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Posts posted by KJB

  1. My Dad died of colon cancer at 53. He was a long-time smoker. His joke when they gave him less than six months to live was that he was finally going to quit smoking later that year.


    In spite of my Dad's terminal illness, many relatives tried to get him to quit smoking since it could have been a contributing factor to the rapid spread of his cancer. I now realize how silly it was to try to talk a dying person, an adult, and an addict to quit at quite literally the most stressful time of his life.


    If my Dad were alive today, I'd buy him the cigarettes. I'd smoke with him if he wanted me to and I'd laugh at his great stories. We'd drink a lot too.


    (And I neither drink nor smoke in my real life.)


    Go easy on your Mom. It doesn't sound like she has much left. If a cigarette brings her comfort, don't begrudge it to her.


    That's my opinion.

  2. However, I'd like to make two points:


    1. Obama is looking good in the polls. He'll probably win. Take comfort in that and try to laugh at all of the crazy posts. Politics make people emotional and you can tell by the posts emotion and clear thinking don't mix well.


    2. OP suggests:


    "There are some that say that no one should get help, they have to rely on themselves. Thats wonderful if you have the means to do so. I would like to say: there ARE people who need help, who have NO CHANCE without it. Period. Are we to be merciful to them (bible anyone?) or are we to tell them to get a job and a house when they have neither. When they are living day to day hour to hour just to stay alive. I'm willing to help them."


    The typical conservative response to this is that if people have more of their own money in their own pockets (not paying as much to the government) that they can decide for themselves which charities, churches, or worthy causes they wish to donate their own hard earned money to support. Conservatives want to help people, they just prefer to have more choice both in who they help and what is done with their donation and they don't think it's the governments place to make those decisions for them.

  3. http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/diagram_gram00.html



    This link sends you to a great tutorial to get you started with diagramming so you can help your daughter.


    You might also check out Mary Daly's Elementary Diagramming Work Text and The First Whole Book of Diagrams which is intended to teach you along with your student.


    6 or 7 isn't too young to begin simple diagramming.


    Hope you both have fun!

    Good Luck!


  4. It has made the proper grip possible for my 5 year old who tends to prefer to grip with his fist.


    My son has made great improvements with this pencil. I highly recommend it.


    Also, there are two grips recognized as acceptable, not just one. The traditional grip is with the thumb and index finger with the pencil resting on the third/middle finger. It is also OK to grip with the thumb and both index and middle finger allowing the pencil to rest on the fourth/ring finger.


    Hope this helps!



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