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Posts posted by hsmomof2boys

  1. My 16 year old son just made Eagle Scout a week ago! We are rejoicing in this, and are so proud of this achievement! He had to overcome so much to get where he is today. He has epilepsy and his seizures were so bad (grand mal) and frequent the last few years that he wasn't able to leave the house very often. Thankfully he was homeschooled. We searched everywhere for help for 10 years (we were told he would outgrow it while he continued to have more and more seizures) and went everywhere, and finally found Texas Children's Hospital in January 2012, where they diagnosed a brain tumor. They took it out on March 1, 2012. It was benign, praise the Lord! He has been seizure free since that time, and last fall was finally well enough to complete all his Eagle Scout requirements, which were put on hold for several years due to the violent seizures. We could cry with happiness that my son was able to achieve this. We love Scouting. My son is our second Eagle Scout. :)

    • Like 5
  2. Thank you! That is so sweet. :)


    I would like prayer for our finances. It seems to be one thing after another. When we think all is well & maybe we can have a breather (brain surgery for my son this year and lots of trips to doctors 900 miles away, which we are soooo thankful for); we then get home from our latest medical trip and last week our furnace control panel broke just 2 months out of warranty, and now this week both of our cars need repair work done.

    I know the Lord is in control and I have to trust him! We will get out of this financial mess, I know it. I appreciate your prayers! I will be praying for you, too, and for everyone else on this thread that has requested prayer. :)

  3. The 109 glucose level is great 2 hours after you eat, but some people have higher numbers only 1 hour after their meals (including me). It fluctuates and depends on what you ate. I try to keep my levels at 120 or below at their highest (that is where a normal person's levels usually are at). So experiment with your meter and find out when your personal levels are at their highest.

  4. When I graduate high school, I would like to attend a college on the Western side of the country, or more on the upper East Coast. The reason being is that I cannot take the high humidity here in Rhode Island! Well I can take the humid weather, but with the heat and the humidity on top of it, I just can't do it!! I am also just tired of the area, I don't want to live on the East Coast anymore, although I would consider NH and Maine. I love warm weather, but I can't take warm weather with humidity. I have a lot of respiratory problems and skin allergies, so really dry weather is bad too. I know my body reacts wierdly, but my doctor actually told me to stay away from states with really dry weather, and really humid weather.


    Does anyone know of any states with good colleges, that have a low humidity level and dryness level (if that's a word)?


    I loved living in Northern Idaho and the surrounding areas. Southern Idaho is desert. I would suggest going to college at the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho, or Washington State University in Pullman, Washington (which is just a few miles from Moscow). I grew up in that area and loved it! Four distinct seasons. Now I live in the HUMID midwest... Can't wait to get back to Idaho.

  5. Books..... I love them! They are so hard to part with. I have been sending so many books to my granddaughters, and donating many more books to our local thrift store. I have kept most of the books from my homeschooling days, and trying to decide which ones to say goodbye too is what I am going through. So I am slowly going through and clearing out our bookshelves. We had 14 bookshelves full, and have pared that down quite a bit. Even got rid of 2 of the bookshelves. My huge old favorite library bookshelf went to a very nice homeschooling family who are just starting out. That made me feel good. We hope someday to move across country, so we need to pare down.


    I am keeping quite a few that I love so that my grandchildren will have plenty to read when they come to visit....

  6. We don't use fluoride at our house. No fluoride treatments at the dentist either, and no fluoride toothpaste. I have read so many negative things about fluoride, so we don't use it. My children do not have cavities either. At the dental office, I have to be careful so they don't "accidentally" give my children fluoride treatments (or my husband, too)..... They like to treat the whole family!

  7. My child has dust mite allergies also. What I did do was to purchase an organic wool pillow, wool comforter, and wool mattress topper so that at least when he sleeps he is surrounded by wool. Wool doesn't harbor dust mites. I think this helps a lot.


    We would like to take the carpeting out of the room and/or replace it with wool carpeting or different flooring, but we haven't been able to afford that yet. One step at a time.

  8. I would be mad, too. I know how you feel. Our next door neighbors (on the side where the bedrooms are) are always letting their children be as loud as they want for as long as they want (these kids are 14). They stay out until all hours of the night running around and yelling. They play basketball a lot and the basketball hoop is really close. A few nights ago they were playing at 2 am. We don't know what to say to the neighbors because it will cause hard feelings on their part. Whenever I say anything to anyone, then they are mad at me. It's okay for different ones to step on our toes, but not for us to ask them not to! Thank you for letting me vent!!!

  9. My son had to see the neurologist today (after getting blood work at his family doctor, 2 visits today). Anyway, the nurse checked his blood pressure with an automatic cuff, first on one arm and then quickly switched to the other arm--the arm that had blood taken out of it, plus the huge blood blister! My son said that it hurt and started throbbing and I asked her to take the cuff off because of his pain.


    9 hours later it is still hurting. The neurologist didn't think there was a problem from it. Never get the blood pressure checked while there is a blood blister on your hand!

  10. Thank you everyone for letting me know about your experience with wart treatment. This is the last time that we will use liquid nitrogen! My son's blood blister from the treatment is 3/4 of an inch in diameter. Each day it is getting a bit larger (since Friday). I will expect that it will heal in 2 weeks. I hope the wart is gone by then! My son will be hospitalized next week to find out where his seizures are coming from, and that scares me (the open wound), after all I hear about infections in the hospital! We will keep it bandaged for sure.


    If it comes back, we are trying the other treatments, lol!

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