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Posts posted by hsmomof2boys

  1. A couple of times per year we donate to the Salvation Army. We used to load up the pickup and take it to the Goodwill, but we found out that the Salvation Army will come to our house and pick it up. Much easier.


    I tried yard sales before, but they are such work! My very organized neighbor has had a yard sale (multi-family) for many years (during the local neighborhood annual sale, so there was a lot of traffic). She told me that she's finally given up on all that hard work--it's much easier to donate. It hasn't been worth her time for the past few years.


    I've tried selling some bigger items, like furniture, etc., on Craigslist, and I was successful a few times, but there were some scammer emails. I didn't like giving out my address to strangers, either. I feel more comfortable donating to charity.

  2. I didn't know that libraries charged to request books! I am glad that our library doesn't do that. Our library, however, charges you $1 if you forget to pick up the requested book. I am pretty careful, but once this past December, when there was in a deep-freeze, I forgot to go and pick up my books, and there were about 18 of them! Ouch, an $18 library fee.

  3. Right now what seems to work best for my son is we immediately grade the daily work then he corrects it. Usually it's just a simple error. I give him full credit when he gets it correct. If he doesn't know how to do the problem, I make him look it up in the correct lesson, so he'll learn on his own, instead of my telling him.


    The tests are a totally different story. I grade it and count every problem wrong. If he doesn't know how to do the problem, he does not get to look in the appropriate section of the book to find out. He just misses it. I have him correct it, but it is still counted as wrong. This is where he gets the majority of his grade in the class.


    Doing it this way seems to really help right now. I know later on I will probably change the way I do this and count the errors on the daily work.

  4. Like I said in my first post deliberately having anymore babies you can not support is wrong. When you already have 6 you have not been supporting you should not be deliberately trying to have even one more.


    Whether or not it was 1 or 8, she should not have had more.

    Whether or not she was married, she should not have had more.


    And I can't believe anyone would say she gave birth to 8 healthy babies. It will be some time before we know if these babies are physically healthy. These babies were premature and low birth weight. They could all turn out physically healthy, but for now we don't know. We do however, get to foot the NICU bill.


    I mentioned that the babies were "healthy." I don't know if they are healthy or not, but that has been said in the media. It appears so far that they are healthy. One thing for sure is that they are all still alive, and that's a good sign.


    Someone mentioned the Duggars. The Duggars support all their children. There is no comparison here.


    I mentioned the comparison to the Duggars. I myself know that this situation is no comparison to the Duggars. I love the Duggars. I think their family is amazing. I like their television show. I was just repeating what I have read online at different places--there are a lot of different comparisons to the Duggars--just because the Duggars have a large family. Sadly, some people think that a person is not entitled to a large family if they desire it (I am referring here to the Duggars only, they are very responsible).

  5. After doing quite a bit more research on High Fructose Corn Syrup I have decided that it does not belong in our family's diet.at.all.


    So, I've spent the morning reading all the labels in our kitchen and tossing into the trash all food products that list HFCS as an ingredient. It's amazing what all this is in, but the most frustrating one was bread. Yep, 100% whole grain bread with all other 'normal' sounding ingredients and there it was..."high fructose corn syrup". Aaarrrggghh!


    I brought my bread machine up from a shelf in the basement, made a place for it on my counter-top and we will now have home-made bread. This is a big, big thing for me as I'm not a "Suzy Homemake" type at all; especially in the kitchen.


    Anyone else cleaning out the kitchen and swearing-off foods with HFCS? *hoping I'm not the only one*


    Yes, I have cleaned out my kitchen of all the HFCS. It's amazing to find out that it's in so many things.

  6. Don't feel guilty for having this much free time! It sounds like you are very efficient at what you do, and that your sons are doing what you want them to do, not dallying, etc.


    My sister homeschooled her children until noon everyday--about 3 hours. Her children are very successful adults now with only these few hours per day being taught. Of course, in high school they had more work. One is getting her doctorate in mathematics, one is getting his master's in engineering, and one is getting her bachelor's degree.


