to the fact I gave them a bazillion vitamins once I started my sickness. But maybe at 6 and 3 they fought it off better.


    Edited to add my 13 yo had it almost as severely as myself.

  4. I think that would be wonderful and much appreciated. It all depends on what you are financially capable of. When my son was taking drum lessons our gift was around $25. But if you could swing it $50 probably would be such a blessing since the medical issues impacted his income.

  5. I had fun reading this thread. I don't know if I can even remember all my dd is getting from us but I will try ;)


    A new bike

    A new razor scooter

    A beautiful Swavorski (spelling?) cross necklace

    All the AG Molly and Emily clothing she does not have yet

    Art Easel

    100 pack of every color gel pen

    A huge marker pack

    Fantastic Mr Fox blu ray

    Mulan 1 & 2 blu ray

    Playmobil Horse Farm

    Playmobil horse sets


    Vtech music maker that then records it onto a fake iPod thing

    The Hobbit audio cd set


    And then her stocking is full of all sorts of stuff


    I always make my dh agree to no presents, because I buy what I want all year. But we buy presents from the kids. He is getting some clothes, shoes, weights, and a kickboxing/punching bag thing.

  6. I took action on my various cards. Hopefully, that is all that becomes of it.


    But oddly, in the middle of the night last night and first thing this morning I got two calls from two seperate international numbers. My husband researched it and they were both numbers with a Vietnamese country code. I did not answer either but my mind immediately wondered if it somehow had any correlation.

  7. I bought the TM printed and The cursive workbook A pdf. I put the workbook into the notability app on my iPad. I only printed out the writing pages and any pages that had cutting. When we finished A I decided to try the printed workbook. It's fine, but honestly I think my son liked using the iPad. So, I'll probably go with PDF for the other workbooks. I prefer having the TM in print rather than pdf. Just easier for me.


    As far as cursive vs manuscript.... Whatever you prefer. The TM has instructions for both.

    I had not thought about the TM having instruction for both, so that is good to know. Thanks!

  8. Thanks for all the advice! The one thing I haven't seen mentioned is being this is the first edition and it is so new will it likely be updated before I use it again. Obviously there is no way of knowing, but that was part of my consideration for buying the PDF. I was disappointed though to see that the PDF and printed are the same price.


    Well, now I am leaning towards printed and manuscript.

  9. I think I need to back up and restart my reading work with my dd. I feel like LoE could be the program that will work for us. I am looking to buy the complete curriculum.


    Now my questions:


    Should I buy the PDF or printed? I am hoping to reuse the program with my younger two when the time comes. I would prefer a copy already finished and in my hand. But I realize the pdf would be great for any future updates and reusability. So, which did you pick and why?


    Should I buy the manuscript or cursive? My daughter has been writing well for years, but does not know cursive yet. But for reusability I was thinking about buying manuscript and incorporating cursive at some point down the road. So, again which did you pick and why?


    Thanks for helping my indecisive self ;) I have looked and looked and want to finally click the buy button.

  10. My ds has enjoyed his hydrodynamic deluxe set. He has designed a bunch of different waterways and gets it out often to tinker with. It has been a hit with the neighborhood boys as well. He is always up to play the board games settlers of catan, dominion, and ticket to ride. He has another building set called a girder and panel tekton set, that he has designed bridges with. Otherwise my ds is still so into setting up battles with Playmobil men and building legos. He also loves restaurant gift cards so he can decide when to go out and treat the family for lunch or dinner at his favorite places. He is so thoughtful that way :)

  11. My dd and I just finished her new book "Flora & Ulysses". We both thoroughly enjoyed it. It was one of the funniest children books I have read. There was the occasional thing that was funnier to me than my dd at 6yo, but she loved it. I thought I would recommend it on here, because it is new and I have never heard anyone mention it. Reading the book was so refreshing for us, I guess because it was just a completely different style.

  12. I guess starting a thread about induction pressured my little man out. :) I had my precious boy at 4:37pm today 8 days late and a healthy 9'2 lbs.


    I am sure it was the big full moon that made little man make his appearance, but I thought the hive should get some credit ;)

  13. What do you use for spearmint and wintergreen? Also, do you have a certain "recipe" amount for how much baking soda, water and "flavour" you use? My family has also been using Tom's of Maine, and its $5 per tube for us, and its a 30-45 minute drive to the nearest place that stocks it... We love "cheap" and we love "healthy", so you can imagine our happy dance when we find something that is both!!!!

    I know my family was a dash skeptical at first, but everyone has been thrilled. I bought little jars with a glass press down lid in a set of four at Walmart. They are the perfect size for making enough for about 5 days (it varies for each of us). I didn't want everyone sharing since you actually have to dip in the jar and scoop it out on your brush. Anyway, at this point it is really just eyeballing until it is the consistency you want. You just put the baking soda in the jar and mix with filtered water. We have a water cooler so we use that. The original recipe said filtered water so we have stuck with that. And then each person varies on how much flavor we mix in. I usually do about 15 drops because I like a lot of flavor, but my dd only likes 5 drops. We bought our essential oil at whole foods it is aura cacia brand. The only issue we ever run in to is that it can dry out so you need to just add water again and stir if you make too big a batch. Hope that helps! For us it has been a great thing ;)

  14. So, I am officially 41 weeks today with no baby on the horizon. Well, actually I know you never know, but I am not having any noticeable signs that he is arriving any time soon. My doctors are not too pushy as of yet. I have an induction scheduled for Tuesday, which would be 41 weeks 4 days. The doctor just asked for my comfort would I like to set up a date for whenever I want. I just randomly selected Tuesday to not interfere with my oldest ds birthday. And to tell you the truth I never thought I would make it anyway.


    I really do not want to be induced and I will say so if it comes down to it. Although, I am a little nervous to push it too far, so I am praying for this baby to come out on his own. I was induced at 37 weeks with my last one because the cord was thought to be around his neck and I do not want to go through that again. So, how long did you wait?

  15. I do not have a strong reason why, but I just feel that it is just one more thing pushed on us. My family makes our toothpaste. Everyone has their own jar and we just mix baking soda and water and you can choose spearmint or wintergreen to your own level of taste. I have been thrilled with the switch, we were spending oodles more on Tom's of Maine toothpaste. And surprisingly the last time we went to the dentist (which was the first time since the full switch to homemade) was the first time ever that we had no cavities at all in the kids.

  16. My ds is using Art of Argument. We have been using the teachers edition and just discussing it orally. It is straightforward and he enjoys it. Every once and awhile he does mention it is hard to keep all of it straight, but that is more because we do a fallacy a day and keep chugging along. I just like that he is building familiarity with the different fallacies.


    We will be done fairly soon and I am not sure what we will do next.

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