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Posts posted by AKshanmar

  1. My dh, who has been a mortgage originator for 20 plus years, says the deal should be "price or terms". They either get a good deal on cost, and no terms, or they pay full price and get some extra terms. He said that 95% of today's buyers need that closing assist, but they have to pay the price to get it.

  2. LOL.... I think I'm going into old lady mode! I'm sitting here looking at my youngest child who is 15, and thinking, I don't remember her ever acting like that. When in reality, all of my kids at 12 were completely and totally irrational, barely tolerable, obnoxious, grumpy, reducing me to a screaming maniac...etc, and she was the worst. But now, a mere three years later, I can't even remember (oh wait, one instance just came to mind... :cursing: ) ok, I can barely remember that relationship. Now we have the new improved relationship which is really pretty nice. So hang in there!

  3. You know your relationship with your neice, and it sounds like you fill a role, in which what you did was just fine. The pre-teen years are so rough anyway, they are trying to figure out what to do with their emotions, and all that, and something like that was awkward for her, and so her reaction is too strong. She will level out eventually, and appreciate you for being there for her! Keep the open relationship, and she will always be able to come to you for help.

  4. I had a perfect day like that once.


    The most amazing part was that my anti-homeschool FIL actually paid us a visit right in the middle of that amazing moment.


    The house was oddly clean. We were doing a science experiment that all the kids were so engrossed in, they barely noticed grandpa was there, except to tell him how exciting the experiment was.


    It was spectacular. That one day.

  5. Oh, I forgot...


    I had horrible morning sickness and threw up pretty much every day (garbage disposal works the best). One day, I was changing a dirty diaper, and was suddenly violently sick (I actually had the flu but didn't realize that yet, the baby was still a mess on the changing table, I had my hand on him, and tried to open the diaper bucket, but it slammed shut, and I threw up all over everything.... Oh so sad.

  6. Puke stories! What fun!


    My son once threw up on two doors, 3 walls, the CEILING and the toilet, all in one puke. He also managed to throw up on every piece of bedding, including the bed skirt, and in a drawer, in one puke.


    My dh was out of town, and I was rushing my 9 mo old to the hospital. I had put my actively sick 3 yo in the car seat, next to his 6 yo sister, who had been throwing up all day, but seemed to be over it. The baby was having difficulty breathing.... the roads were black ice, cars in the ditch everywhere. And in the back of the suburban I hear... "No Connor, throw up in the cup, the cup.... oh..no...". 5 minutes later. "Connor! Throw up in the cup... Good! No! Don't tip it.... Oh...NO." (The baby had the flu, RSV, and ear infection and pink eye. DH came back that night, and was throwing up by the next morning. I was in the hospital with the sick baby throwing up. It was awful.


    DD once threw up all over our leather couch. I tried really hard, but we had to throw it away.

  7. Also BTDT...

    First one launched beautifully. Second one kicked out. Bolt's advice is right on. We had rules that he was unwilling to live by. On his 18th birthday, he moved to his friends house, then his girlfriend's house. The ironic part was that he was still homeschooling his whole senior year! He graduated barely. I was afraid he was just going to float, but he had a coach really step up and encourage him to go to a jr. college where he could play football. And that seemed to be a great turning point. Something will do that for your son too. Our son just came home for Christmas break, the first time he had lived here for a year and a half. It went well, not perfect, but well. I cried for months, when it was going on, and it is good to be on the other side of it! Hang in there. That phrase "tough love" isn't near as fun as it sounds. It is love and it is tough. Probably tougher on the parents than the kid, but they don't realize that.

  8. Also BTDT...

    First one launched beautifully. Second one kicked out. Bolt's advice is right on. We had rules that he was unwilling to live by. On his 18th birthday, he moved to his friends house, then his girlfriend's house. The ironic part was that he was still homeschooling his whole senior year! He graduated barely. I was afraid he was just going to float, but he had a coach really step up and encourage him to go to a jr. college where he could play football. And that seemed to be a great turning point. Something will do that for your son too. Our son just came home for Christmas break, the first time he had lived here for a year and a half. It went well, not perfect, but well. I cried for months, when it was going on, and it is good to be on the other side of it! Hang in there. That phrase "tough love" isn't near as fun as it sounds. It is love and it is tough. Probably tougher on the parents than the kid, but they don't realize that.

  9. My kids all did gymnastics, but my son was the serious one. He competed 2 years at level 10, qualifying for nationals one year... where he place 91st. Woo hoo! He them "retired" the next year at age 14, and moved on to cheerleading, which is a whole different world, let me tell you!


    My 2nd son did it for a few years, but it wasn't quite his thing.


    Gymnastics is a great sport, a little all consuming, but still great!

  10. We had the same experience with my son, only it was caused by the coach, not the kids! At the time I believe he was a level 9 competitive gymnast, probably around the age of 11 or 12, at they gym for at least 20 hours a week. The coach was a very high level coach (why he was in Alaska? That is a whole 'nother story), with 2 big problems, he prefered the younger boys, who hadn't been "ruined" by the previous coach; and his coaching style involved a lot of belittling, and so forth. Obviously my son was highly frustrated, and he would come home as grumpy as all get out. Mostly, he took out his frustration on his younger brother, every day, both verbally and physically. Everyday. Our hands were tied as far as the coaching situation went. We explored the option of taking him to the next closest gym, an hour away, but it wouldn't work. And so we pulled him out of the program. I told him, that yes, the coach is in the wrong. No doubt about it. But we are worried about your attitude, and your influence in our family. We can't change him (despite visits with him and the owners), and so it up to you to be the adult here, if you want to continue doing gymnastics. He was out for two weeks, which included missing a meet. And then he said "I'm ready to go back." And he was. The attitude was gone, and we had peace in our home again.


    Part of the "whole 'nother story": The coach had a drinking problem. He spent 5 months in jail, after our gym had hired him, after being charged with his 5th DUI. GREAT! But the younger parents really wanted him back, because he was such a skilled coach. So the owners brought him back, as a sub coach under the 21 year old kid who had replaced him, with daily mentoring with the owner. He was not allowed to drink. This was the period when the above mentioned story happened. We went to the Regional meet in Boise. In the morning right before the coaches meeting, the young coach found the bad coach being kicked out of a bar at 10:00 am. Young coach said "You are fired". Bad coach proceeded to threaten to kill him, kill his wife, his baby... etc. This ended up in a stand-off with the police, and he ended up in jail in Boise. The oldest kid there was 15... the youngest 6. They still had a very big meet in which to compete. Ugh! Young coach was spectacular with the kids, but a mess himself! So... back home in Alaska, another gym hires bad coach to coach girls team. Regulations came down, that a coach with any record would not be allowed on the floor at any meets the next year. The weekend before the girls state meet, he has another confrontation with the police, but this time they shot him and killed him. Dead. I'm not sure my son ever quite knew what to do with the baggage that caused. It was someone he didn't like or respect, but he had worked very hard to learn to work with.... and now he was dead. All those girls didn't know him as "the bad coach", so the police had just killed their "fun" coach... What a tradgedy.


    Anyway, that was not what my post was really supposed to be about....

  11. Visit the website howtolearn.com and have her take the learning style test. It actually changed our live drastically. I made changes that really made my kids enjoy learning again. My kids don't fall into the academic sphere of things. I really had to adjust. As they grow, some things fall by the wayside, things that I cherished, but had to let go. My really "school challenged" kid suddenly became brilliant when he discovered the automotive field. And so on.... She'll give you a better idea of her niche when things start to become more important to her. You are right, your relationship is most important. Shake things up, and see where you land!

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