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Posts posted by OHGrandma

  1. Some people are adamant about this belief, but it doesn't seem right to me. I mean, assuming a child is really reading versus just knowing some sight words and/or phonics rules.


    The argument seems to be that my kid's fluent reading at the average level of kids twice her age (she's 4) is not evidence in favor of testing her for giftedness, accelerating her past pre-K, etc.



    I have found the most adamant in support of this belief also believe whole-heartedly in gov't programs like HeadStart.


    In general, a child who has the internal drive to read early tends to be gifted and will maintain an educational advantage over non-gifted children. The opposite is not true. A lack of drive to read early does not mean the child is not gifted. Giftedness can be expressed in other ways.

  2. It definitely needs to be itemized by when they gave it.


    Our letters are always just a list of the date and amount for each check, plus the total by category (missions, building, general, etc.) and the grand total.


    This is how I do it. I don't know that it needs to be done that way by law, but it makes it nice for the recipient to check against their records in case they think my numbers don't match theirs. Since I record them by date received and allocate them to the appropriate category I can run a report and it prints out all the details.

  3. My husband had a heart attack 2 weeks before Christmas, cutting short the time I had for Christmas preparation. I had almost all the Christmas shopping done, but I was still looking for something additional for the grandson we are raising. He is 11 and has stepped up to do additional chores on the farm while grandpa is recovering.

    On Wednesday before Christmas I worked from home a couple hours, stopped to load cattle, then went into work. My boss had emailed just after I logged off, saying I should just finish the day at home, so I went into the office. When leaving the office, I noticed a bag of clothing I'd had in the car to drop off at Goodwill, but hadn't had the time. I decided to do it that day. When I drove up to the store I felt strongly that I needed to go in, there was something I needed to buy in there. I didn't really have the time but I don't argue with strong feelings like that one.

    I went in and started going through the aisles. I found a farm toy, it was the wrong scale for grandsons models, but perfect for a nephew's 3 year old boy. I got it, but kept looking because I knew there was something else I was supposed to buy. The next couple aisles were kitchen items but I looked anyway. I spotted a mock leather case and investigated. It was a music stand! Grandson wanted and needed a music stand! I pulled it out to make sure it was complete and in good condition. There was a piece of tape on it with the previous owners name & high school. It was my bosses daughters! This was my purchase, so I headed to the checkout.

    At the checkout I inquired if they could tell when it came in, it had just come in that week!


    When I told my boss I also asked if they had any other music items. He said, "no, all the other music items had been cleared out some time ago; that piece had been missed on prior trips."

  4. I think the doctor is wise to treat it like a break at this time. I broke my wrist last year, taped it myself, and waited 6 days before going to the doctor. He sent me for xrays immediately upon examining it. Nothing showed broken on the xray, but the doctor said to keep it in the splint I'd been using. 4 weeks later, it still didn't feel right, that time they used an MRI which showed the break. Interestingly, after they saw the break on the MRI they sent me back to xray, and then it showed on the xray. Doctor told me that was not uncommon.

  5. to unfriend your niece on Facebook after she posted this:


    "I don't think people realize how ridiculous they look when they post their political opinions. Like you're embarrassing yourself. Stop it."


    She is 19. She attends a liberal, private, very expensive college. I get it. It isn't even me she's referring to, but I am offended by that attitude. Why is posting the most inane, useless information about your daily life OK to post, but current events that will affect everyone are not? I'm not offended by the constant stream of games it seems people play on Facebook, even though I think they're a ridiculous waste of time.


    Why should Facebook be off limits to anything?


    I'd respond with, "LOL, some people would consider that a political opinion!"

    And at some point, I'd ask if her liberal college professors are teaching her to carefully consider all sides of a debate, or only the side they want to promote?

  6. We measure food on a scale, but I do see her eating extra as we're cleaning up after dinner. We eat almost no processed foods. Almost is probably not good enough.


