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Posts posted by ladyinthegarden

  1. Klogs are great if you are walking around on a level surface like inside your house or the mall. Klogs are the only shoe that makes my feet feel comfortable all day long. They use to be called Klog USA. A very long time ago I had a pair of Merrells that were wonderful, but they stopped making that particular shoe. I wore them through a pregnancy. You may want to call a customer rep. at Zappos and ask these questions.

  2. I'm currently reading Deconstructing Penguins by Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone. They explain how to discuss books with young children through examples of their book discussion groups. Honestly, I wish I had this book a long time ago, when I had a first grader reading chapter books. I believe just a few good discussions a year would help promote active reading year round.

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  3. Just want to address the bolded.


    Not necessarily. There are some on this very board who have had DSS visits and been fearful but a neighbor has called because of something dumb, like kids biking outside during school hours. Being afraid does not equal wrongdoing all the time.

    She won't take her children to the Dr, because she is afraid CPS will get involved. She knows she is wrong. They know they are wrong. That was all I was stating, hence the "they".

  4. A few weeks ago my SIL made sure to brag about her daughter getting into college early. She told me she already had a scholarship. She was being extremely snarky about it. After asking my niece a few questions I soon realized she was actually doing duel enrollment her last few years of high school. I hugged my niece and told her I was very proud of her. We bought her first musical instrument a few years earlier and now she is winning band competitions. We are never invited to her band events. Her parents like to gamble, and do whatever else goes along with that lifestyle. They gamble, smoke, and drink but she goes to church. She acts uppity because we don't attend church. I don't gamble, smoke, or drink. Anyway I sat there and let her go on and on bragging. Then I turned to my MIL and said your grandson just blew the top off of his last assessment test and scored up to college level in most subjects. Crickets chirping, complete silence. The MIL was happy. I feel bad for my husband though it finally hit home with him how little she cares about us. We are a bank when they can't pay a water bill.

  5. Ditto to what Sadie said. If you do reading lessons from a guide, teach them how to write their letters and numbers 0-9, count, play around with numbers with small addition and subtraction numbers, and read a lot of books you will be doing well. If you don't want to use a math curriculum, I am using a book called Kitchen Table Math Level 1 as a guide. I have The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading (it's like someone at IEW named that book..haha), the lessons are already written for you, it's very open and go.

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  6. I'm so glad I wasn't drinking when I read redsquirrel's post! My DS couldn't tie his shoes for so long. I bought a little book shaped like a shoe and he learned to tie almost immediately, regardless of all the other shoe tying books I purchased. I kept the book in case he ever forgot.


    Today he wanted his phone and he began spelling phone with an f. We just studied ph words in a spelling lesson, we all laughed.

  7. The local GED programs usually have free classes or tutoring. IMO, I suggest taking her to the local health department for therapy first. I grew in a similar situation with a lot of abuse, at 18 I was tired. She is of age so she will qualify for inexpensive therapy if the local health department provides those services. If not I would look into what services are available in the community for her. It would be easier to get her up to speed if she is also healing on the inside. I have a book called Phonics and Word Study for Struggling Readers in the beginning of each lesson there is a diagnostic pre-test, so you can figure out what phonics they don't know to remediate it. My other suggestion would be The Logic of English Essentials. For science you could use Exploring Creation with General Science (it's Christian, if that matters), they have an audio cd that can be purchased to use with the book. For content I would use audiobooks, until she is reading on her own. Math would easier using videos. I recommend looking at Mastering Essential Math Skills Book One (grades 4/5), and Essential Math Skills Book Two (middle school/high school), after these two she could move on to the pre-algebra book. I've never used these math books, but they look like they could be used to remediate someone quickly. You can get them with or without a DVD.

  8. We did this in between a military PCS. If you hate cleaning a house, and you are the outdoor type this is the ideal lifestyle. Daily housework takes 10 minutes. From my experience the smaller the home the more people will go outside. I had more private time to myself, and actually took up an old hobby.

