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Posts posted by midwestbelle

  1. We just started about 6 weeks ago and he wants to do several pages a day. Today he completed lesson 18 in Primer. Should I let him go that fast or slow him down? He seems to understand the material. Once I explain the concept, he can do the problems correctly without my help or the blocks. When he finishes Primer, I was thinking of getting him a K curriculum from another publisher instead of moving on to Alpha. What do you think?

  2. My SIL found out last week they are being transferred to Singapore and will be leaving in about 6 weeks. She does not homeschool and is trying to figure out which school to chose for her children. She is pg with baby #5 and the oldest will be starting 2nd grade. She will also be needing a doctor to deliver the baby.


    She was given a list of possible school options by the relocation department of her husband's company, but all she has to go on are the school's websites.


    Can anyone be of assistance?



  3. I started my girls on printing. We did lowercase letters first then switched to cursive by the end of 1st grade. dd2 had horrible handwriting and the switch helped a great deal, it also cut out the reversal of b and d.


    Since that went so well, I had planned to start ds on cursive in Pre-K last year, but the fine motor skills he needed to write weren't there. I backed off until this summer and started with the Magna Doodle. Aren't those things fabulous!


    Anyway, since he had learned his letter sounds with print and was more comfortable there, I gave up the cursive. He is now printing lower case letters very well and we are starting to work on the capitals as they come up in our writing. I start with lowercase because I wanted to teach them that capital letters were reserved for words that were special.

  4. When my twin girls were in 1st, we focused on math and phonics/reading. We read lots of great books aloud and played outside in the dirt.


    For science, I bought them the First Encyclopedia of Animals and another book on animals that I got from Walmart. They devoured the books on their own and asked questions, that book from Walmart is now missing the cover - I need to get another one for my boys to use! Later we used the Human body encyclopedia and made outlines of their bodies to fill in each week. We never got around to plants, but we visited the Children's museum and the Nature Center every few weeks (bought memberships).


    For history we read SOTW vol1 - they colored the activity page while I read the story. We did a few of the activities, but not many. There are too many chapters to cover in a 36 week school year, so just pick the ones that interest you the most. I did history 2 days and science 2 days per week.

  5. you do not need the curriculum to use the state sheets. The curr guide just tells you which day to to each sheet - in order of their joining the union. All the info you need about the state is on the back of the state sheet. The info on the back was a good summary of the state's history along with some interesting trivia on each state. Also the capitol, state motto, bird, tree, etc.

  6. My girls want me to give them grades. Today I went back through their MUS test booklet and told them how you divide to get the score and then average those to get a grade. They are very motivated by this and it could be a good thing since I am having trouble with them doing their best work right now.


    Is there a software program that would make this easier or should I just keep an Excel spreadsheet?


    Do you weight tests differently than daily work? How about the unit tests and final test?


    I'm working on how to carry this over to other subjects. I really didn't want to have to do this, but dh has been hounding me about it for a while and now the girls want it, too. I need something simple that I can keep up with.



  7. we used Adventures in My Father's World this year with my 2nd grade twins and enjoyed it. Using the book basket is what fleshes out the program, so you will need to make good use of your local library. My only problem was getting the library books back on time :D


    Best wishes on your first school year at home!

  8. Dr. Reeves is my SIL's MIL - great Christian lady and retired teacher.


    from the site:


    Forces and Motion

    [Tom DeRosa & Dr. Carolyn Reeves]

    [9780890515396] Retail Price: $11.99

    Web Price: $9.59


    From friction to speed and much more, this new elementary series is both creation-science based and built on National Science standards. A must-have new series from the Creation Science Institute!



    I've linked the publishers page, but I also found it at christianbook.com

  9. I've mentioned Sonlight's Discover and Do science dvds in the past... They have up through 4th grade now, and if you buy both the "non consumable" kit and the 4th grade kit, it will include nearly everything you will ever need to reproduce the experiments on the dvd. I love that my kids can do all the experiments without coming to me and asking for some "common household item" that I don't have (like an empty spool or a particular sort of paper clip, etc, etc)... My kids love the dvds and *I* love that they have an enthusiastic young tutor to demonstrate the experiments and a box with everything they need...


    My dc love these videos, too. I have the Usborne books as well, and they can often do these experiments without my help. They have spent many Saturday mornings working on experiments out of these book. We often watch the video in the van on trips.

  10. We school 4 days a week when we're not in Classical Conversations and like to travel while most students are in school. We're using Sonlight this year, so I feel like I'm really slacking on the planning end, but it's all done for me; I think I'm gonna like this!


    Have a great school year!

  11. my girls are 8 entering 3rd grade, they read about a grade level ahead. We will be using CHOW in SL core 2 this year and I wondered if it would be something we could take turns reading aloud.


    I'll just have to try it out and see how it goes.


    Thanks again

  12. DH is the oldest of 3 and was the executor of the estate. He was strong during the hospitalization and funeral, but when everyone left and it was the 2 of us to clean out and sell the house (his parents were divorced), the grief washed over him again. I tried to give him some space, but be available if he wanted to talk or cry. He shared lots of memories with me as we went through the boxes in the house.


    Our girls were 3 and didn't fully understand. Over the next couple of years, the reality of Grammy being gone sank in for them and they spent many nights crying for her, which brought renewed grief for dh. They still remember spending weekends with her and we talk of her often. We also have a photo album of her that they like to go through. The boys didn't know her, so the girls tell them stories about Grammy.


    I would say the best thing is time and just being there for each other to share memories or tears. Grief is so different for each person, you can't really predict it from one day to another.


    You're in my prayers tonight.

  13. I took them into Walmart the other day and the clerk started bagging my stuff before I had a chance to give her my bags. So she took my things out of the 2 plastic bags she had already used, put my stuff in my canvas bag and threw those two plastic bags IN THE GARBAGE! Totally defeating the purpose of my bringing the canvas bags into the store! Now I always tell them first thing.

  14. This will be my first year directing. Last year I tutored Essentials. We live in a very rural area so we won't have a large group. Since I'm having a baby soon that is okay with me. I hope you have a great year!




    Is everything going smoothly so far? My church is having lots of questions about insurance and liability before they approve us to meet there. I'm trying not to get anxious about it, but I need to get an answer soon!


    I am attending the Parent Practicum in a couple of weeks and have a tutor at one this week. I have several families interested, but no one has given me registration yet.


    GL to you in your program!

  15. What exactly do you do when you're Classical Conversations Director? Sounds interesting, but I have never heard of it....have I?


    You probably have seen other posts about it, but skimmed over them. I have done that several times, looked over stuff because it wasn't pertinent to what I was focused on at the time and then a few weeks later think, where was that post I saw about....


    Classical Conversations is a great program, but obviously it's not for everyone. You can check out the website here

    There will be a map there to see if there is a program in your area.

  16. I am from Wichita!!!! Do you go to church somewhere there? I grew up there my whole life and my parents are still there.


    We go to a church that's only a few years old, but I've heard that it split off from Tyler Road Baptist. The people there have been really great and my kids instantly felt comfortable there. It really got us through that first winter to have such a loving church family. About February, as my dh was shoveling snow, again, he was ready to sell the house at a loss and move back down south!

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