    My son is very hard to teach, it takes him forever to do just one math lesson! He gets distracted easily.


    Congratulations on your great work!

  7. I was contemplating the same thing as I read the posts about the octuplets. Literally every one of my friends is on welfare and popping out babies (anywhere from #6 to #10) and have no plans to stop. The only difference is that their babies are coming one at a time. For me the medical costs aren't as big an issue as I feel our government/insurance companies have made it almost impossible for the average person/couple to afford private insurance or pay out-of-pocket for health care costs, so for me saying that someone shouldn't have babies based on their ability to pay for medical costs isn't a very valid reason. What gets me are the other welfare areas such as WIC...when one can't afford to feed their current family the basic food necessities then why in the world is one bringing more kids into this world?? If one wants to continue procreating then that person could have the decency to take themselves off of taxpayer-funded food programs and feed their kids themselves. And they should not expect any handouts simply because of the # of babies they had, including outside help. Your baby(ies), your choice, your responsibility.


    Implanting that many embryos bothers me A LOT, especially having gone through IVF myself. That was so reckless of both her and her doctor! I don't care if someone is married to a guy making 7 figures, that was a really stupid move and I only hope that women following this story and undergoing IVF themselves won't think that putting back that many embryos and ending up with 8 babies is a good thing. I hope her doctor comes under serious scrutiny/condemnation from the medical community. I know my RE wouldn't even take me as a patient unless I signed a paper that clearly stated his rule of no more than 2 embryos put back, 3 under unusual circumstances.


    Her being unmarried actually doesn't bother me as much as the other aspects of the situation. I'm not sure why.


    I also think that planting 6 embroys was a stupid move, yes she already had the 6 other children. I don't think it is right that she did this. I don't think it was right that the doctor did this. It was wrong--it's the fact that she did have them and that they survived, and 8 babies are here. There's nothing anyone can do about it.


    I also hope that others don't follow in her footsteps. That would be tragic. I hope that this brings about some new laws concerning how many embroys can be planted into a woman per procedure.

  8. I for one can't imagine how anyone would be jealous of having 8 babies at once.


    Are there such people? Wow, it's beyond my comprehension. 8 babies is a huge, huge risk to the mother as well as the infants. The womb was not meant to support such a high birth number.


    Not to mention what it must do for future bladder control. :tongue_smilie:


    They may be jealous of all the attention she is getting, and the money she will potentially get (if she chooses to have a reality show, for instance). She's famous.


    I for one wouldn't like to be pregnant with 8--my single births were hard enough on my poor old body! LOL

  9. There has been a lot of criticism of this mother who has given birth to 8 babies.


    I'm wondering if you would feel different if she were married to a man making $10 an hour in a job without medical benefits. Knowing that there is no way to support children on $10 an hour, and knowing that even two parents can't possibly take care of 14 children under the age of 7 without a lot of outside help, would you be comfortable criticizing the choice to have such a large family? Is it her marital status that most bothers people?


    I too feel that there has been a lot of criticism of this mother in the media. There is also a lot of criticism for anyone who has a lot of children, including the Duggars and Jon and Kate.


    I don't think that she meant to have 8 babies this time. She had 6 embroys planted with her other pregnancies, and at most got twins. I don't know if she is a Christian (she gave the babies Christian names), but she said that she had the embroys already and wanted to plant them. Maybe she felt that by not planting them, she was not giving them a chance for life. To me, at conception, they are human beings. Human beings in limbo. Here's a link about adopting other people's frozen embroys, called Snowflake Babies:




    I think that it's a miracle that 6 embroys became 8 healthy babies.


    I myself don't think that the mother was acting responsibly, just that I don't think she knew that she would have 8 babies at once. I don't believe in abortion, so when she found out that she was carrying 7 (since 1 was a surprise), I also wouldn't have selectively reduced any of the babies. What are the odds that someone would really have this many babies at once--even if implanted with 6 embroys? It is a miracle that all survived.


