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Posts posted by thepoteetteam

  1. Before I start off, my child who just turned 7 is my 7th child.  I have homeschooled all of my children and have been homeschooling for 16 years now.  This is not my first rodeo. :P  However, I have never had such a HARD TIME schooling any of my kids.  My son is such a busy body and just won't focus.  When I sit with him to do school, he acts "dumb".  I don't mean that in a negative way about him.  He just acts like he has no idea what the answer is to something we have gone over and over again and I KNOW HE KNOWS.  It's the most painful and dreading task schooling him.  It breaks my heart because I feel like I am constantly frustrated with him.  He can't read.  He has NO INTEREST.  He can do math fairly decent.  I tried to start all over with him and just do some simple Explode the Code books with him (he loves them), but we never get around to reading because I am just DONE and frustrated from him always pretending he has no idea what to do or what I am saying.  I have tried rewards, but he loses the possibility of an award immediately.  I am also schooling 2 other busy little boys with him, so I feel like a clown juggling balls for HOURS.  Again, I have never been so frustrated.   I have lost my joy!  Any suggestions?  Sorry to ramble.....

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  2. If you're not anxious to send your child off to a university right away, or want to do dual credit at HOME, then I highly recommend www.dualcreditathome.com !!!!!!

    My 17 year old son has 21 credit hours now from using this program and is fixing to Clep out of two more classes before we start our summer break. I was so hesitant not knowing if this will work, but I'm soooooooo glad we chose this!

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  3. Do your teens have cell phones? We have one 'family phone'. It's a old flip cell phone. My oldest is 17. We are 'thinking' about getting him a cell for Christmas. We are super duper cautious internet freaks........very conservative about all electronic usage. I worry about the possible cons of cell phones. Is there good ways to control what they can view? I'd love any suggestions .....

  4. Any particular reason for a reveal in two weeks?


    The best reveals, in my opinion, are the ones where kids open a Disney item and are told to pack their bags because they are about to leave! I did a poem that revealed a beach trip for my son one year for his birthday; he opened it and read it at his party, and we left the next morning.

    The reason is because my mother is the actual one giving the trip. While I agree it would be a blast to wait until then, she's about to pop! Plus it's SOOOO hard to research anything on Disney with teens in the house looking over our shoulders now and then.

  5. He is young..... Would have graduated at 17. So he wants another year to play basketball. Which we are fine with since he IS young and his passion is to be a police officer.

    I don't have peace about dual credit yet, so I am holding off until the spring for that. So now that he is technically going to be a junior again, I'm confused on what to give him for the next 2 years when he has very little left to take......

    This is what he's done so far



    Ancient History



    Algebra 1






    Algebra 2

    World history

    Spanish 1





    11th (this past year)



    American History

    Spanish 2





    How do I spread out the next 2 years?

    I want him to take dual credit English at the community college starting in the spring.....

    My thoughts for starting off this semester would be Pre-cal, Gov't, ????????


  6. I'll make it short and too the point.  I have several kids.....hands are full.  My 9th grader took Abeka Biology DVD this year.  I never ever checked a paper....or followed up on him for Biology.  Sure enough, he never took any tests or quizzes.  What would you do?  Make him take it again?  Make him just take the quizzes and tests and see how he does?  He still has the book he can read but DVD's have to be back in 2 weeks......  If I do make him take it over again, does he lose a year of science?  Or do I make it take it with ANOTHER science?  I feel so overwhelmed with guilt for not following up.  I need to decide what to do....  Thanks!

  7. A friend of mine is a missionary in Poland and they were here stateside last year.  She left a lot of her books with me to have or give away for her.  There are a lot of ancient history books.  I know she uses Winter Promise.  The one thing I don't have for my 10th grader, is history.  So I'm wondering if I should use all of these books she gave me. The last 2 years, we have done ABEKA video for history, but we are not doing that again last year.  He did love it, but we can't afford that at this time.  Was looking at Notgrass, but I have all of these free books already.........  So I really would love feedback on Winter Promise.  Thanks so much!

  8. No, I was referring to the accompanying text American Voices. It has documents, speeches, songs, poems, stories, etc. in it. Here's a link where you can look at its table of contents.



    The literature package isn't "required" if you choose to just use the history portion of the program (which is what we did). But if you want to do the whole program as written (history, Bible, and literature), then you would need the lit pack.



    So if you just used it as a History and Bible Program, what would you suggest buying?

