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Posts posted by KinderSafari

  1. I was showing the 1st Mathtacular DVD to my pre-K and Kindergartener. At least the beginning clips.


    From the few clips I watched, it looked like it showed the basics for K and 1st. I didn't view anything other than the first 10 - 15 clips (there are about 100) so I don't know yet how far they go.


    There is a 2nd and 3rd level as well.


    Maybe Sonlight says more about their particular grade levels? That's where we bought it, after getting multiple recommendations at a local homeschool meeting.

  2. I was also going to say, we have always resisted medication for him - I suppose that's a whole other thread. We just figured as long as he can do well without it, we'll try to keep him unmedicated. We will not be with him every day of his life and can't guarantee he'll always take medicine, so we want him to try to learn things on his own.


    There have been a few times where we have considered trying it during some especially hard times, but those worse periods ended before we could make a doctor's appt.


    So I suppose that's another option to try if we get to the working age, and he still has a hard time with others (outside of his controlled home environment).


    BTW: a little other family info, his 4 other brothers and sisters are fine and get along with others great. :)

  3. Getting along with others is a KEY skill.


    I see so many people work in our community who struggle in some sort of area, but as long as they are able to get along with others, they seem to have a pretty nice job. Nice as in reliable job.


    I worry about my son with emotional and behavior problems. He is very smart in science and computer areas, but he can not problem solve, and has an explosive and rude temperament when he runs into a problem with others.


    We work on behavior questions, solutions, problem solving, character lessons, etc. all the time, and he will do fine when sitting and talking with someone about these problems, but when he's IN that situation, his emotions take over. :(


    At this moment (he's 13 1/2) I can't see him working in any work environment other than home. Something where his skills could be put to use but he wouldn't have to interact with others. Hopefully. :)

  4. We are old-fashioned and use the plastic bags to line.


    Our lives are so busy with five little kids we simply do not have time to stay up until midnight to compost, wash cloth diapers, recycle every gum wrapper, etc.


    NOT to criticize anyone who finds time to do all that. We ADMIRE your diligence!


    Over the years, after 12 years of kids in diapers, we have always slowly been improving. Our waste has been cut in half, and frequently we only put the garbage out every two weeks. Hooray for us and improvement!


    We also have NO relatives in the area and are solely doing everything ourselves.




    Look at the stats of our world as well from 20 years ago - when the world was MORE polluted than it is now. NOT to say we can't always continue to do better. Just to say - we as a world ARE improving. We can continue to improve, but don't beat yourself up about it either.


    YES, Europeans are MUCH different when it comes to waste. We lived there for a year and a half (no kids at that time) - and we had one bag of garbage every 3 months - EVERYTHING else was recycled. And SUPER sorted. Brown glass, green glass, clear glass, plastic number one, plastic number four, etc. etc. etc. It is great, but very time consuming.


    I say - do what you can. Every family and every situation is different.

  5. A series by Tyndale publishing

    108 Questions Children Ask about friends and school


    and then I can't remember the others, something like:

    101 questions children ask about God and the World


    102 Questions children ask about etc....


    EXCELLENT questions about why some kids are not nice, why some kids lie, why we shouldn't lie, etc. Short, excellent explanations that kids can understand

  6. My kids all BEG to read this book we found at the library:


    Do I Have to Say Hello?

    Aunt Delia's Manners Quiz for Kids and Their Grownups

    by Delia Ephron


    They have funny questions and answers for kids and their behavior at the table, on the playground, riding the bus, etc. etc. And quizzes them on what they should or shouldn't do.


    They even take this book to bed with them to read for fun.


    I've been able to use the exact questions at times with them when we were out somewhere - How do we use a slide at the playground? How do we sit at the table?

  7. I have used both of these. I like the RightStart math because I am AMAZED at how my kids have learned with it. I have used it for 3 years.


    We just bought the Mathtacular video last week. My kids BEG to watch it and ask if they can watch more! When they are done watching a clip or two, they race to the manipulatives to play more games from the ideas they watched. Even my older kids come out to watch the clips.


    While it is still new, my kids have never reacted like this to a video. Sure, the others are fine, and they do them, and they learn. But this one worked great!

  8. There is a large group of homeschoolers (well, we think it's large! :) ) - 20 families maybe and 80 or so kids from K through 12th - centralized in Rhinelander, WI


    We draw homeschoolers from Minocqua, St. Germain, Eagle River, and Tomahawk.


    If you are ever in the area and would like to stop in and join us for an activity - drop-ins are welcome!


    Visit our local forum at http://maranathahome.10.forumer.com


    Activities, area events, and local homeschool helps are listed at the forum.

  9. Just keep up the diligence in watching them!


    I have a good friend who has moved her children a few times - from public, to private, to homeschool....and questions all the changes, but seriously just does what she thinks is best for everyone involved at the time. The kids are doing great, and I think the changes have actually HELPED for all of their family too to really see how they did in each area, and to back them even more now in their schooling (one is in public, and one is homeschooled).


    Each family is different! And their needs change all the time too.

  10. I think you are doing a great thing, asking questions.


    It sounds like you are a diligent mom!


    I know many in the same boat as well. It's often a conflict. Our family is not on the same page either - and it's hard when my family attacks me and does not stand up for me. My husband is very lukewarm to the idea of homeschooling as well, and at one point I had made up my mind that he could bring them to school if he made one more negative comment, and 9 months went by without him saying a thing! Wow! After 8 years of homeschooling, I think he's finally starting to see some benefits and is slightly better with supporting aspects of it.

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