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Posts posted by hferguson10

  1. I agree - I have really stressed myself out looking "too far down the road", but after 8 years homeschooling, I can see that sometimes we are ahead of the game and sometimes we are behind, and sometimes ahead in one subject and behind in another with the same kid.


    Now I really don't start freaking out until they are hitting high school - which is now. :001_smile:


    Until then, you have time - and I am sure I will find that even after they hit high school, I shouldn't have freaked out as I did.


    Hang in there!

  2. and make the effort to be there for her for the long haul - and be flexible. Some days she may just want to be left alone. That's what one of my best friends tells me - she lost her 18mo. old and she says it meant a lot to have the people who continued to care for them even when they felt like they shouldn't be cared for anymore (because they were worried that people were thinking that they should be over it), but she said some days she really just wanted to be left alone. I have learned to flex with her and and be pretty honest with my inbtentions so she can say, "You know what, I appreciate the thought, but I really don't want that right now - or, "I really do want that right now."

    It's just going to be rough for a really long time.


  3. I have one who's outside voice is too loud...if you could imagine. He sounds like he is being drawn and quartered and he's just playing basketball.


    We work with him on it as a self-control issue. Helping him to become more aware of himself, and appropriate behavior - or civilizing him, as I think of it on the wackier days. While we don't want him to be ruled by people-pleasing, there is an element to being witnesses for Christ as being likable and considerate, and pleasant to be around. People flocked to be around Jesus - it was his message that was hard to swallow, not him.

  4. Yes, yes, yes....

    all of it.


    I buy it, sell it, buy it again, sell it again, then tell myself I finally have figured out what we need to do, buy it again, throw all the catalogs away and when some nice person tries to tell me about a new and wonderful thing that will change the way I homeschool forever, I stick my fingers in my ears and yell, "BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH", then I begin the process of self-doubt, break down, and order the thing.


    Hi, my name is Heather and I am a homeschool curriculum junkie.

  5. We used the Algebra and it has been great - and challenging. My 13 year-old son using it, is no slacker and has generally had a pretty easy go with math (we used Math-U-See). The Teaching Textbooks is definitely challenging for him (he is over half-way through the book - it gets challenging around lesson 50) and as far as I can see, the Algebra 1 actually finishes by introducing Algebra 2 concepts - at least I don't remember graphing until Algebra 2.


    If all of he TT were Mac-compatible, I would use them for all of my kids. It would make my life so much easier. ;)

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