    Don't misunderstand me, I am not for this, what she (and especially what the doctor did) did was wrong--see my later posts. I just think the babies are miracles and she's going to have a lot of hard work.

  10. I too wear flip-flops in the shower and around the hotel room.


    You have to watch very carefully to see if they even change the sheets. Last summer on vacation in South Dakota, the sheets were definitely not changed at a certain hotel. I called up the hotel manager and she came and changed them for me. I felt that she wasn't surprised. It made me wonder how often this happens, that the guests complain that the sheets aren't changed.


    This wasn't at a cheap motel, either.


    My mother and sister worked at a summer job in a town in Wyoming a few years ago. They were not allowed to change the bedspreads or blankets unless they were visibly soiled. Before that, I thought that the motels/hotels changed the sheets, blankets, bedspreads, etc. between every customer. How wrong I was, lol! You never see any blankets, bedspreads on the cleaning carts in the halls (in any of the hotels or motels) in the mornings when you are leaving......

  11. I don't see anything wrong with telling her - if she doesn't want her blog read by people, then she should make it private. ;)


    Maybe she was just having an off night - know what I mean? She might have had other things on her mind.... or, she might be shy - I'm like that...chatty as a coffee drinking parrot when I'm emailing, blogging, rattling around message boards, etc...not so much in person cuz I'm shy. :)


    I agree, it was okay to tell her that you read her blog. I always thought that blogs were meant to be read by other people! I agree also, that she was probably shy.

  12. I don't see anything wrong with asking people to remove their shoes, if that is the policy in your home. We remove our shoes because of all the lawn chemicals, etc. that could be tracked in from the neighbors' yards. We use organic lawn chemicals, but they don't, and my son has medical issues.


    Sometimes it makes people annyoed to remove their shoes, and if they don't really want to, I just don't worry about it. These people are adults--children have to remove their shoes, lol!


    Also, the service people who come over never remove their shoes, saying it's against regulation, etc. Some say they can't wear covers either, because it makes their shoes slippery. I have had a certain furniture company track mud in--and when I complained, the company offered to have someone come and shampoo my carpets (which I didn't let them do, I got it out myself). It's just the point....


    Where do you get the covers to go over the shoes so I can offer those to people? Can you get them online?


    Thank you.

  13. My son has seizures and we have cut out all processed foods, among other things. We have cut out all artificial ingredients. We cook from scratch. It's made a night and day difference.


    Things that are really bad on the brain are aspartame, splenda, msg (and it's in everything, goes by different names), nitrites, artificial colors, etc. We use natural organic foods: butter, good oils, etc. My son is a calm, different child.


    A good book about the Feingold Diet is: "Why Can't My Child Behave?" by Jane Hersey.


    Another good book about food and additives is "What's Food Got to Do With it?" by Sandra Hillis and Pat Wyman.


    Another good book is "Bad Attitude--Reverse Your Child's Rudeness in 1 Week--With Food" by Audrey Ricker, PhD.


    I really like Dr. Rapp also, as someone else mentioned, and there's a book called "Excitotoxins, the Taste that Kills" by Russell Blaylock.


    I think so much of a child's behavior does have something to do with what he eats. Also, if they eat a lot of carbs and sugars, their blood sugar levels can fluctuate, and that causes moodiness.

  14. I used "A Reason for Handwriting" for my sons. We liked the bible verses each week.


    In addition to that, my son had trouble learning cursive, so I purchased templates from School Rite. There were the same size as the Kindergarten lined paper, so I just used the template and wrote a whole page for my son to trace whenever he had trouble with a certain letter. It really reinforced what he was learning.


    Their website (on the template is) www.school-rite.com.


    School-rite also has templates for learning manuscript letters. There are very large ones for pre-schoolers, too.

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