    Have you tried keeping a log of every bite you(or daughter) takes? Seriously, even tasting the food as you cook, or that last spoonful of batter before washing the mixer bowl, etc? If nothing else, it would be very useful to go over with a dietician. Same thing with an exercise log.


    And my sympathies are with you, I've struggled with my weight much of my life -- but you can be 'overweight' but still healthy!

  7. I think it's silly that people spend hundreds (or thousands) of dollars on: guns, purses, shoes, cars, scrapbooking, photography, restoring vintage cars, participating in glee clubs, & sports.


    Off the top of my head, here's just a small sample of things I personally would not spend nearly as much on as some people I know.


    Somehow I never heard Bob, Bill or Ted criticized for spending thousands restoring their 68 mustang. Or Janey "fundraising" (aka door to door begging) so her choir can go to some singing competition across the Atlantic. But if you spend money on an animal??? ooooooooh, you must be a weird animal activist!


    Some people value the animals in their lives & will pay veterinary professionals the proper amount to provide health care. To others, they're disposable: this one is broken & it would cost $100 for medicine for it????? Fergit it. Kill it & I'll get another one for free from craigslist! Or try to adopt from a shelter & complain when I get turned down!


    What a world.


    Since you are very involved with animal rescue, maybe you could explain some of the decisions some of these shelters make?

    I know some people will spend a lot more on maintaining a pet, and some will spend a lot less than we do. Personal decisions are just that, personal. But why will a shelter spend thousands on an animal that needs extensive surgery, or health care, or rehabilitation of some kind; but allow healthy animals to be put to sleep? Wouldn't it make sense to put down the sick animal and apply the thousands of dollars to saving 10 lives?


    To the OP, watch Craigslist, we found a great Sheltie there and consider we saved him from being sent to a shelter.


    Edited to add: To those who want an outdoor only dog, and think getting two dogs is the solution to filling the dogs need for a pack, I don't want to tell you how many dogs meet a miserable end because they start roaming as a pack. It takes a good bit of training to keep a dog home, without training that companion just becomes a traveling companion. We have a farm with little 'farmettes' of 5-10 acres sprinkled around us. Many of those landowners let their dogs 'run free', right into the hands of the dog catcher after they've run our livestock.

  8. I recently had one of these malware programs infect our kids' computer. It came in looking like an antivirus alert. Here is an article about these:




    I was unable to run our own virus scan - it would get shut down every time I ran it.


    My DH (IT guy) was able to boot up in safe mode with networking and then he installed this program:




    He has also switched all of our computers to Microsoft Security Essentials. He feels it's better than the other antivirus programs right now.



    That post needed repeating! That's how I cleaned my PC.

  9. :rant:

    The two neighborhood kids have my daughter in an absolute tizzy about education. Homeschoolers, according to them, cannot get jobs, cannot go to college, and cannot eat at restaurants because it costs too much. DD now wants to go to school. (I don't know if she realizes that she has to BE there before her current wake-up time!). She doesn't hear their ignorance on things (not using that word to be mean!). Latin isn't a language, and various geographical and historical mistakes. Yes, he has his times table memorized to the 10s, but that's her choice. She's doing times up to 10 (and double digit with carry, etc) she has just chosen to be stubborn about memorizing them. And I told her that, hoping it would spur her to memorize them and 'beat' him, cuz she's VERY competetive.


    I've told her all the benefits of homeschooling, but I guess not having a career and income sorta trumps some things. And for the record, we are NOT unschooling, not that there's anything wrong with that! But the general population has wierd ideas. We do textbooks and reading, and all the regular stuff.


    Ignorance is bliss, only to those who don't have to deal with the blissful!


    Is it possible she feels a need to fit in with a group of kids, and public school looks like it's the solution?

  10. Dobermanns are my favorite family/farm dog. They're loyal, protective, enough energy to follow a person all day, quiet enough to lay by your feet all day. The females we've had were very protective of children, all children.

