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Posts posted by mommyx4

  1. dangermom-I would never assume or not assume someone is a Christian or not. To be honest, that drives me nuts when people say-oh, she's a Christian or he's not. My neighbor does this and it makes me batty. How does he know someone's heart or relationship with God? I never, ever say that about someone. Living in the South, you get that alot. He's a good Christian or she's not a believer and so on....

  2. I've been pondering this a bit lately. I guess what made me really think about it today was I was reading Sally Clarkson's book Ministry of Motherhood and she as such a solid grasp on her faith and her ministry. Along those same lines, Ann Voskamp...same thing. They both just seem so rooted in their faith. Neither of these women belong to my denomination. I just love the simplicity of it with them. I don't know if I'm describing this right. I guess I feel like I get caught up in the *rules* of everything. I just want to chuck it all out the window and just believe, read the Bible, and love others. I wonder though if it matters. If God thinks you must be Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, etc. Do you need to follow a specific set of rules to live out what God wants or are the denominations for our benefit and God doesn't give a hoot. I know there are denominations that believe there way is the only way, does that mean they believe everyone else is going to hell? Or not a Christian?

    I'll give an example that made me ponder. I was at my church many months ago. This church has very specific rules on confession and communion. Sometimes it bothers me because I know they believe that Jesus is present at the service and I asked the priest would Jesus deny someone that just walked off of the street communion? What if this person instantly believed and wanted to be a follower, would Jesus deny him the bread and body? He said he didn't know but he was responsible for it and he would deny them. I asked him then if Mother Teresa walked in, would she be denied communion and he said yes because he doesn't personally know Mother Teresa. She isn't the same denomination and would have to attend confession before communion. I guess that just blew me away...I mean we are talking Mother Teresa here. She would be denied the body and blood?

    Since then, I've just felt disenchanted with church and all it's rules. But, in the same token, I don't feel comfortable going somewhere that church is a big production. It feels fake to me.

    What are your thoughts?

  3. I hate my Kenmore cannister vaccuum with a passion. It always bumps into walls and is cumbersome. I've been looking at a couple of backpack type vaccuums online. It has to have a bag, I get grossed out by bagless. It needs a long cord and needs to be really good on wood floors. Do you have one you recommend?

  4. My first was a set of twins and I had a csection as well(babyB was breech). If you have help, you can use a nursing pillow. Get one baby on by yourself and then have the other person hand you the other baby. It's so much easier that way because then your done when they are done feeding. IF you have no help, I put one baby in a bouncy chair and nursed the other and then switched..all..day..long...

    My last csection(not twins) I used a compression type belt(like the belly bandit) and it helped so much with the soreness of everything.

    I will buy one again for this pregnancy.

    Medical supply stores sell one for csections and abdominal surgeries.

  5. Thank you Parrot, no I'm in NC. No, we aren't members of a church either. I must sound like a broken record, but that hasn't worked out great for us either. We went to a church for about a year and have just stopped going because they don't have a childwatch(it was an Orthodox church) and they were very, very unwelcoming to children. (Not all Orthodox churches are like this-this was a small Russian church with barely any children).

  6. I've been posting alot about a repeat csection vs a vbac2 because while the doctor recommended me get the csection I really don't know what I"m going to do about my other kids. My last csection was about 20 months ago and we had great friends that watched our two boys for 5 days. They were wonderful and very close to us, but have since moved away. This sounds so bad, but we *invested* all of our friendship time with this family, so consequently we don't have any close friends now.

    I was willing to try for the vbac because if successful, I could be out of the hospital in 4 hours and I wouldn't have to worry about what to do with my other children. But, if not, obviously I'll be in for much longer(and could be in for a very long time if there were complications). My husband is scared to death of me trying for a vbac and really I'm a little scared too, but feel like I should for my other kids sake.


    I'm not worried about my older kids(I have twin 11 yr old boys) I feel like I could find someone to watch them, but my 20 month old...I'm so worried about what to do with him. If I schedule the csection and make it until that date, I would love for my husband to be there at least the first night with me, but I don't know who to ask to watch him. He's so young and he's never been without us for more that 2 hours.

    My dad just moved here and he could *maybe* help a little bit, but he's not very kid friendly and he does work full time.

    Have you ever been in this situation? No family around and having a baby?

    Our extended family isn't any help. My father in law passed away. My mother in law lives in another state and is in a wheelchair. Unfortunately, my mother no longer speaks to me so she can't help(and wouldn't help even if I begged).

    What do I do?

  7. How many c-sections would you consider *safe* before you felt like you didn't want to take any more chances? I've had 2 csections and will probably have another one with this baby, but I don't want to close the door on having more children. My doctor says he's performed up to 6 on one woman....I would just like to hear your experience..good and bad.

    I'm also considering a vbac2 but am concerned about the risks there as well.