  9. Honeymaking Bee, that last paragraph really hit home. I love the way you reminded me to not measure myself up to unrealistic expectations. I do that so much to myself to the point of misery. My husband is amazing to talk to. So encouraging and reminding me what we are homeschooling for. To put God's Word into the lives our our children. My firstborn self beats myself over what I DIDN'T get done rather than being thankful for what we DID get done. I don't want to stop. I want to keep pressing on with those littles in my life. ;) I DO enjoy the time I do get with them when we are schooling. It's a blessing to be their mom and teacher. :)

  10. I have 7 kids....ages 16, 15, 13, 9, 7, 5, 3. My first 4 are very self sufficient. We are chugging along great with them. My bottom 3 are such a challenge. 3 very rambunctious boys. Again, ages 7, 5, 3. My 3 year old is unlike ANY of my others. Into so much and I constantly have to keep him with me. I'm 44, exhausted and a bit burned out. I cannot seem to get to my littles schooling everyday. Here we are at the end of the year and I am only a little more than halfway done with my 5 year old and my 7 year old. The older kids are almost finished. My 7 year old is my hardest yet. My 5 year old is my easier one. I actually started him early because he was dying to start school with his best buddy (the 7 yr old). The 5 year old could easily pass up the 7 year old......I'm almost wondering if I should just hold back my 7 year old and just school the two together next year. Any experience on this? I am just overwhelmed, stressed, frustrated, and burned out. I've been homeschooling for 12 years now and I still have another 14 to go. EEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I just can't seem to get on the ball with some of my kids. Here we are in NOVEMBER (how'd THAT happen?!!!) and I still don't have science or spelling going for my 7th grader. Here's what our family looks like:

    Boy 11th grade - doing everything....he's perfectly fine

    Boy 9th grade - doing everything....fine

    Boy 7th grade - just doing Math, English, History.....some reading. He HATES reading. He can totally read perfectly fine, just doesn't enjoy it.

    Girl 3rd grade - doing everything.....fine

    Boy 1st grade - doing reading and phonics. Still haven't done any math. :(

    Boy just turned 5 a couple of weeks ago - doing Kindergarten and is doing so well! Just phonics and reading.

    Then there's a very active 3 yr old Boy.

    Yeah, just one girl.....lol


    Soooooo, as you see, I don't have it all together with my 7th grader and not being consistant with my 1st grader.


    I just can't seem to do it all. What is wrong with me?????? I'm so burned out, but I want to honor the Lord....knowing this is what He has called for our family. I need spelling, science and reading for my 7th grader who is ants in his pants, easily distracted....yet has NO PROBLEMS learning. It's just me. I can't seem to find the drive or time to figure out what's best for him. I'm so ashamed to even be telling anyone this! UGH!:confused::001_unsure:

  12. I have used this for my first 2 sons, but my 3rd son is so ant's in his pants. I feel like I need to spice it up a bit. What helped or enhanced this textbook to make it more interesting for your child? I see there are audio cd's and journals that you can buy for this, but I wanted to hear from others if they've used them before I spend any more money. I can't switch to a different curriculum because of money. Thanks for any advice!;)

  13. I went through this with my Dad for 2 years. It all came down to this: First, I couldn't bear the thought of him dying and me not have been in his life. Second, forgiveness only comes from the Lord. You are NOT accountalbe to your parents. You are accountable to God. He can be the only one who can provide the forgiveness needed. The bible tells us to forgive 77x7. In other words, there is no limit. It's a heart issue and a pride issue that only God can comfort. Whenever those moments of tension come, you know where to set your boundaries. You don't have to give your whole self to them. You are an adult and can't be drawn into something that will only be damaging to a relationship. I would call. I would apologize even if there's nothing to apologize for. I would just make a clean slate and leave the tension on their side. That's me...... I just couldn't live with the other choice....

  14. While there are SOOOO many factors to talk about according what the bible says about all of this, my first thought is this:

    The bible tells us to honor thy mother and father. I feel that it's simple. If you allow them to do something their father is has said no to, you are encouraging your children to dishonor their father. I don't mean for that to sound so cruel. It's really just that simple. There are MANY biblical reasons to NOT celebrate Halloween. I'm assuming their father has that best interest in mind and heart. He is not asking them to give up anything that would go against the Word of God. No matter how much it's hard NOT to honor their father from your point of view, it's very important to teach the kids to honor him. Just my first thought.....:grouphug::grouphug:

    Can you find a church fall festival to go to as an alternative?

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