    We picked out a Sheltie for our grandson. Super high energy, high maintenance, but cuddly, this dog filled a need in our grandson better than most any other breed could have.

    My personal favorites are smooth haired terriers, Jack Russels & Fox Terriers. They are more high maintenance than Dobermanns.

  11. My daughter needed dental work very young, maybe about 3. She never got nitrous and didn't even know she got a shot until she was at least 8; our family dentist was very good with kids. But when I started taking our grandson to the same dentist at about 6, GS spazzed out so bad the dentist stopped in the middle of working on a small cavity. I took him to a pediatric dentist that prescribed valium, then used N.O. & a newer replacement for novacaine. I was always in the room with him(and our kids), and an assistant was always present. We've done that 3 times for him and he's never been anywhere near as loopy as you've described your son when he left the chair.

  12. Thank you for your responses. This is so stressful to me. Need closing to go through. (houses are not selling in our area, having a buyer is a BIG Deal) Debt Collector said they know they have wrong party, but is more likely that dh would pay just to have this issue go away & it doesn't matter to them who pays debt. :glare: Called dh's company legal dept to explain situtation. And, debt collector called back, are dropping the suit against dh. So frustrating! But, all appears to be over. (dh is in mtgs all morning, can't wait to tell him about my morning.)


    Thank you again for responses and letting me vent.


    Since you(DH) have already been served, do NOT assume this suit is dropped based on some persons word on the phone! They could be misleading you to believe it is dropped, you(DH) does not show up, and they win due to a no-show on your part! These people have already declared they don't care they are suing the wrong person. Do you trust them to tell you the truth now?


    Please check with the courthouse to see if it is still on the docket.

  13. Yes, same ones for me. My discs never completely herniated, just bulged a great deal. I had 1 set of 3 cortizone injections, spaced 4-6 weeks apart(can't remember exactly). I think it was 6 months before most of the pain was gone. That's been 5 years ago. I still have numbness in some of my toes on that side, and some numbness in my leg. The chiropracter couldn't do much for the herniated discs but the pain caused me to walk funny which caused pain elsewhere. He resolved that pain.

    As you can see from all the responses, no one's back seems to respond the same as anyone elses.

  14. Hey there...


    I can't complain IRL so I thought I'd complain a bit and ask you all... "Would it drive you crazy if your mom decided to be friends with your husband's ex-wife?" The situation is that we live in the same small town as both my mom and his ex. He has two older girls (17 and 14) and now his ex has a new husband and 1 yr old daughter. They are nice enough and such.. but as "ex's go... I've dealt with having the girls half time for over 8 yrs... and love them... but we are SO different than their mom... so it's been a bit of a pain.

    My mom wanted there to be a bridge between the girls... and their sister... who she's not technically a "grandma" to.... So.. it's to be nice... but it seems like another weight to... them on the other side. Can I say that having a family that you have to share kids with is a constant irritant? A relationship with an ex, is like a splinter you can't get out.

    Now, of course, we've both tried... and it's not as bad as many families that deal with this.... But... my mom being friends with he is just one more sliver... for me.... nice for the kids.... :crying:


    I think your last statement is the bottom line, it's "nice for the kids".

  15. We have 3 adults, 3 children from 6-10, & 1 infant in a 4 bedroom, 1 bath, house. The 4th bedroom changes purpose with time, now it's needed as a bedroom.

    My one recommendation is to always have the sink in your craft room available to wash hands & faces in case the bathroom is tied up. Maybe even have toothbrushes available there if everyone needs to get to bed, or out the door at the same time.

  16. I remember hearing a prison chaplain speak similar words at our church some 25 years ago. He said the majority of prisoners he worked with did not have low self-esteem, they had a highly inflated sense of self-esteem with a huge sense of entitlement.


    That sense of entitlement seems to be responsible for a lot of societal ills; stealing, 'white collar' crime, extra-marital affairs, much of it has its roots in the thought that "I deserve more than I have".

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