  9. I downloaded four spelling apps from Simplex Spelling today. They have a free one that you can download to sample it. Here is a video review of simplex spelling: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xks4q7_simplex-spelling-hd-ipad-app-demo-dailyappshow_school#.UVCTOz3D_IU The great thing about the app is the instant feedback, and the lower levels you can get a phonics hint. I also sampled the Sequential Spelling, and it seems like it is just for review of the actual curriculum, but I only sampled it, so I'm not certain. I didn't like the computerized voice in the app.

  10. My DS has his own login on my laptop. The parental controls are set to allow him on it for one hour a day at a certain time. When the laptop locks him out it's over. You can hear him moan through-out the house when this happens. When they get over involved with a certain game or electronic device I hide it for a few weeks and sometimes months (bad memory). I have been thinking of setting up a laptop just for school, with certain sites blocked or maybe no internet, and with no other programs other than those used for school. I'm wondering if we can download an encyclopedia CD-ROM that doesn't need the internet to work? I haven't researched the idea enough.

  11. I think getting use to the new system is part of it. We have also worked odd one day then even the next to complete the mixed problems, taking two days for one lesson. When I slowed down the book for DS he stopped missing so many problems. Now he can get through a lesson every day. I give my DS the option of the CD, and most of the time he doesn't use it.

  12. http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream


    Obviously you would do weak subjects more often. I'm aiming for 40 weeks of official school, but toying with the idea of year round homeschooling. In addition to math and science lessons, he learns these subjects in a relaxed way year round. If you were to homeschool year round you could stretch the schedule further out. We spend more time per subject because it works for us. When I take a break we usually do four day weekends. Attaching breaks to the weekends is like getting free down time. When I take time off we just start where we left off. Our schedule has four lines. I'm trying to plan the subjects to rotate just enough to finish them by the end of the year, some of those can carry over, like grammar. Even though we are doing less daily we are still accomplishing the same amount of work. You could revolve content subjects with a living book too. One week science, the next history, and so on. I think consistency and a sharp focus on skills naturally promotes progress. I had to rethink the way we were doing things because my DH is active duty military and he is being medically retired. He can't drive because of medications. I am doing everything right now; driving, kids, house, school, bills, taxes, and will be adding moving to list soon. If you have an iPad you should check out the Logic of English Phonics app for the toddler, it's $2. ETA: Added the link to screen captured schedule.

  13. We are also using a point system, he earns a point for every book or subject, and he earns a point for doing anything helpful or being generously nice to his brother. After so many points he gets a reward. It has completely changed DS10 attitude about everything. He kept track of every single thing for a few weeks now he is more relaxed, and the idea of doing the right thing has stuck. After doing well for a period of time I give him a reward regardless of how many points.

  14. Naturally, I'm having technical difficulties with my laptop lately so I can't use quotes or paragraph. DH is on me to replace this laptop. I'm using a 6 day schedule so I can do some subjects every other day or every two days, and all the subjects revolve evenly. We are doing 3-4 subjects a day, and school 5 days a week. One subject at the end of the schedule that carries over, subjects that are done every other day end up alternating between two-three times a week. The skill based items like reading, writing, math take priority. The content subjects only have one line in our schedule, and I have one line of things we do once or twice a week. Next year I'm using mostly level based curriculum like MCT for grammar. I plan to start a few subjects earlier than the rest after our break this year, math and writing. This way we will be able to finish those in a year. We have been testing this out for the past few weeks, school is going well, the house is clean, and the DS4 is getting his share of attention. I let the DS10 take play breaks between each subject. We do one or two in the morning, and if we don't finish we do a few more after lunch. The thought occurred to me last night that I should make a journal of all the other things he accomplishes now as a result. He has a lot of free time to do snap circuits and other pet projects. Things that we were not getting to like art has came back into the picture. A lot of curricula is designed to be done every day for so many weeks a year, I refuse to conform to it. I have promised the DS we will blow up and/or burn the Hake's Grammar book when the weather changes. EDIT: You could use any number of days in the schedule I just needed the 6 slots for the books I'm using.

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