  8. I found a doctor that would do it(they are over an hour away from where I live). I had my first csection 11 yrs ago(twins-baby b was breech) and my second csection was 19 months ago. With the second, we tried for a vbac, but my water broke at 36weeks and I sat in the hospital for 3 days trying to go into labor. Nothing happened and then they decided(after 3 days) to do an ultrasound. Turned out the baby was breech and had no fluid left so I had another csection. I'm just scared if I have another csection, I won't be able to have any more children.

  9. I'm contemplating doing this, but I'm very scared now. I would have to change doctors because the doctor I've been seeing refuses to do it and scared me and my husband to death. He said he couldn't live with himself if I had a unterine rupture and the baby or myself died or if the baby lived there would be major complications, like brain damage and cerebal palsy...

    Do you have input about it?

  10. Thank you all for your responses. It's given me some more to think about, but it's so hard to figure out. In mentioning the flood, that's another event that I just can't get over. If I were there and told my child to stand by me instead of going onto the arc, my child would obey me and in turn suffer and die. Or little infants that have no say in the matter and they just died...I just don't get it. Why is this even in the Bible? If God wants us to draw closer to him, why would he place such events that caused us so much question?

  11. I was watching a special on t.v. the other day about the beginning times in the Bible and one part showed the Passover. I had forgotten about it, but the show really brought it back to my mind. I haven't been to church in several months because of some spiritual issues and now this has been on my mind. How could God kill all of those children? All children are innocent, why were they the ones punished? I know the parents and pharoah were punished, but I just can't get past the killing of all the first borns...I would really love some thoughts on what you think. How can a merciful and loving God do that?

  12. I'm pregnant with our fourth and I have 3 boys. A waitress yesterday asked how I stay sane...she then told me she felt sorry for me. Why? I don't feel like I looked miserable, in fact we were all laughing and having a great time. I told her to not feel sorry for me, my children are a blessing to me. My older boys love hearing that and one of them reiterated after she said that they are a blessing...I alway say that to people especially in front of my kids.

  13. As this age/grade, do you buy a literature curriculum, or just let them read good books? I've never bought one before and they understand the content of what they are reading but I'm wondering if it's something I need to add at this stage...

    They already do spelling, Jr Analytical Grammar and a Home2Teach writing class.

  14. Cat-

    Doing o.k. Really have to fight the urge to be upset today. The speech people called me and revised his scoring and he has a 24% delay in expressive language. All the other areas of development they tested were either on target or very, very ahead. So, not only do I worry about his growth, but now I worry about his speech. I don't know really what this means and what I need to do to help him(he's 18 months). My other two boys never had any delay with anything..ever...

    I'm tried working with him today, but it seems he doesn't want to respond to my *teaching*. Maybe he can tell I'm getting frustrated, I don't know. He did learn two new things yesterday. He said ho, ho, ho for Santa which was great. The Speech lady said he scored *poorer* because he didn't call me mama. He will give me something if his dad says, "give it to mama" but he doesn't address me as mama ever...

    Should I be worried? I am, you know I am...

    I will try and get help for myself soon, I just need to get this cleared up first with my baby.

    And Pam, thank you for sharing your story. I can only imagine(and have) what you went through with that...you are very strong..and yes...I do believe in God but my faith has been really on the rocks this past couple of months. I can't bring myself to go to church yet and rarely pray anymore....that's a whole 'nother can of worms....

  15. Thanks for asking Cat...I'm doing o.k. now...I know you are going to think I'm even more crazy, but I brought him back to the doctor this morning to check his iron. He was a little low (11.2..she said normal is between 12-14) and prescribed iron drops. She assured me it's completely normal and even her sons had to take them for a period of time. I was on the computer until 1am last night researching and thought he had everything from low iron to cystic fibrosis. Thankfully, Icalled this morning and I'm not a carrier of the gene(I was tested this pregnancy...y'all know I'm panicky about everything so it should be a suprise I asked to be tested for everything under the son) I also called his ped this morning before the appt and his newborn screening came back negative for cf, so I was comforted by that.

    I also had Early Development specialists come to my house after the doctor(this was already scheduled) to assess him. He was a little behind in speech(by 1 month...maybe a bit more) but was 4-6 months ahead in other areas. They said he was very, very smart(with puzzles, fine motor,etc) and said that children develop stronger in some areas and then catch up areas and not to worry. ..It did make me feel a bit better, but I do still worry about the little guy.

    I know I need help with my anxiety, I just don't feel comfortable taking anything while I'm pregnant. I was prescribed Zoloft a couple of months ago, but never took it because I googled and things like heart defects, etc. came up so I've been just suffering through it.


    I feel so much stress with Christmas and now we are pulling our bigger boys out of school(another story..we homeschooled for 4 years but after my anxiety became unbearable in my first trimester, we put them in school...it hasn't been going great, so end of this week we are back to homeschooling...)

    I just want everything to be o.k. and to be happy...I don't understand why I'm like this.

  16. blessedwinter..he didn't actually get shorter. At 13 months, they said he was measuring at 30 3/4 inches(using the paper method) The doctor today used the board method and got between 31 3/4-32 inches at almost 19 months. So, if both those measurements were accurate, he only grew 1-1/4 inches in 6 months.

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