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Posts posted by Kendra

  1. Wow, what a difference a year makes! My bridesmaids wore teal dress in 1990, I guess it was big that year.


    Oh yes. My dh was in a wedding in 1994 in which the bridesmaids wore teal (aka "seafoam") and peach dresses and the groomsmen wore white tuxes with cummerbunds and ties that matched the girls' dresses. GAG. And my poor dh. This is him. Can you imagine him in a white tux??? He looked like a marshmallow :D But a very handsome marshmallow...

  2. If you've read Swallows and Amazons, have you read Peter Duck; that was our favourite from the series.


    That's quite an age spread... lessee


    an Arthurian cycle: Pyle, Sutcliff, TH White

    L.M. Boston's Green Knowe series

    Terry Pratchett's discworld for kids (or Johnny triology or Wee Free Men)

    Joan Aikin's Wolves of Willoughby Chase series

    if your library has it, Helen Cresswell's Bagthorpe Saga (starts with Ordinary Jack)


    LOL! We hated Peter Duck!

  3. I love this idea!! Thanks for sharing. My children are forever picking up perfectly clean clothes off the floor that never made in into their drawers and throwing them back in the hamper.:banghead:


    Kathleen in VA



    Labeled baskets are our MO, too. That and I don't fold socks. Ever. The boys' white socks go into one laundry room drawer, their dress socks in another. The girls' socks go into one drawer. They can find the matches :D Life is too short for me to fold socks for ten people...

  4. Congratulations! Love his literary name :001_smile:


    I just want to encourage you about the nursing. ALL of my 8 babies have had mouths too little for my *ahem* anatomy. When my milk comes in, I immediately start to pump and feed them from bottles. My pump is much gentler on me than the babies :blink: And the best news is, everyone of my babies has gone right to the b*east between weeks 5 and 6 without any problems. No "ni*ple confusion" (which, despite what the "experts" say, I think is really ni*ple preference, not confusion) and no pain.


    All that to say- if you can manage to pump, it might be worth a try. I am pumping for my 12-day-old baby right now and although it takes time, I know there is light at the end of the tunnel and I am not in excruciating pain!

  5. Instead of left clicking on the one you want (I usually choose the 128 kpbs option because it's better sound quality) right click on it and then select download link target. Sort them to a folder that you want them in (I gave each book a different folder so I could find them all easily), then you can upload them into iTunes and ((sigh)) onto your iPod! It's a bit of work but worth it, I think. :)


    Fantastic! Thanks. I'm downloading Captains Courageous.

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